School | Media, Arts and Design |
Head | Prof Christian Fuchs |
Johanssen, J. 2019. Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture: Audiences, Social Media, and Big Data. London Routledge.
Johanssen, J. 2019. Mediennutzung und Psychoanalyse: Theoretische und Empirische Perspektiven . in: Gentzel, P., Krotz, F., Wimmer, J. and Winter, R. (ed.) Das vergessene Subjekt: Subjektkonstitutionen in mediatisierten Alltagswelten Wiesbaden, Germany Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 115-134
Johanssen, J. 2019. Other Bodies within Us: Shock, Affect and Reality Television Audiences. in: Graefer, A. (ed.) Media and the Politics of Offence Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.
Tsagarousianou, R. and Retis, J. 2019. Diasporas, Media and Culture: Exploring Dimensions of Human Mobility and Connectivity in the Era of Global Interdependency. in: Retis, J. and Tsagarousianou, R. (ed.) The Handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture Wiley-Blackwell.
Johanssen, J. and Garrisi, D. 2019. “I Am Burning, I Am Burning”: Affect, acid attacks and British tabloid newspapers. Journalism Studies. 20 (4), pp. 463-479.
Tsagarousianou, R. 2019. Beyond the concept of diaspora? Re-evaluating our theoretical toolkit through the study of Muslim transnationalism. in: Retis, J. and Tsagarousianou, R. (ed.) The Handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 77-96
Retis, J. and Tsagarousianou, R. (ed.) 2019. The handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture. Wiley-Blackwell.
Herzogenrath-Amelung, H. 2018. Speaking the Unspeakable: Heidegger and Social Media's 'Mouseclick Solidarity'. in: Battin, J.M. and Duarte, G.A. (ed.) We Need to Talk about Heidegger: Essays Situating Martin Heidegger in Contemporary Media Studies Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien Peter Lang. pp. 151-167
Michalis, M. 2018. Distribution Dilemmas for Public Service Media: Evidence from the BBC. in: Ferrell Lowe, G., Van den Bulck, H. and Donders, K. (ed.) Public Service Media in the Networked Society: RIPE@2017 Göteborg Nordicom. pp. 195-210
Sabry, T. 2018. Emigration 2.0: Young Moroccans, Emigration and the Internet. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. 24 (1), pp. 104-119.
Curran, J. and Seaton, J. 2018. Power Without Responsibility: Press, Broadcasting and the Internet in Britain, 8th Edition. Routledge.
Gross, S. and Musgrave, G. 2018. Can Music Make You Sick? Music and Depression . Doing metal, being punk, doing punk, being metal: hybridity, crossover and difference in punk and metal subcultures.
Gross, S. and Musgrave, G. 2018. Can Music Make You Sick? Mental health and working conditions in the UK music industry. CAMEo Annual Conference . University of Leicester 12 - 14 Sep 2018
Fuchs, Christian 2018. Racism, Nationalism and Right-Wing Extremism Online: The Austrian Presidential Election 2016 on Facebook. in: Morelock, Jeremiah (ed.) Critical Theory and Authoritarian Populism London University of Westminster Press. pp. 157-206
Klaehn, Jeffery, Broudy, Daniel, Fuchs, Christian, Godler, Yigal, Zollmann, Florian, Chomsky, Noam, Pedro-Carañana, Joan, Mills, Tom and Boyd-Barrett, Oliver 2018. Media Theory, Public Relevance and the Propaganda Model. Media Theory. 2 (2), pp. 164-191.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. The Rise of Authoritarian Capitalism. Global Dialogue. 8 (3), pp. 11-12.
Johanssen, J. 2018. The neoliberal subject, reality TV and free association: A Freudian audience study of Embarrassing Bodies. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies. 15 (2), pp. 37-57.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. Digitale Demokratie und Öffentlich-Rechtliche Medien [Digital Democracy and Public Service Media]. In ORF Public Value Studie 2017/2018: Der Auftrag: Demokratie [ORF Public Value Study 2017/2018: The Mission: Democracy]. Vienna ORF.
