Emerging Territories

SchoolArchitecture and Cities
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Anthropocene Desire Lines: A Coal Story

Journal article

Bremner, L. and Cook, J. 2024. Anthropocene Desire Lines: A Coal Story. Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman. 5 (1), p. 3. https://doi.org/10.16997/ahip.1630

Bodies in the void: Addressing socioecological challenges through temporary practices in Terrain Vague sites

Conference paper

Kamvasinou, K. and Iannizzotto, L. 2024. Bodies in the void: Addressing socioecological challenges through temporary practices in Terrain Vague sites. EURAU - European Research on Architecture and Urbanism International Conference. Milan, Italy 19 - 22 Jun 2024 PUBLICA.

Book review: Revolution? Architecture and the Anthropocene by Susannah Hagan

Book review

Kamvasinou, K. 2024. Book review: Revolution? Architecture and the Anthropocene by Susannah Hagan. Urban Design Quarterly. Issue 170 (Spring 2024), p. 54.

Borders and the Design of the Civic

Journal article

Neuman, M. 2021. Borders and the Design of the Civic . World. 2 (2), pp. 302-307. https://doi.org/10.3390/world2020019

Climate Adaptation and Cultural Resilience. The Case of the Oasis of Figuig, Morocco.


Verdini, G., El Ganadi, Y., Nolf, C., Vannoorbeeck, F., Anouar, S. and Siddiki, A. (ed.) 2023. Climate Adaptation and Cultural Resilience. The Case of the Oasis of Figuig, Morocco. Milan ILAUD PRESS.

Climate Urbanism in the Post-pandemic World: Mapping Vulnerabilities and Exploring Community Activism in East London

Book chapter

Verdini, G. and Dean, C. 2022. Climate Urbanism in the Post-pandemic World: Mapping Vulnerabilities and Exploring Community Activism in East London. in: Giorgi, E., Cattaneo, T., Flores Herrera, A. M. and Aceves Tarango, V. (ed.) Design for Vulnerable Communities Cham. Springer. pp. 245-262

Computing Climates: Global Networks and Scientific Assemblages

Conference paper

Sinclair, G. 2023. Computing Climates: Global Networks and Scientific Assemblages. Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference. Sussex University 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2023

Contested Good City Stories from the North Chennai Littoral

Journal article

Bremner, L., Jayaraman, N. and Coelho, K. 2025. Contested Good City Stories from the North Chennai Littoral . International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Counter-mapping, Counter-histories and Insurgencies of Subjugated Knowledges in the Fisher Struggle for Ennore Creek

Journal article

Nityanand Jayaraman, Lindsay Bremner, Karen Coelho, Pooja Kumar and Saravanan Kasinathan 2025. Counter-mapping, Counter-histories and Insurgencies of Subjugated Knowledges in the Fisher Struggle for Ennore Creek. Antipode. 57 (1), pp. 259-281. https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.13103

Crisis and temporary public spaces: reflections from London, UK

Book chapter

Kamvasinou, K. 2024. Crisis and temporary public spaces: reflections from London, UK. in: Roberts, M. and Nelson, S. (ed.) Research Handbook on Urban Design Cheltenham, Glos., Northampton, Mass. Edgar Elgar Publishing. pp. 367-389

Culture-Led Rural Revitalisation in Chinese Intermediary Cities: Challenges and Opportunities during the Pandemic

Book chapter

Verdini, G. and Xin, X. 2024. Culture-Led Rural Revitalisation in Chinese Intermediary Cities: Challenges and Opportunities during the Pandemic. in: Pernice, R. and Chen, B. (ed.) Australia and China Perspectives on Urban Regeneration and Rural Revitalization London Routledge.

Design Studio 18 Bangladesh Broadsheet, 2018


Bremner, L. 2018. Design Studio 18 Bangladesh Broadsheet, 2018. Monsoon Assemblages. https://doi.org/10.34737/v9x09

Design Studio 18 Broadsheet 2017


Bremner, L. 2017. Design Studio 18 Broadsheet 2017. Monsoon Assemblages. https://doi.org/10.34737/v9x07

Design Studio 18 Myanmar Broadsheet, 2019


Bremner, L. 2019. Design Studio 18 Myanmar Broadsheet, 2019. Monsoon Assemblages. https://doi.org/10.34737/v9x0q

Editorial - "Weathering, Weathermaking"

Edited issue

Bremner, L. 2021. Editorial - "Weathering, Weathermaking". e-flux architecture.

