Whiteness in research on men, trans/masculine and non-binary people and reproduction: Two parallel stories

Riggs, D., Pearce, R., Hines, S., Pfeffer, C. and White, F.R. 2023. Whiteness in research on men, trans/masculine and non-binary people and reproduction: Two parallel stories. in: The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 339-349

Chapter titleWhiteness in research on men, trans/masculine and non-binary people and reproduction: Two parallel stories
AuthorsRiggs, D., Pearce, R., Hines, S., Pfeffer, C. and White, F.R.

In this chapter we share two parallel stories. Both stories speak to the operations of whiteness in academic research, specifically in research on the pregnancy-related experiences of trans/masculine and non-binary people. It is arguably the case that the two stories we share are likely endemic to a great majority of research undertaken by all-white research teams. Indeed, as we elaborate further below, it is our whiteness as a project team that is arguably central to why writing this chapter is necessary. What makes the two stories we share in this chapter further useful as an example of the operations of whiteness in academic research, however, is the relationship between whiteness and the topic matter of our research. Specifically, how our primary focus on the topic matter led to us overlooking, in many ways, the question of whiteness in the planning of the research project.

research design
Book titleThe Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies
Page range339-349
Publication dates
Published26 Jul 2023
Place of publicationAbingdon, Oxon
SeriesRoutledge International Handbooks
ISBN9780367637699 (hardback)
9781003120612 (ebook)
File Access Level
Controlled (open metadata, closed files)

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