Sakr, N., Steemers, J. and Singer, C. 2018. Facilitating Arab-European Dialogue: Consolidated Report on an AHRC Project for Impact and Engagement. London Kings College London.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. Socialising Anti-Social Social Media. in: Mair, J., Clark, T., Fowler, N., Snoddy, R. and Tait, R. (ed.) Anti-Social Media: The Impact on Journalism and Society Suffolk Abramis Academic Publishing. pp. 58-63
Wilson, P. and Linfoot, M. 2018. Gaywaves: Transcending Boundaries - the Rise and Demise of Britain's First Gay Radio Program. in: Follmer, G. and Badenoch, A. (ed.) Transnationalzing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium transcript Verlag. pp. 73-80
Linfoot, M. 2018. Sounding Out: A Rapid Analysis of Young People and Radio in the UK. London MusicTank Publishing.
Specht, D. 2018. Did You Find the World or Did You Make it Up? Media, Communications and Geography in the Digital Age. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. 13 (2), pp. 1-13.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. Industrie 4.0 – Die digitale deutsche Ideologie. Z. (115), pp. 181-192.
Steemers, J., Sakr, N. and Singer, C. 2018. Project Report to Stakeholders: Invisible Children - Children's Media, Diversity and Forced Migration. London Kings College London.
Steemers, J., Sakr, N. and Singer, C. 2018. Children's Screen Content in an Era of Forced Migration: Munich Workshop Briefing . London Kings College London.
Gross, S., Musgrave, G. and Janciute, L. 2018. Well Being and Mental Health in the Gig Economy: Policy Perspectives on Precairty. London University of Westminster Press.
Diana, G., Janciute, L. and Johanssen, J. 2018. CAMRI Policy Brief: Appearance, Discrimination and the Media - Portraying Facial Disfigurement Fairly in the News. London University of Westminster Press.
Johanssen, J. 2018. Towards a Psychoanalytic Concept of Affective-Digital Labour. Media and Communication. 6 (3), pp. 22-29.
Specht, D. 2018. Geographic Protest: The Role of Counter-Mapping in Supporting Campaigns Against Large-Scale Extractive Projects in Colombia: The Case of La Colosa. Livingmaps Review. 5.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. The Online Advertising Tax: A Digital Policy Innovation. London University of Westminster Press.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. The Online Advertising Tax as the Foundation of a Public Service Internet. London University of Westminster Press.
Specht, D. 2018. From the cartographic gaze to contestatory cartographies. in: Bargués-Pedreny, P., Chandler, D. and Simon, E. (ed.) Mapping and Politics in the Digital Age Routledge.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. Digitale Demagogie: Autoritärer Kapitalismus in Zeiten von Trump und Twitter. Hamburg VSA.
Sakr, N. and Steemers, J. 2018. Children's Screen Content in an Era of Forced Migration: Copenhagen Workshop Briefing. London Kings College London.
D'Arma, A. 2018. How Do Public Service Broadcasters Make a Case for Themselves? An Analysis of BBC’s ‘Charter Manifestos’. Journal of Information Policy. 8, pp. 199-226.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. Towards A Critical Theory of Communication with Georg Lukács and Lucien Goldmann. Javnost / The Public. 25 (3), pp. 265-281.
Goodwin, P. 2018. Where's the Working Class? tripleC. 16 (2), pp. 535-545 12.
Fuchs, Christian 2018. Social Media and the Capitalist Crisis. in: Basu, L., Schifferes, S. and Knowles, S. (ed.) The Media and Austerity: Comparative Perspectives Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 211-225
Linfoot, M. 2018. Queer in Your Ear: Connecting space, community and identity in LGBT BBC radio programmes, 1992 – 2000. Journal of Radio & Audio Media. 25 (2), pp. 195-208.