Dr Heather Pagan

Dr Heather Pagan

Multilingual glossing and translanguaging in John of Garland’s Dictionarius: The case of Bruges, Public Library, MS 536
Wallis, C., Seiler, A. and Pagan, H. 2024. Multilingual glossing and translanguaging in John of Garland’s Dictionarius: The case of Bruges, Public Library, MS 536. Lexis: Journal of English Lexicology. 3. https://doi.org/10.4000/12izg

Linguistic Layers in John of Garland's Dictionarius
Pagan, H., Seiler, A. and Wallis, C. 2023. Linguistic Layers in John of Garland's Dictionarius. Études Médiévales Anglaises: A French Journal of English Medieval Studies. 102, pp. 63-108.

Contact-Induced Lexical Effects in Medieval English
Dance, R., Durkin, P., Hough, C. and Pagan, H. 2023. Contact-Induced Lexical Effects in Medieval English. in: Sylvester, L.M. and Pons-Sanz, S.M. (ed.) Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 95-121

Anglo-Norman Glossaries
Pagan, H. 2023. Anglo-Norman Glossaries. in: Seiler, A., Benati, C. and Pons-Sanz, S.M. (ed.) Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: Tradition and Innovation Turnhout, Belgium Brepols. pp. 333-341

Multilingual Annotations in Ælfric’s Glossary in London, British Library, Cotton Faustina A. x: A commented edition
Pagan, H. and Seiler, A 2019. Multilingual Annotations in Ælfric’s Glossary in London, British Library, Cotton Faustina A. x: A commented edition. Early Middle English. 1 (2), pp. 13-64.


Multilingual glossing and translanguaging in John of Garland’s Dictionarius: The case of Bruges, Public Library, MS 536
Wallis, C., Seiler, A. and Pagan, H. 2024. Multilingual glossing and translanguaging in John of Garland’s Dictionarius: The case of Bruges, Public Library, MS 536. Lexis: Journal of English Lexicology. 3. https://doi.org/10.4000/12izg


Linguistic Layers in John of Garland's Dictionarius
Pagan, H., Seiler, A. and Wallis, C. 2023. Linguistic Layers in John of Garland's Dictionarius. Études Médiévales Anglaises: A French Journal of English Medieval Studies. 102, pp. 63-108.


Multilingual Annotations in Ælfric’s Glossary in London, British Library, Cotton Faustina A. x: A commented edition
Pagan, H. and Seiler, A 2019. Multilingual Annotations in Ælfric’s Glossary in London, British Library, Cotton Faustina A. x: A commented edition. Early Middle English. 1 (2), pp. 13-64.


Contact-Induced Lexical Effects in Medieval English
Dance, R., Durkin, P., Hough, C. and Pagan, H. 2023. Contact-Induced Lexical Effects in Medieval English. in: Sylvester, L.M. and Pons-Sanz, S.M. (ed.) Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 95-121


Anglo-Norman Glossaries
Pagan, H. 2023. Anglo-Norman Glossaries. in: Seiler, A., Benati, C. and Pons-Sanz, S.M. (ed.) Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: Tradition and Innovation Turnhout, Belgium Brepols. pp. 333-341


The Anglo-Norman Prose Chronicle of Early British Kings or the Abbreviated Prose Brut: Text and Translation
Pagan, H. and De Wilde, Geert 2016. The Anglo-Norman Prose Chronicle of Early British Kings or the Abbreviated Prose Brut: Text and Translation. in: Afanasyev, I., Dresvina, J. and Kooper, E. (ed.) The Medieval Chronicle X Brill. pp. 225-319


Trevet’s Les Cronicles: Manuscripts, Owners and Readers
Pagan, H. 2016. Trevet’s Les Cronicles: Manuscripts, Owners and Readers. in: Rajsic, J., Kooper, E. and Hoche, D. (ed.) The Prose Brut and Other Late Medieval Chronicles: Books have their Histories. Essays in Honour of Lister M. Matheson York York Medieval Press. pp. 149-164


L’édition de texte et l’Anglo-Norman Dictionary
Pagan, H. and De Wilde, G. 2016. L’édition de texte et l’Anglo-Norman Dictionary. in: Dorr, S. and Greub, Y. (ed.) Quelle philologie pour quelle lexicographie?: Actes de la section 17 du XXVIIème Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes Heidelberg Universitatsverlag Winter. pp. 107-116


When is a Brut no longer a Brut?
Pagan, H. 2015. When is a Brut no longer a Brut? in: Tétrel, H. and Veysseyre, G. (ed.) L’Historia regum Britannie et les ‘Bruts’ en Europe Classiques Garnier.


The Anglo-Norman Prose Brut and the Political Climate under Edward I
Pagan, H. 2011. The Anglo-Norman Prose Brut and the Political Climate under Edward I . in: Bouget, H. (ed.) Itinéraires Et Confins Éditions du CRBC. pp. 91-105


Review: Les Proverbes del vilain (MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86)
Pagan, H. 2024. Review: Les Proverbes del vilain (MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86) . French Studies. 78 (2), p. 322. https://doi.org/10.1093/fs/knad253

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