The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7

1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7.

TitleThe Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7

Caption: "Day VI."
"And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind" ("Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde hervor lebende Geschopfe" ).
"Straight opening her fertile womb" ("Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoss"). African wildlife, insects, etc.
"Now heav’n in fullest glory shone" ("Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel"). Various landscapes, creation paintings by Michelangelo and Blake.
"And God created man in his own image" ("Und Gott schuf den Menschen").

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The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10.

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