A carbon footprint calculation method for green logistics and maritime supply chains

Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Rizet, C. and Cornelis, E. 2010. A carbon footprint calculation method for green logistics and maritime supply chains. IAME Conference. Lisbon, Portugal 07 - 10 Jul 2010

TitleA carbon footprint calculation method for green logistics and maritime supply chains
AuthorsLeonardi, J., Browne, M., Rizet, C. and Cornelis, E.
TypeConference paper
ConferenceIAME Conference
Publication dates

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Growing Consolidation and Electric Vehicle Solutions in Urban Logistics
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Can Routing Systems Surpass the Routing Knowledge of an Experienced Driver in Urban Deliveries?
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IT solutions for parcel deliveries with electric vehicles in Central London - Technology-based solution to facilitate efficient allocation and cross-carrier routing. Data Report
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Agile Gnewt Cargo: parcels deliveries with electric vehicles in Central London Multi-carrier central London micro-consolidation and final delivery via low carbon vehicles. Data Report
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The role of intermediary organizations in influencing urban deliveries to receivers / establishments
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Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (4/4)
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Decarbonising Urban Freight Transport: Experimentations in European Research Projects
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Business Improvement Districts in Urban Freight Sustainability Initiatives: A Case Study Approach
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Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (3/4)
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Permala, A., Rantasila, K., Porthin, M., Hinkka, V., Eckhardt, J. and Leonardi, J. 2015. Multi-criteria evaluation method for freight logistics innovations. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 9 (6), pp. 662-669. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-its.2014.0187

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Citylab - City Logistics in Living Laboratories
CIVITAS and Leonardi, J. 2015. Citylab - City Logistics in Living Laboratories. CIVITAS.

Etude de faisabilite d'un centre de distribution inter urbain Luxembourgeois
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Alternative fuels and freight vehicles: status, costs and benefits, and growth
Leonardi, J., Cullinane, S. and Edwards, J. 2015. Alternative fuels and freight vehicles: status, costs and benefits, and growth. in: McKinnon, A., Browne, M., Whiteing, A. and Piecyk, M. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics (3rd edition) London Kogan Page.

Sustainable freight: impacts of the London congestion charge and low emissions zone
Broaddus, A., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2015. Sustainable freight: impacts of the London congestion charge and low emissions zone. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 94th Annual Meeting. Washington DC Jan 2015

Urban railway hub freight expansion feasability study: final report to Cross River Partnership
Woodburn, A.G., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2015. Urban railway hub freight expansion feasability study: final report to Cross River Partnership. London University of Westminster.

London 2012: changing delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Games on traffic flows
Browne, M., Allen, J., Wainwright, I., Palmer, A. and Williams, I. 2015. London 2012: changing delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Games on traffic flows. in: Taniguchi, E. (ed.) City logistics: modelling, planning and evaluation London Routledge. pp. 130-147

Sustainability strategies for city logisitics
Allen, J., Browne, M. and Holguin-Veras, J. 2015. Sustainability strategies for city logisitics. in: McKinnon, A., Browne, M., Whiting, A. and Piecyk, M. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental stability of logistics (3rd edition) London Kogan Page. pp. 293-306

Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (2/4)
Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2014. Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (2/4).

Potential for non-road modes to support environmentally friendly urban logistics
Browne, M., Allen, J., Woodburn, A.G. and Piotrowska, M. 2014. Potential for non-road modes to support environmentally friendly urban logistics. 1st International Conference Green cities: Green Logistics for Greener Cities. Szczecin, Poland 19 - 21 May 2014 Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.005

Developing an evaluation framework for innovative urban and interurban freight transport solutions
Balm, S., Browne, M., Leonardi, J. and Quak, H. 2014. Developing an evaluation framework for innovative urban and interurban freight transport solutions. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 125, p. 386–397. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.1482

Best practice factory for freight transport in Europe: demonstrating how ‘good’ urban freight cases are improving business profit and public sectors benefits
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Bohne, S. and Ruesch, M. 2014. Best practice factory for freight transport in Europe: demonstrating how ‘good’ urban freight cases are improving business profit and public sectors benefits. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 125, p. 84–98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.1458

International Road and Rail Freight Transport
Woodburn, A.G., Allen, J., van Essen, H., Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2014. International Road and Rail Freight Transport. in: Waters, D. and Rinsler, S. (ed.) Global logistics: new directions in supply chain management (7th ed.) London Kogan Page. pp. 373-393

Town centre improvements through sustainable procurement
Peagam, R., Leonardi, J., Gadd, P. and Ross, M. 2014. Town centre improvements through sustainable procurement. LRS Consultancy.

Benchmarking et modèles d’organisation des centres logistiques urbains en Europe
Leonardi, J. 2014. Benchmarking et modèles d’organisation des centres logistiques urbains en Europe. Urban Logistics Study. Luxembourg 16 Sep 2014

Potential governance models and their economic feasibility
Leonardi, J. 2014. Potential governance models and their economic feasibility. Urban Logistics Study. Luxembourg 16 Sep 2014

Introduction de la problematique de la livraison en ville, potentiel d'optimisation en creant un CDU, objectifs de l'analyse de faisabilite d'un CDU au Luxembourg
Leonardi, J. 2014. Introduction de la problematique de la livraison en ville, potentiel d'optimisation en creant un CDU, objectifs de l'analyse de faisabilite d'un CDU au Luxembourg. Urban Logistics Study. Luxembourg 16 Sep 2014

Electric vehicle trial in Como: an electric van for clean urban deliveries from an Urban Distribution Centre
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Kipp, W. and Vaghi, C. 2014. Electric vehicle trial in Como: an electric van for clean urban deliveries from an Urban Distribution Centre. Smart Urban Freight Conference. Newcastle University, Newcastle 12 Jun 2014

Best practice factory for freight transport: case studies of best practices in urban freight
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Huschebeck, M. 2014. Best practice factory for freight transport: case studies of best practices in urban freight. Smart Urban Freight Conference. Newcastle Univsersity, Newcastle 12 Jun 2014

Best practice factory for freight transport: introduction and synthesis
Leonardi, J. and Huschebeck, M. 2014. Best practice factory for freight transport: introduction and synthesis. Smart Urban Freight Conference. Newcastle University, Newcastle 12 Jun 2014

Carbon reporting of transport and logistics services : case study of PTV solution used at Hermes TL
Leonardi, J. and Roo, J. 2014. Carbon reporting of transport and logistics services : case study of PTV solution used at Hermes TL. Cutting Carbon, Cutting Costs Conference. National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham 21 May 2014

Increase urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Zunder, T. and Aditjandra, P. 2014. Increase urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan. Research in Transportation Business & Management. 12, pp. 73-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rtbm.2014.10.001

A review of urban consolidation centres in the supply chain based on a case study approach
Allen, J., Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Leonardi, J. 2014. A review of urban consolidation centres in the supply chain based on a case study approach. Supply Chain Forum. 15 (4), pp. 100-112. https://doi.org/10.1080/16258312.2014.11517361

Best practice factory for freight transport in Europe: demonstrating how ‘good’ urban freight cases are improving business profit and public sectors benefits
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Bohne, S. and Ruesch, M. 2014. Best practice factory for freight transport in Europe: demonstrating how ‘good’ urban freight cases are improving business profit and public sectors benefits. 8th International Conference on City Logistics. Bali, Indonesia 2014 Elsevier.

The role of Business Improvement Districts (BIDS in urban freight sustainability initiatives)
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Alexander, P. 2014. The role of Business Improvement Districts (BIDS in urban freight sustainability initiatives). 19th Logistics Research Network Conference. Huddersfield 03 Sep 2014

Partnerships among stakeholders
Browne, M., Lindholm, M., Allen, J. and Holguin-Veras, J. 2014. Partnerships among stakeholders. in: Taniguchi, E. and Thompson, R.G. (ed.) City logistics: mapping the future London CRC Press. pp. 13-24

Developments in Western European logistics strategies
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2014. Developments in Western European logistics strategies. in: Waters, D. and Rinsler, S. (ed.) Global logistics: new directions in supply chain management London Kogan Page. pp. 395-418

London 2012: changing delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Games on traffic flows
Browne, M., Allen, J., Wainwright, I., Palmer, A. and Williams, I. 2014. London 2012: changing delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Games on traffic flows. International Journal of Urban Sciences. 18 (2), pp. 244-261. https://doi.org/10.1080/12265934.2014.929508

Road freight transport to, from, and within London
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2014. Road freight transport to, from, and within London. The London Journal. 39 (1), pp. 59-75. https://doi.org/10.1179/0305803413Z.00000000040

Smarter deliveries: Phase 1 Project Report
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2014. Smarter deliveries: Phase 1 Project Report. Transport for London.

