The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5

1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5.

TitleThe Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5

Caption: "Part two."
Caption: "Day V."
"And God said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly" ("Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der Fülle hervor"). Birds, musicians.
"On mighty pens, uplifted soars" ("Auf starkem Fittige schwinget sich der Adler stolz"). Birds, musicians.
"And God created great whales" ("Und Gott schuf grosse Walfische"). Fish and sea birds.

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The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10.

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