Mapping exclusion in undergraduate psychology: towards a common architecture of the minority student experience

Hodges, I., Jobanputra, S. and Joban, S. 2012. Mapping exclusion in undergraduate psychology: towards a common architecture of the minority student experience. in: Taylor, Y. (ed.) Educational diversity: the subject of difference and different subjects Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 138-158

Chapter titleMapping exclusion in undergraduate psychology: towards a common architecture of the minority student experience
AuthorsHodges, I., Jobanputra, S. and Joban, S.
EditorsTaylor, Y.

This chapter addresses the issue of diversity in Higher Education within the context of the experiences of psychology students with ethnic and sexual minority identifications. Although recent years have seen an increased focus in the UK on equality of access and the promotion of a policy of widening participation in higher education, especially with regard to black and ethnic minority students and those from residential areas which have a higher representation of people with lower incomes (HEFCE, 2000; Zinkiewicz and Trapp, 2004), we still have only a limited understanding of the learning and teaching experiences of minority students in UK universities. Here we explore the experiences of minority students with a particular focus on UK university Psychology departments and make reference to two recent studies carried out by the WiDER1 group at the University of Westminster which explored the experiences of black and ethnic minority (BME) and sexual minority (male Gay and Bisexual [GB]) psychology students2. Primarily, we seek to identify commonalities in the ways that students from these groups are positioned and framed through their teaching and learning experiences of psychology. We also aim to address the questions; Does psychology, through its teaching and learning practices, at both the individual and institutional levels, properly and meaningfully encompass the diversity of its student population? How can psychology (and other disciplines/institutions) facilitate an inclusive and rewarding learning experience for minority students? Although our research specifically focuses upon the discipline of psychology and its related (evidence based) practices (e.g. educational, clinical and counselling psychology), our research has implications for higher education more generally which we discuss later.

Keywordsdiversity, higher education, minority students
Book titleEducational diversity: the subject of difference and different subjects
Page range138-158
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Publication dates

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