London freight data report 2014
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2014. London freight data report 2014. Transport for London.

Evaluation method for freight logistics innovations
Permala, A., Rantasila, K., Eckhardt, J. and Leonardi, J. 2014. Evaluation method for freight logistics innovations. 10th ITS European Congress. Helsinki, Finland 16-19 June 2014

High Speed 2: identifying opportunities for freight at Euston and Old Oak Common
Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Allen, J. 2013. High Speed 2: identifying opportunities for freight at Euston and Old Oak Common. London University of Westminster.

Road freight analysis
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2013. Road freight analysis. London University of Westminster.

A review of rail freight initiatives in the urban supply chain
Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G., Piotrowska, M. and Allen, J. 2013. A review of rail freight initiatives in the urban supply chain. RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2013. London 30 Aug 2013

Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (1/4)
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2013. Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (1/4). BESTFACT.

Increase urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan: status, methods and UK cases
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Zunder, T. and Aditjandra, P. 2013. Increase urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan: status, methods and UK cases. 13th World Congress on Transport Research (WCTR). Rio, Brazil 15-18 July 2013

Tools for urban freight transport modelling
Leonardi, J. 2013. Tools for urban freight transport modelling. SMILE 1st Scientific and Technical workshop. Bologna 5th November 2013

Benefits of using electric vehicles in urban freight
Leonardi, J. 2013. Benefits of using electric vehicles in urban freight. SELECT Stakeholders FORUM Berlin DLR. 26 June 2013

A comparative assessment of the light goods vehicles fleet and the scope to reduce its CO2 emissions in the UK and France
Browne, M., Rizet, C. and Allen, J. 2013. A comparative assessment of the light goods vehicles fleet and the scope to reduce its CO2 emissions in the UK and France. 8th International Conference on City Logistics. Bali, Indonesia 17-19 June 2013

The potential for rail to make a significant contribution to urban freight operations
Browne, M., Allen, J., Woodburn, A.G. and Piotrowska, M. 2013. The potential for rail to make a significant contribution to urban freight operations. Logistics Research Network Conference. University of Aston 4-6 September

London freight data report 2013
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2013. London freight data report 2013. Transport for London.

London 2012: the potential to change delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Olympic Games on traffic flows
Browne, M., Allen, J., Palmer, A., Wainwright, I. and Williams, I. 2013. London 2012: the potential to change delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Olympic Games on traffic flows. 13th World Congress on Transport Research (WCTR). Rio, Brazil 15-18 July 2013

Impact evaluation framework of three clean vehicle trials
Balm, S., Quak, H., Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2013. Impact evaluation framework of three clean vehicle trials. 8th International Conference on City Logistics. Bali, Indonesia 17-19 June 2013

Data collection for understanding urban goods movement: comparison of collection methods and approaches in European countries
Allen, J., Ambrosini, C., Browne, M., Patier-Marque, D., Routhier, J.L. and Woodburn, A.G. 2013. Data collection for understanding urban goods movement: comparison of collection methods and approaches in European countries. in: Gonzalez-Feliu, J., Semet, F. and Routhier, J.L. (ed.) Sustainable urban logistics: concepts, methods and information systems Heidelberg Springer. pp. 71-89

Understanding urban freight activity: key issues for freight planning
Cherrett, T., Allen, J., McLeod, F., Maynard, S., Hickford, A. and Browne, M. 2012. Understanding urban freight activity: key issues for freight planning. Journal of Transport Geography. 24, pp. 22-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.05.008

Investigating relationships between road freight transport, facility location, logistics management and urban form
Allen, J., Browne, M. and Cherrett, T. 2012. Investigating relationships between road freight transport, facility location, logistics management and urban form. Journal of Transport Geography. 24, pp. 45-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.06.010

The Role of Urban Consolidation Centres in Sustainable Freight Transport
Allen, J., Browne, M., Jacques Leonardi and Woodburn, A.G. 2012. The Role of Urban Consolidation Centres in Sustainable Freight Transport. in: Evangelista, P., McKinnon, A., Sweeney, E. and Esposito, E. (ed.) Supply chain innovation for competing in highly dynamic markets: challenges and solutions Hershey, PA IGI Global. pp. 199-214

Benefits and costs of switching to alternative fuels
Leonardi, J., Cullinane, S. and Edwards, J. 2012. Benefits and costs of switching to alternative fuels. in: McKinnon, A., Browne, M. and Whiteing, A. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics London Kogan Page. pp. 313-326

Before-after assessment of a logistics trial with clean urban freight vehicles: a case study in London
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2012. Before-after assessment of a logistics trial with clean urban freight vehicles: a case study in London. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences - Seventh International Conference on City Logistics which was held on June 7- 9,2011, Mallorca, Spain. 39, pp. 146-157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.03.097

London 2012: the potential to change delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Olympic Games on traffic flows
Browne, M., Allen, J., Palmer, A. and Williams, I. 2012. London 2012: the potential to change delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Olympic Games on traffic flows. Logistics Research Network Conference. Cranfield University 5-7 September 2012

Reducing social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport: a review of some major cities
Browne, M., Allen, J., Nemoto, T., Patier-Marque, D. and Visser, J. 2012. Reducing social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport: a review of some major cities. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences - Seventh International Conference on City Logistics which was held on June 7- 9,2011, Mallorca, Spain. 39, pp. 19-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.03.088

The role of urban consolidation centres in sustainable freight transport
Allen, J., Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Leonardi, J. 2012. The role of urban consolidation centres in sustainable freight transport. Transport Reviews. 32 (4), pp. 473-490. https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2012.688074

London freight data report 2012
Allen, J., Browne, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2012. London freight data report 2012. Transport for London.

Survey techniques in urban freight transport studies
Allen, J., Browne, M. and Cherrett, T. 2012. Survey techniques in urban freight transport studies. Transport Reviews. 32 (3), pp. 287-311. https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2012.665949

Sustainability strategies for city logistics
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2012. Sustainability strategies for city logistics. in: McKinnon, A., Browne, M. and Whiteing, A. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics (2nd edition) London Kogan Page. pp. 289-311

Assessing carbon footprint and energy efficiency in competing supply chains: Review – Case studies and benchmarking
Rizet, C., Browne, M., Cornelis, E. and Leonardi, J. 2012. Assessing carbon footprint and energy efficiency in competing supply chains: Review – Case studies and benchmarking. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 17 (4), pp. 293-300. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2012.01.002

London freight data report 2010
Allen, J., Browne, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2011. London freight data report 2010. London Transport for London Freight & Fleet.

TfL urban freight policies
Steele, S. and Leonardi, J. 2011. TfL urban freight policies. SUGAR intermediate workshop. Brussels 03 May 2011

Units of observation for the measurement and analysis of energy consumption in freight transport
Rizet, C., Browne, M. and Leonardi, J. 2011. Units of observation for the measurement and analysis of energy consumption in freight transport. 9th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods. Scoping the future while staying on track.. Termas de Puyehue, Chile. 14-18 November 2011

City logistics best practices in Europe: a handbook for authorities
Leonardi, J., Dablanc, L. and Luppino, G. 2011. City logistics best practices in Europe: a handbook for authorities. SUGAR Sustainable Urban Goods Logistics Achieved by Regional and Local Policies. Bologna 13 December 2011

A consolidation network model for urban freight transport
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2011. A consolidation network model for urban freight transport. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2011. Southampton 07 - 09 Sep 2011

Véhicules électriques et réseau de plates-formes de fret à Londres
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2011. Véhicules électriques et réseau de plates-formes de fret à Londres. , Seminaire SELEST. IFSTTAR, Noisy le Grand 03 Feb 2011

Urban Consolidation Centres typologies and good practice assessment
Leonardi, J. 2011. Urban Consolidation Centres typologies and good practice assessment. SUGAR Sustainable Urban Goods Logistics Achieved by Regional and Local Policies. Brussels 05 May 2011

Assessing the impacts of goods distribution
Leonardi, J. 2011. Assessing the impacts of goods distribution. SUGAR Sustainable Urban Goods Logistics Achieved by Regional and Local Policies. Brussels 05 May 2011

A comparative assessment of the scope to reduce CO2 emissions from light goods vehicles in the UK and France
Browne, M., Rizet, C. and Allen, J. 2011. A comparative assessment of the scope to reduce CO2 emissions from light goods vehicles in the UK and France. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2011. Southampton 07 - 09 Sep 2011

The impact on urban distribution operations of upstream supply chain constraints
Browne, M. and Gomez, M. 2011. The impact on urban distribution operations of upstream supply chain constraints. International Journal of Logistics and Physical Distribution Management. 41 (9), pp. 896-912. https://doi.org/10.1108/09600031111175843

London Consolidation Centres Scheme (LCCS) Demand analysis
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Leonardi, J. 2011. London Consolidation Centres Scheme (LCCS) Demand analysis. London Commission by: Transport for London. University of Westminster.

