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44 results found
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A multicentre integration of a computer-led follow-up of prostate cancer is valid and safe


Salem, H., Caddeo, G., McFarlane, J., Patel, K., Cochrane, L., Soria, D., Henley, M. and Lund, J. 2018. A multicentre integration of a computer-led follow-up of prostate cancer is valid and safe. BJU international. 122 (3), pp. 418-426 BJU14157.

Illness Beliefs Predict Mortality in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers


Vedhara, K., Dawe, K., Miles, J.N.V., Wetherell, M.A., Cullum, N., Dayan, C., Drake, N., Price, P., Tarlton, J., Weinman, J., Day, A., Campbell, R., Reps, J. and Soria, D. 2016. Illness Beliefs Predict Mortality in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers. PLoS ONE. 11 (4) e0153315.

An End-to-End Deep Learning Histochemical Scoring System for Breast Cancer TMA

Journal article

Liu, J., Xu, B., Zheng, C., Gong, Y., Garibaldi, J.M., Soria, D., Green, A., Ellis, I.O., Zou, W. and Qiu, G. 2019. An End-to-End Deep Learning Histochemical Scoring System for Breast Cancer TMA. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 38 (2), pp. 617-628.

Development of a pre-operative scoring system for predicting risk of post-operative paediatric cerebellar mutism syndrome


Liu, J.-F., Dineen, R.A., Avula, S., Chambers, T., Dutta, M., Jaspan, T., MacArthur, D.C., Howarth, S., Soria, D., Quinlan, P., Harave, S., Ong, C.C., Mallucci, C.L., Kumar, R., Pizer, B. and Walker, D.A. 2018. Development of a pre-operative scoring system for predicting risk of post-operative paediatric cerebellar mutism syndrome. British Journal of Neurosurgery. 32 (1), pp. 18-27.

MYC regulation of Glutamine-Proline regulatory axis is key in Luminal B breast cancer

Journal article

Craze, M.L., Cheung, H., Jewa, N., Coimbra, N.D.M., Soria, D., El-Ansari, R., Aleskandarany, M.A., Cheng, K.W., Diez-Rodriguez, M., Nolan, C.C., Ellis, I.O., Rakha, E. and Green, A.R. 2018. MYC regulation of Glutamine-Proline regulatory axis is key in Luminal B breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer. 118 (2), pp. 258-265.

Development and Optimization of a Machine-Learning Prediction Model for Acute Desquamation After Breast Radiation Therapy in the Multicenter REQUITE Cohort.

Journal article

Aldraimli, Mahmoud, Osman, Sarah, Grishchuck, Diana, Ingram, Samuel, Lyon, Robert, Mistry, Anil, Oliveira, Jorge, Samuel, Robert, Shelley, Leila E A, Soria, Daniele, Dwek, Miriam V, Aguado-Barrera, Miguel E, Azria, David, Chang-Claude, Jenny, Dunning, Alison, Giraldo, Alexandra, Green, Sheryl, Gutiérrez-Enríquez, Sara, Herskind, Carsten, van Hulle, Hans, Lambrecht, Maarten, Lozza, Laura, Rancati, Tiziana, Reyes, Victoria, Rosenstein, Barry S, de Ruysscher, Dirk, de Santis, Maria C, Seibold, Petra, Sperk, Elena, Symonds, R Paul, Stobart, Hilary, Taboada-Valadares, Begoña, Talbot, Christopher J, Vakaet, Vincent J L, Vega, Ana, Veldeman, Liv, Veldwijk, Marlon R, Webb, Adam, Weltens, Caroline, West, Catharine M, Chaussalet, Thierry J, Rattay, Tim and REQUITE consortium 2022. Development and Optimization of a Machine-Learning Prediction Model for Acute Desquamation After Breast Radiation Therapy in the Multicenter REQUITE Cohort. Advances in radiation oncology. 7 (3) 100890.

A Data Science Approach for Early-Stage Prediction of Patient’s Susceptibility to Acute Side Effects of Advanced Radiotherapy

Journal article

Aldraimli, M., Soria, D., Grishchuck, D., Ingram, S., Lyon, R., Mistry, A., Oliveira, J., Samuel, R., Shelley, L.E.A., Osman, S., Dwek, M., Azria, D., Chang-Claude, J., Gutiérrez-Enríquez, S., De Santis, M.C., Rosenstein, B.S., De Ruysscher, D., Sperk, E., Symonds, R.P., Stobart, H., Vega, A., Veldeman, L., Webb, A, Christopher, J.T., West, C.M., Rattay, T., REQUITE consortium and Chaussalet, T.J. 2021. A Data Science Approach for Early-Stage Prediction of Patient’s Susceptibility to Acute Side Effects of Advanced Radiotherapy. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 135 104624.

