Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6

1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6.

TitleMessages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6

Khakhar’s house and surroundings. He says he has no time for painters who need isolation; painting is part of life. Showing a painting to a friend. Painted mirrors along his walls. He talks about being part of a satire. Khakhar in front of the red hanging. Caption: "An artist should not preach, talk philosophy, try to reform the society, because he constantly revels in illogicality, sensuality and vulgarity." Man feeding crocodiles. Khakhar’s VO says that artists who become too respectable lose something of their artistry; he suggests that an artist needs a sexual element to which he tries to express through painting. Man Eating Jalebee (1977). Dusk. Khakhar’s VO talking about middle-class sexual repression and about wanting to make an erotic statement. Window Cleaner (1982). Khakhar visiting open-air cinema; film shows woman singing and dancing. His VO says this is a good example of middle-class taste as it is sensual but involves no sex. Weather Man (1979). British television weather forecast. Khakhar’s VO describes the painting. Khakhar’s VO talking about criticisms of his work, that he doesn’t know how to draw, but he thinks that colour is more important. Man in Pub (1979). Khakhar’s VO saying that the artist’s personal weaknesses should be reflected in a painting. Khakhar in the hotel room. You Can’t Please All (1981). Khakhar’s VO describes the painting by telling a story about two men taking their donkey to market. Khakhar in the hotel room. His VO suggests that, in life and in art, one should do what one likes. The difficulty lies in finding out what that is. Credits.

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Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5.

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