Attracting more entrants into engineering: the UK perspective

Maillardet, F.J., Martland, F. and Morling, R.C.S. 2007. Attracting more entrants into engineering: the UK perspective. IEEE International Conference on Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020. Munich, Germany 09 - 11 Nov 2007

TitleAttracting more entrants into engineering: the UK perspective
AuthorsMaillardet, F.J., Martland, F. and Morling, R.C.S.
TypeConference paper
ConferenceIEEE International Conference on Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and Their Educators 2010-2020

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Increasing the variability of centre frequency locations in multiple-band sigma-delta modulators via the use of fractional delay filters
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Concurrent noise-shaping for multiple narrow-band single-loop and multi-stage sigma-delta modulators
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Application of fractional delay filters to tune the centre frequency location of single-band sigma-delta modulators
Al-Janabi, M., Kale, I. and Morling, R.C.S. 1999. Application of fractional delay filters to tune the centre frequency location of single-band sigma-delta modulators. in: Proceedings of the 42nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol 1, Las Cruces, New Mexico IEEE . pp. 181-184

An extensible complex fast Fourier transform processor chip for real-time spectrum analysis and measurement
Cetin, E., Morling, R.C.S. and Kale, I. 1998. An extensible complex fast Fourier transform processor chip for real-time spectrum analysis and measurement. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 47 (1), pp. 95-99.

An analysis of non-ideal variable centre frequency narrow-band bandpass sigma-delta modulators
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Tunable centre frequency resonator based bandpass Σ-Δ modulators
Al-Janabi, M., Kale, I. and Morling, R.C.S. 1998. Tunable centre frequency resonator based bandpass Σ-Δ modulators. in: Proceedings of the Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, vol 2, St. Paul, Minnesota. USA, May 1998 IEEE . pp. 1248-1252

Stability evaluation of tunable resonator-based bandpass sigma-delta modulators via root locus analysis
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Variable centre frequency resonator based bandpass Σ-Δ modulator
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An integrated 256-point complex FFT processor for real-time spectrum analysis and measurement
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MASH structures for bandpass sigma-delta modulators
Al-Janabi, M., Kale, I. and Morling, R.C.S. 1995. MASH structures for bandpass sigma-delta modulators. in: Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Oversampling and Sigma-Delta Strategies for Digital Signal Processing, London, 23 November 1995 IEEE . pp. 3/1-3/6

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