Visnjic, F., Smith, G,J, Scholz, A and Kennedy, S 2016. HOLO 2. Berlin

TitleHOLO 2
AuthorsVisnjic, F., Smith, G,J, Scholz, A and Kennedy, S

Towering installations visualize scientific data, projectors beam kaleidoscopic animations onto sculptural forms, responsive 3D-printed environments mimic life—as consumer electronics become indistinguishable from science fiction, contemporary artists and designers are prototyping fantastical futures before our very eyes.

HOLO is a biannual window into their world: 200+ pages of personal encounters with leading practitioners, visits to key studios and institutions around the world, analysis from prominent thinkers and niche experts—each issue of HOLO is a thorough record of timely trends and paradigms, mixing long-form journalism with striking photography in premium print.

Keywordsart, technology, science, architecture
Publication dates
Published in print2016
Place of publicationBerlin
Web address (URL)http://holo-magazine.com

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Visnjic, F. 2017. CreativeApplications.Net.

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Visnjic, F. 2016. New Models of Intellectual Exchange: CAN, EVENTS, HOLO.

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Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Cook, J., Geros, C., Seetharama Bhat, H., Powis, A., Visnjic, F. and Saleh, Z. 2016. Monsoon Assemblages. Monsoon Assemblages. https://doi.org/10.34737/v9x0x

HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016
Visnjic, F. and Scholz, A 2016. HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016. OFFF Festival 2016. Barcelona, Spain May - Jun 2016

ACT Festival 2015
Visnjic, F. 2015. ACT Festival 2015. ACC, Gwangju, South Korea 25 - 28 Nov 2015

Urban Equity Website
Visnjic, F. 2013. Urban Equity Website.

Creative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms
Visnjic, F. 2013. Creative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms.

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/q295w/holo-2

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