An integrated psychology virtual research ethics committee

Boubert, L. and Taylor, D.A. 2016. An integrated psychology virtual research ethics committee. EDULEARN16. Barcelona 04 - 06 Jul 2016 IATED Academy.

TitleAn integrated psychology virtual research ethics committee
AuthorsBoubert, L. and Taylor, D.A.
TypeConference paper

Research and professional ethics are an integral part of every Psychology degree, as this is seen as a key graduate learning outcome for students leaving to become clinicians working with clients and patients. The development of these skills is embedded in teaching, but they culminate in the final year of a degree when final year students must gain formal ethical approval for their final research project.
Decision as to the ethical appropriateness of research are made by a Departmental Research Ethics Committee, which considers all research project proposals submitted by staff and students within the department. One of the challenges of this practice is the scale of work involved for committee members (Doyle & Buckley, 2014) who are all faculty members, and the tracking of applications and decisions, alongside the quality assurance required to ensure that all applications are treated fairly and equally. The time involved in performing this work is often underestimated by Universities, and the variety and complexity of decisions requires extensive discussion and negotiation. Traditionally, these decisions are reached by committee discussions, however this presents logistical difficulties as it requires meetings with quorate attendance. The University of Westminster launched a virtual tool in 2014 to facilitate the management of the Research Ethics Committee, to help track the progress of applications and to allow discussions to occur and be managed virtually. The Department of Psychology adopted the tools in September 2014 to deal with all ethics applications. Here we report on how this virtual committee has affected the role and practices of a working committee that deals with over 300 applications per year, and how an online ethics procedure has facilitated an integrated developmental approach to ethical education.

KeywordsEthics decisions
committee discussions
student research projects
learning outcomes
PublisherIATED Academy
Publisher's version
Publication dates
Published04 Jul 2016
Journal citationpp. 3340-3347
Book titleProceedings of EDULEARN16 Conference 4th-6th July 2016, Barcelona, Spain
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL) of conference proceedings

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