Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3

1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3.

TitleMessages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.3

Paintings by Khakhar, including self-portrait. Khakhar from his introduction (in Gujerati) to the catalogue of his paintings. Translation heard over shots of Khakhar (as being described) lying on hotel room bed thinking about how he’d paint the room, what elements he would include, what colours he’d select, what techniques he’d use. Images from Indian and Western paintings illustrate comparisons he’s making. Khakhar in front of red hanging, this time with a flower. Caption: "Good taste can be very killing." House interior. Khakhar says that good taste, in Indian culture, is related to traditional-style miniature paintings. His early work contrasted elements from miniatures with more modern subjects (unidentified painting); then he started working on more contemporary subjects. Details from Factory Strike (1972). Khakhar says that this change resulted in no sales of his work for several years. Caption: "Good taste can be very killing." Janata Watch Repairing (1972), one of a series of "trade" paintings. Watch repairers at work. Khakhar’s VO describes the colours he used, and says that the images concentrated on the people themselves and on the objects with which they worked. Khakhar in front of red hanging. Caption: "Human beings in their local environment, climate, provincial society: This should be the ultimate goal of the artist." River and ferry.

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Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.2.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.4.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.5.

Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6
1983. Messages from Bhupen Khakhar - ACE134.6.

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