Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2

1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2.

TitleMessages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2

Painting. Man singing over. Interior of house. Bhupen Khakhar’s VO describes himself and identifies a painting as Second Class Railway Carriage (1982). Details. Khakhar working on a painting. Commentary gives basic details about his life and work. Khakhar going to his accountancy job. His colleague, Mr Patel. Assistant Accountant Mr I M Shah (1973). Khakhar working. The painting. Commentary says his work both celebrates and satirises the values and taste of the Indian middle classes. Khakhar’s family home in Bombay, representing the world to which he belongs and which he both loves and hates. Advertising hoardings. Photographs of Khakhar and his wife. Khakhar’s collection of mass-produced images. Printing works. Khakhar seated in front of red hanging, surrounded by flashing multi-coloured lights, dressed as a flute player. Caption: "Why are all my reactions to art polluted by history, culture and friends?" Reproduction of Georges Seurat’s Un dimanche après-midi a l’Ile de la Grande Jatte / Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1886) intercut with views of Indians outdoors – funfair, tightrope performer, etc.

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Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6.

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