Jade Urbanism

Book chapter

Bremner, L. and Cullen, B. 2022. Jade Urbanism. in: Axel, N., Hirsch, N., Barber, D. and Vidokle, A. (ed.) Accumulation: The Art, Architecture and Media of Climate Change Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press.

Jade Urbanism

Edited issue

Bremner, L. and Cullen, B. 2021. Jade Urbanism. e-flux architecture.

Management Planning for Cultural Heritage. Places and Their Significance


Taylor, K. and Verdini, G. 2022. Management Planning for Cultural Heritage. Places and Their Significance. London Routledge.

Monsoon as Method

Journal article

Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Cane, J. and Geros, C. 2023. Monsoon as Method. Cultural Geographies. 31 (2), pp. 249 - 270. https://doi.org/10.1177/14744740231197814

Monsoon as Method: Assembling Monsoonal Multiplicities


Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Geros, C., Cook, J., Powis, A. and Seetharama Bhat, H. Bremner, L. (ed.) 2022. Monsoon as Method: Assembling Monsoonal Multiplicities. Barcelona Actar.

Monsoon Assemblages


Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Cook, J., Geros, C., Seetharama Bhat, H., Powis, A., Visnjic, F. and Saleh, Z. 2016. Monsoon Assemblages. Monsoon Assemblages. https://doi.org/10.34737/v9x0x

Monsoon Assemblings

Book chapter

Bremner, L. 2022. Monsoon Assemblings. in: Cincik, B. and Torres-Campos, T. (ed.) Postcards from the Anthropocene: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation Barcelona DPR Barcelona. pp. 198-211

Monsoonal Multiplicities


Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Cook, J., Geros, C., Seetharama Bhat, H., Powis, A., Cane, J. and Hayes, A. 2021. Monsoonal Multiplicities. Monsoon Assemblages. https://doi.org/10.34737/v9x0w

Monsoonal Solidarity: A Global Approach to Climate Justice

Edited issue

Bremner, L. 2022. Monsoonal Solidarity: A Global Approach to Climate Justice. Architectural Design. 92 (1), pp. 104-111. https://doi.org/10.1002/ad.2779

Reimagining the Good City from Ennore Creek


Bremner, L. 2024. Reimagining the Good City from Ennore Creek. University of Westminster. https://doi.org/10.34737/wq13v

Rethinking the waste of planetary urbanization for urban challenges: Potential, Strategies and Governance in Terrain Vague projects

Conference paper

Kamvasinou, K. and Iannizzotto, L. 2024. Rethinking the waste of planetary urbanization for urban challenges: Potential, Strategies and Governance in Terrain Vague projects. Cremaschi, M. (ed.) AESOP Annual Congress Paris 2024. Paris 08 - 12 Jul 2024 AESOP.

Sustainable Infrastructure for Cities and Societies


Neuman, M. 2022. Sustainable Infrastructure for Cities and Societies. New York Routledge.

The Gauteng Rapid Land Development Programme.

Conference paper

Bremner, L. 1997. The Gauteng Rapid Land Development Programme. DFID Workshop. Cape Town

The People’s Plan for Eco-restoration of Ennore Wetlands

Project report

Nityanand Jayaraman, Lindsay Bremner, Karen Coelho, Pooja Kumar, Kasinathan, S., Asif Qureshi, Raju ,K., Bhavani Raman, Aditya Ramesh and Gajendran, V. 2024. The People’s Plan for Eco-restoration of Ennore Wetlands. Chennai Coastal Resource Centre, Chennai.

The Routledge Handbook for Regional Design


Neuman, M. and Zonneveld, W. (ed.) 2021. The Routledge Handbook for Regional Design. New York Routledge.

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Cullen, Beth


Guibert, Eric

Senior Lecturer

Mathewson, David

Senior Lecturer

Navarro, Luz


Pollock, Ben


Verlinghieri, Ersilia

Senior Research Fellow