The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2

1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2.

TitleThe Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2

Caption: "Part One."
The Representation of Chaos (Die Vorstellung des Chaos).
Film of astronomical and geological phenomena – volcanic fire, etc.
Caption: "Chaos." Volcanic eruptions, lava, etc. Orchestra and chorus.
Astronomical and terrestrial natural phenomena, African wildlife, etc.
Caption: "Day I."
"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth" ("Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde"). Weather fronts.
"Now vanish before the holy beams" ("Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle"). Sunrises, dawn skies. Paintings by William Blake and others depicting the defeat of Satan, souls in Hell, etc. Performance; details of chapel architecture.

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The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10.

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