The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3

1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3.

TitleThe Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3

Caption: "Day II."
"And God made the firmament" ("Und Gott machte das Firmament"). Paintings by Blake, natural phenomena.
"The marv’lous work beholds amaz’d" ("Mit Staunen sieht das Wunderwerk"). Stained glass windows, singers, musicians, stained glass.
Caption: "Day III."
"And God said: Let the waters under the heaven" ("Und Gott sprach: Es sammle sich das Wasser"). Heavy seas.
"Rolling in foaming billows" ("Rollend in schaumenden Wellen"). Water-related scenes.
"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass" ("Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde Gras hervor")
"With verdure clad the fields appear" ("Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün"). Flora, etc.
"And the heav’nly host proclaimed" ("Und die himmlischen Heerscharen erkündigten").
"Awake the harp, the lyre awake" ("Stimmt an die Saiten"). Chorus, chapel ornaments and decoration.

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The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9.

The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10
1990. The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10.

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