Enhancing the sustainability of urban freight transport and logistics
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2011. Enhancing the sustainability of urban freight transport and logistics. Transport and communications bulletin for Asia and the Pacific. 80, pp. 1-19.

Evaluating the use of an urban consolidation centre and electric vehicles in central London
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Leonardi, J. 2011. Evaluating the use of an urban consolidation centre and electric vehicles in central London. IATSS Research. 35 (1), pp. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iatssr.2011.06.002

Freight quality partnerships in the UK
Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Freight quality partnerships in the UK. SUGAR Sustainable Urban Goods Logistics Achieved by Regional and Local Policies. Train the trainer session.. London 2 December 2010

Local authority good practice in street design
Leonardi, J. 2010. Local authority good practice in street design. SUGAR Sustainable Urban Goods Logistics Achieved by Regional and Local Policies. Train the trainer session.. London 30 November 2010

Integrating regional and urban freight distribution. The sugar project: aims, objectives and expected results
Campanai, M. and Leonardi, J. 2010. Integrating regional and urban freight distribution. The sugar project: aims, objectives and expected results. Urban freight management: an exchange of good practices in the European context and beyond. Tirana 16th November 2010

Comparable measuring of freight output across transport modes and European freight statistics: discussions and questions
Leonardi, J. 2010. Comparable measuring of freight output across transport modes and European freight statistics: discussions and questions. 15th ACEA Scientific Advisory Group Meeting. Brussels 8th September 2010

Cargocycle trial evaluation
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2010. Cargocycle trial evaluation. London University of Westminster.

International road and rail freight transport: the impact of globalisation on activity levels
Woodburn, A.G., Allen, J., Browne, M., Leonardi, J. and Essen, H. v. 2010. International road and rail freight transport: the impact of globalisation on activity levels. in: Globalisation, transport and the environment Paris OECD Publishing. pp. 121-158

GHG emissions of supply chains from different retail systems in Europe
Rizet, C., Cornelis, E., Browne, M. and Leonardi, J. 2010. GHG emissions of supply chains from different retail systems in Europe. The Sixth International Conference on City Logistics 2009, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Procedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2 (3), pp. 6154-6164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.04.027

Emissions de gaz à effet de serre des chaînes logistiques
Rizet, C., Cornelis, E., Browne, M. and Leonardi, J. 2010. Emissions de gaz à effet de serre des chaînes logistiques. Logistique & Management. 18 (2), pp. 73-83. https://doi.org/10.1080/12507970.2010.11516970

CO2 emissions of European supply chains: impacts of logistics choices
Rizet, C., Browne, M., Leonardi, J. and Cornelis, E. 2010. CO2 emissions of European supply chains: impacts of logistics choices. 12th World Conference of Transport Research. Lisbon, Portugal 11 - 15 Jul 2010

Importance of the loading factor in transport CO2 emissions
Madre, J.L., Rizet, C., Ottmann, P., Zumkeller, D. and Leonardi, J. 2010. Importance of the loading factor in transport CO2 emissions. WCTRS (ed.) 12th World Conference of Transport Research. Lisbon, Portugal 11 - 15 Jul 2010 World Conference of Transport Research Society.

Impact de la mondialisation sur le niveau d'activité du transport international de marchandises par route et par chemin de fer
Leonardi, J., van Essen, H., Allen, J., Browne, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2010. Impact de la mondialisation sur le niveau d'activité du transport international de marchandises par route et par chemin de fer. in: Waters, D. (ed.) Global logistics: new directions in supply chain management. 6th edition London Kogan Page. pp. 390-408

Case studies on van use in London
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2010. Case studies on van use in London. 12th World Conference of Transport Research. Lisbon, Portugal 11 - 15 Jul 2010

Allocation and calculation rules for GHG emissions in complex logistics and freight transport services
Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Allocation and calculation rules for GHG emissions in complex logistics and freight transport services. 15th Annual Conference of the Logistics Research Network. Harrogate 08 - 10 Sep 2010

Office Depot and Gnewt Cargo trial of the use of electrically assisted tricycles for customer deliveries in central London
Leonardi, J., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Office Depot and Gnewt Cargo trial of the use of electrically assisted tricycles for customer deliveries in central London. London University of Westminster.

Micro-consolidation network model for freight transport in the clear zone
Leonardi, J., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Micro-consolidation network model for freight transport in the clear zone. London Commissioned by: Clear Zone Partnership. University of Westminster.

The impacts of delivery and service vehicle activity in urban centres
Cherrett, T., McLeod, F., Maynard, S., Hickford, A., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. The impacts of delivery and service vehicle activity in urban centres. in: Opportunities for ‘green’ logistics." Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA., January TRB. pp. Paper 10-1317

Developments in Western European logistics
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2010. Developments in Western European logistics. in: Waters, D. (ed.) Global logistics: new directions in supply chain management. 6th edition London Kogan Page. pp. 420-442

Analysing the results of UK urban freight studies
Browne, M., Allen, J., Steele, S., Cherrett, T. and McLeod, F. 2010. Analysing the results of UK urban freight studies. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2 (3), pp. 5956-5966. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.04.010

An investigation of freight quality partnerships in the UK
Browne, M., Allen, J., Piotrowska, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2010. An investigation of freight quality partnerships in the UK. 15th Annual Conference of the Logistics Research Network. Harrogate 08 - 10 Sep 2010

Internalising the external costs of light and heavy goods vehicles in London
Browne, M., Allen, J., Piecyk, M. and McKinnon, A. 2010. Internalising the external costs of light and heavy goods vehicles in London. 12th World Conference of Transport Research. Lisbon, Portugal 11 - 15 Jul 2010

Light goods vehicles in urban areas
Browne, M., Allen, J., Nemoto, T. and Visser, J. 2010. Light goods vehicles in urban areas. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2 (3), pp. 5911-5919. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.04.006

Integrated transport policy in freight transport
Allen, J., Browne, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2010. Integrated transport policy in freight transport. in: Givoni, M. and Banister, D. (ed.) Integrated transport: from policy to practice Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 75-96

Freight Quality Partnerships in the UK: an analysis of their work and achievements
Allen, J., Browne, M., Piotrowska, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2010. Freight Quality Partnerships in the UK: an analysis of their work and achievements. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

Vans and the economy
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Vans and the economy. Commission for Integrated Transport.

Sustainability strategies for city logistics
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Sustainability strategies for city logistics. in: McKinnon, A., Cullinane, S., Browne, M. and Whiteing, A. (ed.) Green logistics: improving the environmental sustainability of logistics London Kogan Page.

Road freight transport and sustainability in London 2005-2007
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Road freight transport and sustainability in London 2005-2007. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

Road freight transport and sustainability in Britain: 1984-2007
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Road freight transport and sustainability in Britain: 1984-2007. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

Reviewing the TRAVL survey forms and approach
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Reviewing the TRAVL survey forms and approach. School of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster.

Greenhouse gas emission factors for freight transport in London
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Greenhouse gas emission factors for freight transport in London. School of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster.

The Covent Garden, Regent Street and Oxford Street East freight studies: comparison of survey techniques and findings
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. The Covent Garden, Regent Street and Oxford Street East freight studies: comparison of survey techniques and findings. School of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster.

Considering the relationship between freight transport and urban form
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2010. Considering the relationship between freight transport and urban form. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

London freight data report 2009
Allen, J., Browne, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2010. London freight data report 2009. London Transport for London Freight & Fleet.

A method for assessing the carbon footprint of maritime freight transport: European case study and results
Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2010. A method for assessing the carbon footprint of maritime freight transport: European case study and results. International Journal of Logistics: research and applications. 13 (5), pp. 349-358. https://doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2010.511607

The scope for sustainable distribution and servicing in the Regent Street area of Central London
Piotrowska, M., Browne, M., Briggs, D., Richardson, J. and Wainwright, I. 2009. The scope for sustainable distribution and servicing in the Regent Street area of Central London. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

The Collection of Long-Distance Road Freight Data in Europe
McKinnon, A. and Leonardi, J. 2009. The Collection of Long-Distance Road Freight Data in Europe. in: Bonnel, P., Lee-Gosselin, M., Zmud, J. and Madre, J.L. (ed.) Transport survey methods: keeping up with a changing world Bingley Emerald Publishing Limited. pp. 295-310

Fleet mix in container shipping operations
Lun, Y.H.V. and Browne, M. 2009. Fleet mix in container shipping operations. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 1 (2), pp. 103-118. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSTL.2009.024491

Impact de l’organisation du transport maritime
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Rizet, C. and Cornelis, E. 2009. Impact de l’organisation du transport maritime. Journée INRETS Supply-chains, énergie et CO2. Noisy-le-Grand, France 11 Feb 2009

WM3: Data management and data collection techniques for sustainable distribution, data needs and data review for Green Logistics research
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Cherrett, T. and Cullinane, S. 2009. WM3: Data management and data collection techniques for sustainable distribution, data needs and data review for Green Logistics research. Green Logistics.

