Dr Efthimia Bilissi


A case study in identifying acceptable bitrates for human face recognition tasks
Tsifouti, A., Triantaphillidou, S., Larabi, M.C., Bilissi, E. and Psarrou, A. 2015. A case study in identifying acceptable bitrates for human face recognition tasks. Signal Processing: Image Communication . 36, p. 14–28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2015.05.002


Comparative performance between human and automated face recognition systems, using CCTV imagery, different compression levels and scene parameters
Tsifouti, A., Triantaphillidou, S., Larabi M-C, Bilissi, E. and Psarrou, A. 2015. Comparative performance between human and automated face recognition systems, using CCTV imagery, different compression levels and scene parameters . SPIE Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XII. San Fransisco, USA Jan 2015 SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2083325


The effects of scene content parameters, compression, and frame rate on the performance of analytics systems
Tsifouti, A., Triantaphillidou, S., Larabi, M.C., Doré, G, Bilissi, E. and Psarrou, A. 2015. The effects of scene content parameters, compression, and frame rate on the performance of analytics systems. SPIE Elecgtronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XII. San Fransisco, USA Jan 2015 SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2083426


Acceptable bit-rates for human face identification from CCTV imagery
Tsifouti, A., Triantaphillidou, S., Bilissi, E. and Larabi, M.C. 2013. Acceptable bit-rates for human face identification from CCTV imagery. in: Burns, P.D. and Triantaphillidou, S. (ed.) Image Quality and System Performance X SPIE.


Perceptibility and acceptability of gamma differences of displayed sRGB images
Bilissi, E., Jacobson, R.E. and Attridge, G.G. 2003. Perceptibility and acceptability of gamma differences of displayed sRGB images. in: PICS 2003: the PICS Conference, an International Technical Conference on the Science and Systems of Digital Photography, including the Fifth International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science Rochester, USA Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


The effect of reduced color depth on the color reproduction of web images
Bilissi, E., Jacobson, R.E. and Attridge, G.G. 2002. The effect of reduced color depth on the color reproduction of web images. in: PICS 2002: IS&T's PICS Conference, an International Technical Conference on Digital Image Capture and Associated System, Reproduction and Image Quality Technologies Portland, USA Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


Langford's advanced photography 8th Edition
Bilissi, E. and Langford, M. 2011. Langford's advanced photography 8th Edition. Oxford Focal Press.


Langford’s advanced photography. 7th edition
Langford, M. and Bilissi, E. 2007. Langford’s advanced photography. 7th edition. Elsevier.


Just noticeable gamma differences and acceptability of sRGB images displayed on a CRT monitor
Bilissi, E., Jacobson, R.E. and Attridge, G.G. 2008. Just noticeable gamma differences and acceptability of sRGB images displayed on a CRT monitor. Imaging Science Journal. 56 (4), pp. 189-200. https://doi.org/10.1179/174313108X281362


Influence of luminance and resolution on the perceived quality of black-and-white images on soft displays
Bilissi, E., Jacobson, R.E. and Attridge, G.G. 2002. Influence of luminance and resolution on the perceived quality of black-and-white images on soft displays. Imaging Science Journal. 50 (4), pp. 277-289.


Aspect of image quality and the Internet
Bilissi, E. 2004. Aspect of image quality and the Internet. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design https://doi.org/10.34737/93119

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