Conductance and kinetic properties of single nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in rat sympathetic neurones

Activation of glutamate receptors and glutamate uptake in identified macroglial cells in rat cerebellar cultures.

Intracellular Ca2+ buffers disrupt muscarinic suppression of Ca2+ current and M current in rat sympathetic neurons

The Take‐Up of Means‐Tested Benefits by Working Families with Children

GATA repeats in the genome of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea, Isopoda).

Tibetan Arts in Exile

Silent in the Crowd

Rage & Desire

Is This the Future?

Fireflies n Stars

Another Space for Shakespeare

Aiya’s Apples Aisha’s Eyes

We Jive Like This

Blue Notes and Exiled Voices

Joseph Cornell. Worlds in a Box

The Fires Within. Grazia Deledda 1871-1936

The Far End of the Garden. A profile of choreographer Jonathan Burrows

Birmingham is What I Think With

Beyond the Maypole

Beyond the Forest. Hungarian music in Transylvania

Behind the Eye

Dance House 12

Dance House 11

Dance House 10

Dance House 9

Dance House 8

Dance House 7

Dance House 6

Dance House 5

Dance House 4

Dance House 3

Dance House 2

Dance House 1

Towards a Critical Culture: An Interview with Robert Hewison

Book Review: Hard Lessons: The lives and education of working class women in nineteenth century England

A systolic simplex algorithm

Compact systolic arrays for incomplete matrix factorisation methods

Matrix inversion by systolic rank annihilation

Systolic arrays for group explicit methods for solving first order hyperbolic equations

Construction of extrapolation tables by systolic arrays for solving ordinary differential equations

Romberg integration using systolic arrays

On systolic arrays for complex matrix problems

Algorithmic fault tolerance for matrix operations on triangular arrays

Triangular systolic arrays for matrix product and factorisation

A functional machine for real-time applications

Whither parallel systems engineering?

CTDNet: a flexible grained parallel reduction architecture

Freeze-sampling method of collecting drainage sediments for gold exploration

Management of regulated rivers in South America

Characterization of 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding sites in the brain of a marsupial, Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus)

Systolic algorithm design environments

A systolic Broyden algorithm

Unifying structures for parallel algorithms in control

Systolic rank updating and the solution of non-linear equations

Systolic algorithms for B-spline patch generation

Fast multi-layer systolic arrays for Kalman filtering

Book review: Vector models for data-parallel computing

Book review: Parallel computing 89

Book review: Computing with Parallel Architectures – T. Node, ISBN 0792312252, Kluwer Academic Publishers Groups

Automatic systolic algorithm design II: a practical approach

Automatic systolic algorithm design I: basic synthesis techniques

Cyst-theca relationships in Scrippsiella (Dinophyceae) and related orthoperidinioid genera

Monsieur Phantasticus: modes of living and narrating

Aggression and dominance in female invertebrates

Total design: managing the design process in the service sector

Simulation facility of distributed memory system with 'mad postman' communication network

A systolic simplex algorithm

Who needs an Islamic state?

Turabi's revolution: Islam and power in Sudan

Understanding labour-management relations: case of Siemens

Church decline, secularism and ecumenism

British History 1945-1987: an annotated bibliography

Implementation of functional multiprocessors

Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of blood plasma and urine from subjects with chronic renal failure: identification of trimethylamine-N-oxide

On the copula in Mauritian Creole, past and present

From business to Pidgin

Writing the wronged

Causes and effects

Pharmacological identity of 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding sites in chicken brain and sheep pars tuberalis

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in chronic renal failure

The presence of NK3 tachykinin receptors on rat uterus

Isatin (indole-2,3-dione) in urine and tissues: detection and determination by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry

(−)-Deprenyl can induce soluble superoxide dismutase in rat striata

Use of paramagnetic chelated metal derivatives of polysaccharides and spin-labeled polysaccharides as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging

Combinatorial immunoglobulin libraries in phage

Approaches to editing, assignment and interpretation of proton spectra

Matching region adjacency graphs

Linkage of recognition and replication functions by assembling combinatorial antibody Fab libraries along phage surfaces

Les Ballets Africains

Metabolites in the developing rat liver: a proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study

Guanine nucleotides regulate 2-[125I]Iodomelatonin binding sites in chick retinal pigment epithelium but not in neuronal retina

Aluminium speciation: NMR studies of blood plasma, transferrin and citrate complexes

Assembly of combinatorial antibody libraries on phage surfaces: the gene III site

The use of coleoptera (arthropoda:insecta) for floodplain characterization on the River Trent, U.K.

In vivo detection of metabolic changes in a mouse model of scrapie using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Effect of aromatic amino acids, pentylenetetrazole and yohimbine on isatin and tribulin activity in rat brain

Two-dimensional systolic array for the column-by-column QD algorithm

On the use of combinatorial antibody libraries to clone the "fossil record" of an individual's immune response

Antibody redesign by chain shuffling from random combinatorial immunoglobulin libraries