Interactive KPI scoping study of van use in London
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2009. Interactive KPI scoping study of van use in London. London Data and Knowledge Centre, Transport for London.

Review and test of GPS use in urban freight data collection and analysis
Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2009. Review and test of GPS use in urban freight data collection and analysis. London Data and Knowledge Centre, Transport for London.

Method for assessing the carbon footprint of maritime freight transport: European case study and results
Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2009. Method for assessing the carbon footprint of maritime freight transport: European case study and results. in: Proceedings of the 14th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference: volatile and fragile supply chains, 9th - 11th September 2009, Cardiff Business School Cardiff Cardiff University. pp. 132-139

Urban freight data collection in London: data needs, techniques and gaps
Leonardi, J., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2009. Urban freight data collection in London: data needs, techniques and gaps. London Data and Knowledge Centre, Transport for London.

Office Depot Cargocycle trial. Before-after evaluation
Leonardi, J., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2009. Office Depot Cargocycle trial. Before-after evaluation. London Central London Freight Quality Partnership.

Data and survey issues in freight and transit planning
Leonardi, J. 2009. Data and survey issues in freight and transit planning. TRB Session 711, Intersecting Ripples: Propagation of Ideas in Transport Survey Research at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 88th Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. 11 - 15 Jan 2009

The Acquisition of Long-Distance Freight Data: Synthesis of a Workshop
Kara Kockelman, Michael Browne and Jacques Leonardi 2009. The Acquisition of Long-Distance Freight Data: Synthesis of a Workshop. Bingley Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/9781848558458-018

SUGAR good practices analysis. SUGAR deliverable 3.3
Dablanc, L., Augereau, V., Patier-Marque, D., Cerda, L., Levivfe, H. and Leonardi, J. 2009. SUGAR good practices analysis. SUGAR deliverable 3.3. SUGAR.

Understanding retail supply chains to enable 'greener' logistics
Cherrett, T., McLeod, F., Maynard, S., Hickford, A., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2009. Understanding retail supply chains to enable 'greener' logistics. in: Proceedings of the 14th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, 9th – 11th September 2009, Cardiff LRN. pp. 80-87

Différentes méthodes de quantification du CO2 du transport de fret
Browne, M. and Leonardi, J. 2009. Différentes méthodes de quantification du CO2 du transport de fret. Journée INRETS Supply-chains, énergie et CO2. Noisy-le-Grand, France 11 Feb 2009

Analysing the results of UK urban freight studies
Browne, M., Allen, J., Steele, S., Cherrett, T. and McLeod, F. 2009. Analysing the results of UK urban freight studies. Sixth International Conference on City Logistics. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2009

Light goods vehicles in urban areas
Browne, M., Allen, J., Nemoto, T. and Visser, J. 2009. Light goods vehicles in urban areas. Sixth International Conference on City Logistics. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2009

Environmental zones in European towns and cities and the implications for freight movement
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2009. Environmental zones in European towns and cities and the implications for freight movement. in: Sweeney, E. (ed.) Supply chain management and logistics in a volatile global environment Dublin Blackhall.

Chaînes logistiques et consommation d’énergie: Cas des meubles et des fruits & légumes; Rapport final
Rizet, C., Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Cornelis, E. and Descamps, J. 2008. Chaînes logistiques et consommation d’énergie: Cas des meubles et des fruits & légumes; Rapport final. INRETS, Arcueil Rapport de convention Ademe.

Review of UK urban freight studies
Allen, J., Browne, M., Cherrett, T. and McLeod, F. 2008. Review of UK urban freight studies. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster and University of Southampton.

Using official data sources to analyse the light goods vehicle fleet and operations in Britain
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2008. Using official data sources to analyse the light goods vehicle fleet and operations in Britain. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

Survey forms used in urban freight studies
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2008. Survey forms used in urban freight studies. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster.

Review of survey techniques used in urban freight studies
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2008. Review of survey techniques used in urban freight studies. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

Changing behaviour towards a more substainable transport system: COST Action 355 final report
Zumkeller, D., Madre, J.L., Rizet, C., Cornelis, E., Browne, M., Patier-Marque, D., Routhier, J.L., Kveiborg, O., Leonardi, J., Berri, A., Chlond, B., Christensen, L., Dargay, J., Malasek, J., Ottmann, P., Vythoulkas, P., Armoogum, J. and Axhausen, K. 2008. Changing behaviour towards a more substainable transport system: COST Action 355 final report. Germany Inst. fuer Verkehrswesen, Universität Karlsruhe.

Chaînes logistiques et consommation d’énergie: Cas des meubles et des fruits & légumes; second rapport d'étape
Rizet, C., Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Cornelis, E. and Descamps, J. 2008. Chaînes logistiques et consommation d’énergie: Cas des meubles et des fruits & légumes; second rapport d'étape. INRETS, Arcueil Rapport de convention Ademe.

Modélisation de l’énergie consommée en transport de fret
Rizet, C., Lebelle, N., Mbacke, M., Zhen, C., Gaudry, M., Leonardi, J. and Madre, J.L. 2008. Modélisation de l’énergie consommée en transport de fret. Base trajets ECHO Rapport pour l’Ademe, Convention n° 0303C0046.

Chaînes logistiques et consommation d’énergie: Cas des meubles et des fruits & légumes
Rizet, C., Browne, M., Leonardi, J., Allen, J., Piotrowska, M., Cornelis, E. and Descamps, J. 2008. Chaînes logistiques et consommation d’énergie: Cas des meubles et des fruits & légumes. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster.

Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions of different supply chains: a comparison of French, UK and Belgian cases
Rizet, C., Browne, M., Leonardi, J., Allen, J. and Cornelis, E. 2008. Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions of different supply chains: a comparison of French, UK and Belgian cases. European Transport Conference. Leiden, The Netherlands 06 - 08 Oct 2008

Prospective des transports : un état des lieux en Europe
Papon, F., Leonardi, J., Cuenot, F. and Chao, F.Y. 2008. Prospective des transports : un état des lieux en Europe. Rapport final pour la DRAST-CPVST.

Prospective des transports : un état des lieux en Europe
Papon, F. and Leonardi, J. 2008. Prospective des transports : un état des lieux en Europe. Rapport intermédiaire pour la DRAST-CPVST, 12 Février.

Resource paper: The collection of long distance freight data in Europe
McKinnon, A. and Leonardi, J. 2008. Resource paper: The collection of long distance freight data in Europe. in: 8th International Conference on Survey Methods in Transport: Harmonisation and Data Comparability, Annecy, May 2008. Workshop B6. The acquisition of long distance freight data ISCTSC.

The impacts of globalisation on international road and rail freight transport activity: past trends and future perspectives
Woodburn, A.G., Allen, J., Browne, M. and Leonardi, J. 2008. The impacts of globalisation on international road and rail freight transport activity: past trends and future perspectives. OECD/ITF Global Forum on Sustainable Development: Transport and Environment in a Globalising World. Guadalajara, Mexico 10 - 12 Nov 2008

Improving energy efficiency in the road freight transport sector: the application of a vehicle approach
Leonardi, J., Rizet, C., Browne, M., Allen, J., Pérez-Martínez, P.J. and Worth, R.W. 2008. Improving energy efficiency in the road freight transport sector: the application of a vehicle approach. in: Lyons, A.C. (ed.) Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2008 University of Liverpool, UK, 10th-12th September 2008 Liverpool University Press. pp. 133-138

Climate mitigation through efficiency in road freight transport sector: vehicle approach and policy recommendations
Leonardi, J., Rizet, C., Browne, M., Allen, J., Pérez-Martínez, P.J. and Worth, R.W. 2008. Climate mitigation through efficiency in road freight transport sector: vehicle approach and policy recommendations. in: Cornelis, E. and Rizet, C. (ed.) "Abatement measures for the freight transport sector", proceedings of the COST355 WG1 meeting in Madrid Belgium Presse Universitaire de Namur. pp. 83-116

