Festivity and Inclusivity: Latino Life in the Park

Smith, A. 2022. Festivity and Inclusivity: Latino Life in the Park.

TitleFestivity and Inclusivity: Latino Life in the Park
CreatorsSmith, A.

This film has been produced for the FESTSPACE research project to illustrate how festivals can contribute to, rather than detract from, the provision of inclusive public space. It focuses on the Latino Life in the Park festival which was staged in Finsbury Park, London on the 21st August 2021. The film highlights ten distinctive features that make this festival (more) inclusive, including: the way it celebrates marginalised migrant communities, the intergenerational participation; and interactions between people from different ethnic and socio-economic groups. This is a rare example of a free, and fence free, music festival and a good example of how event organisers can minimise disruption to the everyday use of the park.

Public space
Year16 Mar 2022
Media type
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
ProjectFESTSPACE: Festivals, events and inclusive urban public spaces in Europe [Led by U West of Scotland]
FunderHERA (Humanities in European Research Area)
Web address (URL)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bsrkhq_VVs

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