Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5

1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5.

TitleMessages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5

Caption: "A bouquet of roses is an eternal joy to the eye." Khakhar talking about how he gets to know his friends. Man with Bouquet of Plastic Flowers (1975). Khakhar’s VO describes Vallabhbhai Bashir, seen in his home. My Dear Friend (1983) showing Bashir with Khakhar. Khakhar in front of red hanging. Caption: "Diffidence and modesty in the works of urban ‘Primitive’ painters is an endearing quality suggesting a struggle otherwise absent in the works of Expressionists who work boasts of superiority." Andrea Mantegna’s painting Meeting of the Marchese Ludovico of Mantua and his Son, Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga / Incontro di Ludovico Gonzaga con il figlio (1474). Khakhar at prayer meeting with Bashir. Painting Celebration of Guru Jayanti (1980). Details from the Guru Jayanti. Khakhar’s VO says he was thinking of the Mantegna painting when he began Guru Jayanti as well as wanting to contrast big subjects with small details of everyday life.

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Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6.

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