Impact analysis and evaluation of Lyon traffic, noise and emission reductions tests
Leonardi, J. and Laurent, O. 2008. Impact analysis and evaluation of Lyon traffic, noise and emission reductions tests. FIDEUS Freight: Innovative Delivery of goods in European Urban Spaces. Brussels, Belgium, DGXII April 2008

Impact analysis and evaluation of Barcelona noise and emission reductions tests
Leonardi, J. and Hayes, S. 2008. Impact analysis and evaluation of Barcelona noise and emission reductions tests. FIDEUS Freight: Innovative Delivery of goods in European Urban Spaces. Brussels, Belgium, DGXII April 2008

Analysing energy use in supply chains: the case of fruits & vegetables and furniture
Browne, M., Rizet, C., Leonardi, J. and Allen, J. 2008. Analysing energy use in supply chains: the case of fruits & vegetables and furniture. in: Lyons, A.C. (ed.) Proceedings of the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2008 University of Liverpool, UK, 10th-12th September 2008 Liverpool University Press. pp. 395-401

The potential use of urban consolidation centres in the hotel industry in London
Browne, M., Piotrowska, M., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2008. The potential use of urban consolidation centres in the hotel industry in London. in: Taniguchi, E. and Thompson, R.G. (ed.) Innovations in city logistics New York Nova Science Publishers. pp. 83-96

City access restrictions and the implications for goods deliveries
Browne, M., Allen, J., Nemoto, T., Visser, J. and Wild, D. 2008. City access restrictions and the implications for goods deliveries. in: Taniguchi, E. and Thompson, R.G. (ed.) Innovations in city logistics New York Nova Science Publishers. pp. 17-36

Sustainable freight distribution progress measures: progress report
Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2008. Sustainable freight distribution progress measures: progress report. Prepared for Transport for London Freight Unit as part of the London Freight Data Centre.

London freight data report
Allen, J., Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Piotrowska, M. 2008. London freight data report. London Transport for London.

Improving computerized routing and scheduling and vehicle telematics: a qualitative survey
Baumgartner, M., Leonardi, J. and Krusch, O. 2008. Improving computerized routing and scheduling and vehicle telematics: a qualitative survey. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 13 (6), pp. 377-382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2008.06.001

Assessing the fitness-for-purpose of strategic transport research in support of European transport policy
Tuominen, A., Leonardi, J. and Rizet, C. 2008. Assessing the fitness-for-purpose of strategic transport research in support of European transport policy. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. 8 (3), pp. 183-200.

Comparing freight transport strategies and measures in London and Paris
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Attlassy, M. 2007. Comparing freight transport strategies and measures in London and Paris. International Journal of Logistics. 10 (3), pp. 205-219. https://doi.org/10.1080/13675560701467052

Evaluating the potential for urban consolidation centres
Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Allen, J. 2007. Evaluating the potential for urban consolidation centres. European Transport / Trasporti Europei. 35, pp. 46-63.

Literature Review WM7: Scope for modal shift through fiscal, regulatory and organisational change, carried as as part of Work Module 1, Green Logistics Project
Woodburn, A.G., Browne, M., Piotrowska, M. and Allen, J. 2007. Literature Review WM7: Scope for modal shift through fiscal, regulatory and organisational change, carried as as part of Work Module 1, Green Logistics Project. Green Logistics.

Policy analysis and networks: tools for the fitness-for-purpose assessment of strategic transport research in support of European transport policy
Tuominen, A., Rizet, C. and Leonardi, J. 2007. Policy analysis and networks: tools for the fitness-for-purpose assessment of strategic transport research in support of European transport policy. 11th World Conference on Transport Research. Berkeley, California 24 - 24 Jun 2008

Prospective of transport in Europe. Preliminary results of a first content analysis lesson learnt, expected follow-up
Leonardi, J. 2007. Prospective of transport in Europe. Preliminary results of a first content analysis lesson learnt, expected follow-up. Presentation by Francis Papon for the meeting INRETS-IPTS. Seville, Spain 23 Nov 2007

Climate mitigation through efficiency in road freight transport sector: vehicle approach and policy recommendations
Leonardi, J., Rizet, C. and Pérez-Martínez, P.J. 2007. Climate mitigation through efficiency in road freight transport sector: vehicle approach and policy recommendations. COST355 WG1, session on "abatement measures for the freight transport sector". Madrid, Spain 18 May 2007

Literature Review WM9: Part I - urban freight transport, carried out as part of Work Module 1, Green Logistics Project
Browne, M., Piotrowska, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Allen, J. 2007. Literature Review WM9: Part I - urban freight transport, carried out as part of Work Module 1, Green Logistics Project. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

The potential use of urban consolidation centres in the hotel industry in London
Browne, M., Piotrowska, M., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2007. The potential use of urban consolidation centres in the hotel industry in London. 5th International Conference on City Logistics. Crete, Greece 11 - 13 Jul 2007

Literature Review WM9: Part II - light goods vehicles in urban areas, carried as as part Work Module 1, Green Logistics Project
Browne, M., Allen, J., Woodburn, A.G. and Piotrowska, M. 2007. Literature Review WM9: Part II - light goods vehicles in urban areas, carried as as part Work Module 1, Green Logistics Project. Green Logistics Report, University of Westminster.

The role of urban consolidation centres for different business sectors
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Woodburn, A.G. 2007. The role of urban consolidation centres for different business sectors. 11th World Conference on Transportation Research. Berkeley, USA 24 - 29 Jun 2007

The supply chain for jeans: assessing transport and energy consumption
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2007. The supply chain for jeans: assessing transport and energy consumption. 11th World Conference on Transportation Research. Berkeley, USA 24 - 29 Jun 2007

Logistics and the waste sector: a London case study
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2007. Logistics and the waste sector: a London case study. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2007. Hull 05 - 07 Sep 2007

BESTUFS good practice guide on urban freight transport
Allen, J., Thorne, G. and Browne, M. 2007. BESTUFS good practice guide on urban freight transport. BESTUFS.

Synthesis report on data collection and proposed tools and techniques
Allen, J., Browne, M., Piotrowska, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2007. Synthesis report on data collection and proposed tools and techniques. Green Logistics Project report.

From a division between research and policy making towards an integrated innovation activity
Tuominen, A. and Leonardi, J. 2007. From a division between research and policy making towards an integrated innovation activity. Project TRANSFORUM, Deliverable D 5.4.

Assessing energy consumption in supply chains
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Rizet, C. 2006. Assessing energy consumption in supply chains. International Journal of Logistics. 9 (3), pp. 237-252. https://doi.org/10.1080/13675560600859243

The Fitness For Purpose Analysis of recent European transport policy assessments, recommendations on how to enhance the fitness-for-purpose of European transport research projects in support of policies
Leonardi, J., Rizet, C. and Tuominen, A. 2006. The Fitness For Purpose Analysis of recent European transport policy assessments, recommendations on how to enhance the fitness-for-purpose of European transport research projects in support of policies. Project TRANSFORUM, Deliverable D 5.3.

Energy saved by rail-road: results of the shipper and operator survey
Rizet, C., Leonardi, J. and Lebelle, N. 2006. Energy saved by rail-road: results of the shipper and operator survey. COST355, WG1. Prague 11 Oct 2006

Intermodal transport and city logistics policies
Nemoto, T., Browne, M., Visser, J. and Castro, J. 2006. Intermodal transport and city logistics policies. in: Taniguchi, E. and Thompson, R.G. (ed.) Recent advances in city logistics: proceedings of the 4th International Conference on City Logistics (Langkawi, Malaysia, 12-14 July, 2005) Oxford, UK Elsevier. pp. 15-30

Potentialités de réduction des émissions de CO2 sur une flotte de camions Résultats d’une étude allemande
Leonardi, J., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O. 2006. Potentialités de réduction des émissions de CO2 sur une flotte de camions Résultats d’une étude allemande. in: Rizet, C. (ed.) Consommation d’énergie et émission de gaz à effet de serre en transport de marchandises ”, Actes de la journée INRETS-PREDIT-COST du 18 Mai 2005 INRETS.

Understanding CO2 reduction and efficiency in road freight transport and logistics. German surveys and case studies 2002-2005
Leonardi, J. 2006. Understanding CO2 reduction and efficiency in road freight transport and logistics. German surveys and case studies 2002-2005. in: 2nd Conference on Environment and Transport, Reims, France, 12-14 June 2006, proceedings n° 107, Vol.2 Arcueil, France INRETS. pp. 132-137

Understanding CO2 reduction and efficiency in road freight transport and logistics. German case studies 2002-2005
Leonardi, J. 2006. Understanding CO2 reduction and efficiency in road freight transport and logistics. German case studies 2002-2005. Environment & Transport: 2nd International Scientific Symposium (including 15th Conference on Transport and Air Pollution),. Reims 12 - 14 Jun 2006

Presentation of Cost 355 for Cost 356
Leonardi, J. 2006. Presentation of Cost 355 for Cost 356. COST356: Towards a measurable environmentally sustainable transport. Madrid, Spain October 2006

Container hinterland transport and energy efficiency: the case of Hamburg
Leonardi, J. 2006. Container hinterland transport and energy efficiency: the case of Hamburg. COST355, WG1. Athens, Greece April 2006

Capital punishment and mental health issues: global examples
Browne, M., Kandelia, S., Reddy, R. and Hodgkinson, P. 2006. Capital punishment and mental health issues: global examples. Saint Louis University Public Law Review. 25 (2), pp. 383-407.

