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Scales of governance, polycentricity and the case of active travel infrastructure in West London Greenwood, D., Gerhards, J., Aldred, R. and Fadel, M. 2024. Scales of governance, polycentricity and the case of active travel infrastructure in West London. Public Policy and Administration.
Assessing retrofit policies for fuel-poor homes in London Georgiadou, M., Greenwood, D., Schiano-Phan, R. and Russo, F. 2024. Assessing retrofit policies for fuel-poor homes in London. Buildings and Cities. 5 (1), pp. 133-149.
Cybersocialism and the future of the socialist calculation debate Dapprich, J.P. and Greenwood, D. 2024. Cybersocialism and the future of the socialist calculation debate. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics. 17 (1).
One Planet Living and the legitimacy of sustainability governance: From standardised information to regenerative systems Gerhards, Jan and Greenwood, Dan 2021. One Planet Living and the legitimacy of sustainability governance: From standardised information to regenerative systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 313 127895.
Steering, knowledge and the challenge of governance evaluation: the case of National Health Service governance and reform in England Greenwood, D. and Mills, T. 2020. Steering, knowledge and the challenge of governance evaluation: the case of National Health Service governance and reform in England. Administration and Society. 52 (7), pp. 1069-1100.
Streamlining or watering down? Assessing the 'smartness' of policy and standards for the promotion of low and zero carbon homes in England 2010-15 Greenwood, D., Congreve, A. and King, M. 2017. Streamlining or watering down? Assessing the 'smartness' of policy and standards for the promotion of low and zero carbon homes in England 2010-15. Energy Policy. 110, pp. 490-499.
Governance, Coordination and Evaluation: the case for an epistemological focus and a return to C.E. Lindblom Greenwood, D. 2016. Governance, Coordination and Evaluation: the case for an epistemological focus and a return to C.E. Lindblom. Political Research Quarterly. 69 (1), pp. 30-42.
In search of green political economy: steering markets, innovation and the case of the zero carbon homes agenda in England Greenwood, D. 2015. In search of green political economy: steering markets, innovation and the case of the zero carbon homes agenda in England. Environmental Politics. 24 (3), pp. 423-441.
The challenge of policy coordination for sustainable sociotechnical transitions: the case of the zero-carbon homes agenda in England Greenwood, D. 2012. The challenge of policy coordination for sustainable sociotechnical transitions: the case of the zero-carbon homes agenda in England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 30 (1), pp. 162-179.
The problem of coordination in politics: what critics of neoliberalism might draw from its advocates Greenwood, D. 2011. The problem of coordination in politics: what critics of neoliberalism might draw from its advocates. Polity. 43 (1), pp. 36-57.
Facing complexity: democracy, expertise and the discovery process Greenwood, D. 2010. Facing complexity: democracy, expertise and the discovery process. Political Studies. 58 (4), pp. 769-788.
Markets, large projects and sustainable development: traditional and new planning in the Thames Gateway Greenwood, D. and Newman, P. 2010. Markets, large projects and sustainable development: traditional and new planning in the Thames Gateway. Urban Studies. 47 (1), pp. 105-119.
Non-market coordination: towards an ecological response to Austrian economics Greenwood, D. 2008. Non-market coordination: towards an ecological response to Austrian economics. Environmental Values. 17 (4), pp. 521-541.
From market to non-market: an autonomous agent approach to central planning Greenwood, D. 2007. From market to non-market: an autonomous agent approach to central planning. Knowledge Engineering Review. 22 (4), pp. 349-360.
Planning and know-how: the relationship between knowledge and calculation in Hayek's case for markets Greenwood, D. 2007. Planning and know-how: the relationship between knowledge and calculation in Hayek's case for markets. Review of Political Economy. 19 (3), pp. 419-434.
The halfway house: democracy, complexity, and the limits to markets in green political economy Greenwood, D. 2007. The halfway house: democracy, complexity, and the limits to markets in green political economy. Environmental Politics. 16 (1), pp. 73-91.
Commensurability and beyond: from Mises and Neurath to the future of the socialist calculation debate Greenwood, D. 2006. Commensurability and beyond: from Mises and Neurath to the future of the socialist calculation debate. Economy and Society. 35 (1), pp. 65-90. Book chapter
Evaluating coordination and learning within governance: open epistemological issues Greenwood, D. 2018. Evaluating coordination and learning within governance: open epistemological issues. in: Dotti, N.F. (ed.) Knowledge, Policymaking and Learning for European Cities and Regions: From Research to Practice Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 219-230
From market to non-market: an autonomous agent approach to central planning Greenwood, D. 2009. From market to non-market: an autonomous agent approach to central planning. in: Bullock, S., Noble, J., Watson, R. and Bedau, M.A. (ed.) Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems Cambridge, MA MIT Press. Project report
Old Oak and Park Royal – towards active travel? 2nd edition - Full report Greenwood, D., Gerhards, J., Aldred, R. and Fadel, M. 2024. Old Oak and Park Royal – towards active travel? 2nd edition - Full report. London
Old Oak and Park Royal – towards active travel? Full report Gerhards, J., Greenwood, D. and Aldred, R. 2022. Old Oak and Park Royal – towards active travel? Full report. London University of Westminster.
The future of policy and standards for low and zero carbon homes Greenwood, D., Congreve, D and King, M. 2016. The future of policy and standards for low and zero carbon homes. London RICS.
Really Zero? Stakeholder Perspectives on Policy in England for the 2016 Zero Carbon Homes Target Greenwood, D. 2010. Really Zero? Stakeholder Perspectives on Policy in England for the 2016 Zero Carbon Homes Target. 2010 University of Westminster.