Machine Learning Prediction of Susceptibility to Visceral Fat Associated Diseases

Journal article

Aldraimli, M., Soria, D., Parkinson, J., Thomas, E.L., Bell, J.D., Dwek, M. and Chaussalet, T.J. 2020. Machine Learning Prediction of Susceptibility to Visceral Fat Associated Diseases. Health and Technology. 10, pp. 925-944.

A systematic review of the applications of Expert Systems (ES) and machine learning (ML) in clinical urology.

Journal article

Salem, H., Soria, D., Lund, J. and Awwad, A. 2021. A systematic review of the applications of Expert Systems (ES) and machine learning (ML) in clinical urology. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 21 (1) 223.

Predictive Modelling Approach to Data-Driven Computational Preventive Medicine

PhD thesis

Aldraimli, M. 2023. Predictive Modelling Approach to Data-Driven Computational Preventive Medicine. PhD thesis University of Westminster Computer Science and Engineering

Urban transport and social inequities in neighbourhoods near underground stations in Greater London

Journal article

Cao, M. and Hickman, R. 2019. Urban transport and social inequities in neighbourhoods near underground stations in Greater London. Transportation Planning and Technology . 42 (5), pp. 419-441.

The art of repetition in Muriel Spark's telling

Book chapter

Caink, A.D. 2014. The art of repetition in Muriel Spark's telling. in: Chapman, S. and Clark, B. (ed.) Pragmatic literary stylistics Palgrave Macmillan.

Selección de activos para construir carteras de inversión en base a su asimetría y curtosis

Book chapter

Carnero, M.A., León, Á. and Ñíguez, T.M. 2024. Selección de activos para construir carteras de inversión en base a su asimetría y curtosis. in: Predicción y Decisiones Económicas con BIG Data Madrid FUNCAS.

Taking the waste out of dye wastewater using microbial fuel cells

Conference paper

Kyazze, G. 2021. Taking the waste out of dye wastewater using microbial fuel cells. 5th EU-ISMET Conference (Online). Online 13 - 15 Sep 2021

Framework for Participatory Quantitative Health Impact Assessment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Journal article

Thondoo, M., De Vries, D.H., Rojas-Rueda, D., Ramlakam, Y.D., Verlinghieri, E., Gupta, J. and Nieuwenhuijsen, M.J. 2020. Framework for Participatory Quantitative Health Impact Assessment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (20) e7688.

Project Management and Skills Enhancement in Informal Settlements Upgrading in Durban, South Africa

Conference paper

Georgiadou, M.C. and Loggia, C. 2017. Project Management and Skills Enhancement in Informal Settlements Upgrading in Durban, South Africa. Architecture, Media, Politics and Society (AMPS) Conference: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Liveable?. Derby 21 - 23 Jun 2017 UCL Press.

Lexical pragmatics in the context of structural parallelism

Book chapter

Caink, A.D. 2019. Lexical pragmatics in the context of structural parallelism. in: Chapman, Siobhan and Clark, Billy (ed.) Pragmatics and Literature John Benjamins. pp. 115–137

Integrative assessment of genomic instability and anthropometric inflammatory and micro nutritional biomarkers in childhood obesity

Journal article

Usman, M., Britto, J., Bilkevic, I., Ford-Adams, M., Chapman, S., Glassar, B., Desai, A., Bain, M., Tewfik, I. and Volpi, E. 2019. Integrative assessment of genomic instability and anthropometric inflammatory and micro nutritional biomarkers in childhood obesity. Molecular Cytogenetics. 12 (Suppl.1), p. 30.

The Initiatory Rose: From the Fedeli d’Amore to the European Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

PhD thesis

Latino, Piero 2024. The Initiatory Rose: From the Fedeli d’Amore to the European Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. PhD thesis University of Westminster Humanities

Preparation of polysaccharide-based nanoemulsions to reduce melanoma drug resistance and inflammation markers

PhD thesis

Hatami Fard, G. 2020. Preparation of polysaccharide-based nanoemulsions to reduce melanoma drug resistance and inflammation markers. PhD thesis University of Westminster Life Sciences