Developments in Western European logistics strategies
Browne, M. and Woodburn, A.G. 2006. Developments in Western European logistics strategies. in: Waters, D. (ed.) Global logistics: new directions in supply chain management. 5th revised edition London, UK Kogan Page.

Comparing freight transport strategies and measures in Paris and London
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Attlassy, M. 2006. Comparing freight transport strategies and measures in Paris and London. 11th Logistics Research Network Conference. University of Newcastle Sep 2006

Night-time delivery restrictions: a review
Browne, M., Allen, J., Anderson, S. and Woodburn, A.G. 2006. Night-time delivery restrictions: a review. in: Taniguchi, E. (ed.) Recent Advances in City Logistics: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on City Logistics Oxford, UK Elsevier.

Urban freight data collection - synthesis report, deliverable 3.1 BESTUFS Best Practice in data collection, modelling approaches and application fields for urban commercial transport models I
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2006. Urban freight data collection - synthesis report, deliverable 3.1 BESTUFS Best Practice in data collection, modelling approaches and application fields for urban commercial transport models I. BESTUFS Project.

Report on urban freight data collection in the UK, Workpackage 3.1
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2006. Report on urban freight data collection in the UK, Workpackage 3.1. BESTUFS Project.

Low emission zones: the likely effects on the freight transport sector
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Anderson, S. 2005. Low emission zones: the likely effects on the freight transport sector. International Journal of Logistics. 8 (4), pp. 269-281. https://doi.org/10.1080/13675560500405899

Urban freight consolidation centres: final report
Browne, M., Sweet, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Allen, J. 2005. Urban freight consolidation centres: final report. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster.

Life cycle assessment in the supply chain: a review and case study
Browne, M., Rizet, C., Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Keita, B. 2005. Life cycle assessment in the supply chain: a review and case study. Transport Reviews. 25 (6), pp. 761-782. https://doi.org/10.1080/01441640500360993

Urban freight consolidation centres
Woodburn, A.G., Browne, M., Sweet, M. and Allen, J. 2005. Urban freight consolidation centres. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference. Plymouth, UK 07 - 09 Sep 2005

Decoupling GDP and performance growth from energy use in German road freight traffic
Leonardi, J., Kveiborg, O., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O. 2005. Decoupling GDP and performance growth from energy use in German road freight traffic. Copenhagen DTF working paper 0705.

Understanding energy efficiency improvements in road freight transport companies: the example of courier and parcel services
Leonardi, J., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O. 2005. Understanding energy efficiency improvements in road freight transport companies: the example of courier and parcel services. COST355 (WG1 Energy and freight transport). Berlin 2005

NESTOR2 – Nachhaltigkeitseffekte von Effizienzmaßnahmen im Straßengüterverkehr mit Fokus auf KEP-Dienste und Speditionskooperationen
Leonardi, J., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O. 2005. NESTOR2 – Nachhaltigkeitseffekte von Effizienzmaßnahmen im Straßengüterverkehr mit Fokus auf KEP-Dienste und Speditionskooperationen. Hamburg Report submitted to BMBF - Federal ministry of education and research.

CO2-Minderung und -Effizienz im Straßengüterverkehr. Baseline, Massnahmen und Potenzial
Leonardi, J. 2005. CO2-Minderung und -Effizienz im Straßengüterverkehr. Baseline, Massnahmen und Potenzial. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Umweltforschung. 15/16 (2), pp. 227-238.

Assessing energy consumption in the jeans supply chain
Browne, M., Allen, J., Anderson, S. and Rizet, C. 2005. Assessing energy consumption in the jeans supply chain. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference. Plymouth, UK 07 - 09 Sep 2005

A study of van activity in two London Boroughs
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2005. A study of van activity in two London Boroughs. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference. Plymouth, UK 07 - 09 Sep 2005

Urban logistics: how can it meet policy makers' sustainability objectives?
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2005. Urban logistics: how can it meet policy makers' sustainability objectives? Journal of Transport Geography. 13 (1), pp. 71-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2004.11.002

Climatic impact of surface transport
Martin G. Schultz, Johann Feichter and Jacques Leonardi 2004. Climatic impact of surface transport. in: Harrison, R.M. and Heston, R.E. (ed.) Transport and The Environment Royal Society of Chemistry. pp. 111-128

CO2-Reduktion und Energieeffizienz im Straßengüterverkehr
Leonardi, J., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O. 2004. CO2-Reduktion und Energieeffizienz im Straßengüterverkehr. Hamburg Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie.

CO2 reduction and efficiency in road freight traffic: measures, baseline and potential
Leonardi, J. and Baumgartner, M. 2004. CO2 reduction and efficiency in road freight traffic: measures, baseline and potential. International Energy Workshop EMF/IEA(ETSAP)/IIASA. IEA, Paris 22 - 24 Jun 2004

NESTOR - Nachhaltigkeitseffekte von Effizienzmaßnahmen in der Transportwirtschaft - Vorstudie zur geplanten Fördermaßnahme „CO2-Vermeidung durch intelligente Logistik – BMBF Schlussbericht, FKZ 19G2064
Leonardi, J. 2004. NESTOR - Nachhaltigkeitseffekte von Effizienzmaßnahmen in der Transportwirtschaft - Vorstudie zur geplanten Fördermaßnahme „CO2-Vermeidung durch intelligente Logistik – BMBF Schlussbericht, FKZ 19G2064. Hamburg Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie.

CO2 reduction and energy efficiency in German road freight traffic
Leonardi, J. 2004. CO2 reduction and energy efficiency in German road freight traffic. Joint session of OECD EPOC working group on transport and ECMT group on Transport and the environment. OECD, Paris 25 - 26 Nov 2004

Reden ist silber, Handeln ist gold. Leitlinien für eine globale Energiewende
Graßl, H. and Leonardi, J. 2004. Reden ist silber, Handeln ist gold. Leitlinien für eine globale Energiewende. Politische Oekologie, Energiegeladen. 87-88, pp. 38-41.

Urban freight movements and public private partnerships
Browne, M., Nemoto, T., Visser, J. and Whiteing, T. 2004. Urban freight movements and public private partnerships. in: Taniguchi, E. (ed.) Logistics systems for sustainable cities: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics (Madeira, Portugal, 25-27 June 2003) London, UK Elsevier.

Developments in urban distribution in London
Browne, M. and Baybars, M. 2004. Developments in urban distribution in London. in: Taniguchi, E. (ed.) Logistics systems for sustainable cities: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics (Madeira, Portugal, 25-27 June 2003) London, UK Elsevier.

Report on freight transport data sources relating to London
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Christodoulou, G. 2004. Report on freight transport data sources relating to London. Transport for London. https://doi.org/TSG2004/19

Freight transport in London: a summary of current data and sources
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Christodoulou, G. 2004. Freight transport in London: a summary of current data and sources. London, UK Transport for London.

The role and treatment of light goods vehicles in urban freight transport
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Anderson, S. 2004. The role and treatment of light goods vehicles in urban freight transport. 10th World Conference on Transport Research. Istanbul, Turkey 04-08 Jul 2004

Low emission zones: the likely effects on the freight transport sector
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Anderson, S. 2004. Low emission zones: the likely effects on the freight transport sector. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2004. Dublin, Ireland 09-10 Sep 2004

Applying life cycle assessment to investigate the balance of energy consumption between production and transport activities
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2004. Applying life cycle assessment to investigate the balance of energy consumption between production and transport activities. Cost 355 - WATCH workshop: changing behaviour towards a more sustainable transport system. Namur, Belgium 01-03 Dec 2004

Les enjeux de la logistique urbain
Browne, M. 2004. Les enjeux de la logistique urbain. in: Allemand, S., Ascher, F. and Levy, J. (ed.) Les sens du mouvement: modernité et mobilités dans les sociétés urbaines contemporaines Belin. pp. 257-261

Optimierte Disposition und Telematik steigern Effizienz im deutschen Straßengüterverkehr
Baumgartner, M. and Leonardi, J. 2004. Optimierte Disposition und Telematik steigern Effizienz im deutschen Straßengüterverkehr. Internationales Verkehrswesen. 56 (5), pp. 197-201.

Bulk liquid and powder road tanker, rail tank wagon and tank container operations
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2004. Bulk liquid and powder road tanker, rail tank wagon and tank container operations. UK Department of Transport.

Analysing the potential impacts of sustainable distribution measures in UK urban areas
Allen, J., Browne, M., Tanner, G., Christodoulou, G. and Jones, P.M. 2004. Analysing the potential impacts of sustainable distribution measures in UK urban areas. in: Taniguchi, E. and Thompson, R.G. (ed.) Logistics systems for sustainable cities: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics (Madeira, Portugal, 25-27 June 2003) UK Elsevier.

CO2 efficiency in road freight transportation: status quo, measures and potential
Leonardi, J. and Baumgartner, M. 2004. CO2 efficiency in road freight transportation: status quo, measures and potential. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 9 (6), pp. 451-464. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2004.08.004

City logistics: the continuing search for sustainable solutions
Whiteing, T., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2003. City logistics: the continuing search for sustainable solutions. in: Waters, D. (ed.) Global logistics and distribution planning: strategies for management London, UK Kogan Page.

London low emission zone feasibility study phase II: final report to the London low emission zone steering group
Watkiss, P., Allen, J., Anderson, S., Beevers, S., Browne, M., Carslaw, D., Emerson, P., Fairclough, P., Francsics, J., Freeman, D., Haydock, H., Hidri, S., Hitchcock, G., Parker, T., Pye, S., Smith, A., Ye, R. and Young, T. 2003. London low emission zone feasibility study phase II: final report to the London low emission zone steering group. UK AEA Technology Environment.

London low emission zone feasibility study phase II: a summary of the phase two report
Watkiss, P., Allen, J., Anderson, S., Beevers, S., Browne, M., Carslaw, D., Emerson, P., Fairclough, P., Francsics, J., Freeman, D., Haydock, H., Hidri, S., Hitchcock, G., Parker, T., Pye, S., Smith, A., Ye, R. and Young, T. 2003. London low emission zone feasibility study phase II: a summary of the phase two report. AEA Technology Environment.

NESTOR sustainability effects of efficiency measures in freight transport. Final report
Leonardi, J., Hofmann, K., Baumgartner, M., Möller, I. and Krusch, O. 2003. NESTOR sustainability effects of efficiency measures in freight transport. Final report. Hamburg MPI, report submitted to BMBF - Federal ministry of education and research.

Das Pilotprogramm zum Schutz der tropischen Regenwälder Brasiliens
Leonardi, J. and Castro de Klede, A. 2003. Das Pilotprogramm zum Schutz der tropischen Regenwälder Brasiliens. e-velop, das Entwicklungsmagazin. 6 (1).

Development and application of key performance indicators for retail home delivery operations: phase one
Jackson, M., Browne, M., Lewis, A., Allen, J., Anderson, S. and Christodoulou, G. 2003. Development and application of key performance indicators for retail home delivery operations: phase one. UK Department for Transport.

City logistics: the continuing search for sustainable solution
Browne, M. and Whiteing, T. 2003. City logistics: the continuing search for sustainable solution. in: Waters, D. (ed.) Global logistics and distribution planning: strategies for management. 4th edition London, UK Kogan Page.

Retail home delivery operations
Browne, M., Jackson, M., Lewis, A., Allen, J. and Anderson, S. 2003. Retail home delivery operations. Freight Industry Key Performance Indicators Conference. London 10 Apr 2003

Sustainable urban distribution: evaluating policy measures
Browne, M., Allen, J., Tanner, G., Anderson, S., Christodoulou, G. and Jones, P.M. 2003. Sustainable urban distribution: evaluating policy measures. Proceedings of the 8th Logistics Research Network Conference. London 10 - 12 Sep 2003

Developments in Western European logistics strategies
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2003. Developments in Western European logistics strategies. in: Waters, D. (ed.) Global logistics and distribution planning: strategies for management London, UK Kogan Page.

Urban Logistics - How can it meet policy makers sustainability objectives?
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2003. Urban Logistics - How can it meet policy makers sustainability objectives? STELLA Focus Group 4. Quebec, Canada 26 - 27 May 2003

Modelling policy measures and company initiatives for sustainable urban distribution
Allen, J., Tanner, G., Browne, M., Anderson, S., Christodoulou, G. and Jones, P.M. 2003. Modelling policy measures and company initiatives for sustainable urban distribution. UK University of Westminster.

Best practice handbook year 3: road pricing and urban freight transport, and urban freight platforms
Allen, J., Anderson, S. and Browne, M. 2003. Best practice handbook year 3: road pricing and urban freight transport, and urban freight platforms. London University of Westminster.

Barriers to the sustainable development of electrical energy in the industrialised nations | Barrières au développement durable de l'énergie électrique dans les pays industrialisés
Ringel, M. and Leonardi, J. 2003. Barriers to the sustainable development of electrical energy in the industrialised nations | Barrières au développement durable de l'énergie électrique dans les pays industrialisés. Revue de l'Energie. 549, pp. 514-524.

NESTOR sustainability effects of efficiency measures in freight transport. Milestone 1
Leonardi, J., Hofmann, K., Baumgartner, M., Möller, I. and Krusch, O. 2002. NESTOR sustainability effects of efficiency measures in freight transport. Milestone 1. Hamburg MPI, report submitted to BMBF - Federal ministry of education and research.

The growing importance of light goods vehicles in the UK
Browne, M., Allen, J., Anderson, S. and Wigan, M. 2002. The growing importance of light goods vehicles in the UK. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference. 04 - 06 Sep 2002 Birmingham

Understanding the growth in service trips and developing transport modelling approaches to commercial, service and light goods movements
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Wigan, M. 2002. Understanding the growth in service trips and developing transport modelling approaches to commercial, service and light goods movements. in: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 9-11 September 2002, Homerton College, Cambridge Association for European Transport.

Development and application of key performance indicators for retail home delivery operations: phase one summary report
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M., Jackson, M. and Lewis, A. 2002. Development and application of key performance indicators for retail home delivery operations: phase one summary report. UK Department for Transport.

Overview of home deliveries in the UK
Browne, M., Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Jackson, M. 2001. Overview of home deliveries in the UK. University of Westminster and the Freight Transport Association, a study for the DTI.

Hemmnisse der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in europäischen Metropolregionen
Leonardi, J. 2001. Hemmnisse der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in europäischen Metropolregionen. Hamburg Lit Verlang.

@ your home: new markets for consumer service and delivery
Jackson, M., Browne, M., Allen, J. and Anderson, S. 2001. @ your home: new markets for consumer service and delivery. UK Department of Trade and Industry.

Home delivery market size and operations in the UK
Browne, M., Jackson, M., Allen, J. and Anderson, S. 2001. Home delivery market size and operations in the UK. Logistics Research Network (LRN) 6th Annual Conference. Edinburgh 12 - 14 Sep 2001

Logistics outsourcing
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2001. Logistics outsourcing. in: Brewer, A., Button, K. and Hensher, D. (ed.) Handbook of logistics and supply-chain management London, UK Pergamon.

The benefits of a supply chain approach to urban freight transport
Browne, M., Patier-Marque, D. and Patier-Marque, D. 2001. The benefits of a supply chain approach to urban freight transport. Jacques Cartier Conference. Montreal, Canada

United Kingdom
Browne, M. 2001. United Kingdom. in: Report of the hundred and fifteenth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 4th-5th November 1: road freight transport for own account in Europe Paris, France European Conference of Ministers of Transport.

Les avantages d'une approche de chaine d'approvisionnement pour le transport urbain de fret
Browne, M. 2001. Les avantages d'une approche de chaine d'approvisionnement pour le transport urbain de fret. Etudes et recherches - Laboratoire d'économie des transports. 15, pp. 107-123.

Service-related vehicle activity in urban areas
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 2001. Service-related vehicle activity in urban areas. in: Taniguchi, E. (ed.) City logistics II London, UK Pergamon.

Urban freight transport and logistics systems: moving towards sustainability
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Jones, P.M. 2001. Urban freight transport and logistics systems: moving towards sustainability. 9th World Conference on Transport Research. Seoul, Korea 22 - 27 Jul 2001

Hemmnisse der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in europäischen Metropolregionen
Leonardi, J. 2000. Hemmnisse der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in europäischen Metropolregionen. in: Mose, I. and Weixlbaumer, N. (ed.) Regionen mit Zukunft. Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung als Leitbild ländlicher Räume Vechta Materialien Umweltwissenschaften. pp. 97-114

A comparison of deregulation in the road haulage markets of the UK, EU and USA
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2000. A comparison of deregulation in the road haulage markets of the UK, EU and USA. in: Bradshaw, B. and Lawton-Smith, H. (ed.) Privatization and deregulation of transport Basingstoke Macmillan.

The sustainability of urban freight transport: company behaviour and policy measures
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Jones, P. 2000. The sustainability of urban freight transport: company behaviour and policy measures. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference. Cardiff University 06 - 08 Sep 2000

A framework for considering policies to encourage sustainable urban freight traffic
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Jones, P. 2000. A framework for considering policies to encourage sustainable urban freight traffic. Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. University of Liverpool 05 - 07 Jan 2000

A framework for considering policies to encourage sustainable urban freight traffic and goods/service flows: summary report
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Jones, P. 2000. A framework for considering policies to encourage sustainable urban freight traffic and goods/service flows: summary report. University of Westminster.

Urban goods and service transport - Report 3: Making urban goods and service operations more sustainable through policy measures and company initatives
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Jones, P. 2000. Urban goods and service transport - Report 3: Making urban goods and service operations more sustainable through policy measures and company initatives. University of Westminster.

Urban goods and service transport - Report 2: Current goods and service operations in urban areas
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Jones, P. 2000. Urban goods and service transport - Report 2: Current goods and service operations in urban areas. University of Westminster.

Urban goods and service transport - Report 1: Approach taken to the project
Allen, J., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Jones, P. 2000. Urban goods and service transport - Report 1: Approach taken to the project. University of Westminster.

Transport of forest residues to power stations
Hunter, A., Boyd, J., Palmer, H., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 1999. Transport of forest residues to power stations. Forestry Engineering Group International Conference. Edinburgh 28 - 30 Jun 1999

Supply systems for biomass fuels and their delivered costs
Hunter, A., Boyd, J., Palmer, H., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 1999. Supply systems for biomass fuels and their delivered costs. Fourth Biomass Conference of the Americas. Oakland, California, USA 29 Aug - 02 Sep 1999

Indikatoren für eine zukunftsfähige Entwicklung Hamburgs
Gomm, E., Brink, B., Leonardi, J., Menzel, J. and Willke, K. 1999. Indikatoren für eine zukunftsfähige Entwicklung Hamburgs. Hamburg Hg. v. Zukunftsrat Hamburg.

Logistics implications of packaging waste recovery
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Anderson, S. 1999. Logistics implications of packaging waste recovery. Logistique & Management. 7 (2).

Developments in Western European logistics strategies
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1999. Developments in Western European logistics strategies. in: Waters, D. (ed.) Global logistics and distribution planning: strategies for management. 3rd edition London, UK Kogan Page.

Logistics implications of the UK packaging waste regulations
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 1999. Logistics implications of the UK packaging waste regulations. International Journal of Logistics: research and applications. 2 (2), pp. 129-145. https://doi.org/10.1080/13675569908901577

The logistics of food
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1998. The logistics of food. in: Heap, R., Kierstan, M. and Ford, G. (ed.) Food transportation London Blackie Academic & Professional. pp. 22-50

The impact of sustainability policies on urban freight transport and logistics systems
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1998. The impact of sustainability policies on urban freight transport and logistics systems. in: Meersman, H., Van de Voorde, E. and Winkelmans, W. (ed.) World transport research: selected proceedings of 8th World Conference on Transport Research Oxford Pergamon.

Strategies to reduce the use of energy by road freight transport in cities
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1998. Strategies to reduce the use of energy by road freight transport in cities. Transport Logistics. 1 (3), pp. 195-209.

The transport and logistics of packaging waste
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 1998. The transport and logistics of packaging waste. Logistics Research Network Conference. Cranfield University 10 - 11 Sep 1998

The transport and logistics implications of the packaging waste regulations
Anderson, S., Allen, J. and Browne, M. 1998. The transport and logistics implications of the packaging waste regulations. Corby Institute of Logistics.

Logistics management and costs of biomass fuel supply
Allen, J., Browne, M., Hunter, A., Boyd, J. and Palmer, H. 1998. Logistics management and costs of biomass fuel supply. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. 28 (6), pp. 463-477. https://doi.org/10.1108/09600039810245120

The four stages of retail: grocery sector survey
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1997. The four stages of retail: grocery sector survey. Logistics Europe. 5 (6), pp. 34-40.

The central role of logistics in reducing environmental impacts: a case study of the biomass industry
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1997. The central role of logistics in reducing environmental impacts: a case study of the biomass industry. Logistics Spectrum.

A comparison of deregulation in the road haulage markets of the UK, EU and USA
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1997. A comparison of deregulation in the road haulage markets of the UK, EU and USA. ESRC Regulatory Policy Seminar on Privatisation and Deregulation of Transport. Hertford College, Oxford 02 Jul 1997

Strategies to reduce the use of energy by road freight transport in cities
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1997. Strategies to reduce the use of energy by road freight transport in cities. 1997 PTRC European Transport Forum Annual Meeting. Brunel University, London 04 Sep 1997

Logistics and distribution trends in food manufacturing
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1997. Logistics and distribution trends in food manufacturing. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference. University of Huddersfield 16 - 17 Sep 1997

Forecasting the future of road freight transport and distribution in Britain
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1997. Forecasting the future of road freight transport and distribution in Britain. Bournemouth Lloyds Bowmaker.

Supply systems for biomass fuels and their delivered costs
Allen, J., Browne, M., Boyd, J., Hunter, A. and Palmer, H. 1997. Supply systems for biomass fuels and their delivered costs. Aspects of Applied Biology. 49, pp. 369-378.

International freight market trends: a comparison of the freight markets in the UK, EU and USA
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1996. International freight market trends: a comparison of the freight markets in the UK, EU and USA. Bournemouth Lloyds Bowmaker.

Transport and supply logistics of biomass fuels: volume 2 - biomass resource analysis and strategic modelling, ETSU Report ETSU/B/W2/00399/REP/2
Allen, J., Browne, M., Cook, A., Wicks, N., Boyd, J., Hunter, A. and Palmer, H. 1996. Transport and supply logistics of biomass fuels: volume 2 - biomass resource analysis and strategic modelling, ETSU Report ETSU/B/W2/00399/REP/2. Harwell ETSU.

Transport and supply logistics of biomass fuels: volume 1 - supply chain options for biomass fuels, ETSU Report ETSU/B/W2/00399/REP/1
Allen, J., Browne, M., Boyd, J., Hunter, A. and Palmer, H. 1996. Transport and supply logistics of biomass fuels: volume 1 - supply chain options for biomass fuels, ETSU Report ETSU/B/W2/00399/REP/1. Harwell ETSU.

Warehousing and road-rail terminal provision in Britain: a review, report for the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund
Allen, J., Albanese, L., Anderson, S., Browne, M. and Wicks, N. 1996. Warehousing and road-rail terminal provision in Britain: a review, report for the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund. University of Westminster Press.

Supply chain relationships in British food distribution
Browne, M., Allen, J., Wicks, N. and Bryans, W. 1995. Supply chain relationships in British food distribution. Arguments Logistiques.

Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Raum
Oßenbrügge, J. and Leonardi, J. 1995. Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Raum. Schweizerische Technische Zeitschrift. 10, pp. 34-37.

Integration des Umweltschutzes in die Produktion Hamburger Industriebetriebe
Leonardi, J. 1995. Integration des Umweltschutzes in die Produktion Hamburger Industriebetriebe. Egelsbach Hänsel-Hohenhausen.

Transport trends in Europe: comparisons and contrasts
Browne, M., John, B., Allen, J. and Wicks, N. 1995. Transport trends in Europe: comparisons and contrasts. Bournemouth Lloyds Bowmaker.

The viability of alternative solid fuels for power generation: the importance of logistics planning
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1995. The viability of alternative solid fuels for power generation: the importance of logistics planning. Mechanical Handling Engineering Association Conference. Blackpool Dec 1995

Road transport industry: financial trends
Browne, M., John, B., Allen, J. and Albanese, L. 1994. Road transport industry: financial trends. Bournemouth Lloyds Bowmaker.

Logistics strategies for Europe
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1994. Logistics strategies for Europe. in: Cooper, J. (ed.) Logistics and distribution planning : strategies for management. 2nd edition Kogan Page.

Distribution and logistics trends in the food manufacturing industry
Browne, M. and Allen, J. 1994. Distribution and logistics trends in the food manufacturing industry. London University of Westminster.

Performance indicators in the road haulage industry
Browne, M., John, B. and Allen, J. 1993. Performance indicators in the road haulage industry. Bournemouth Lloyds Bowmaker.

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