Document 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice

Visnjic, F. 2019. Document 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice.

TitleDocument 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice
AuthorsVisnjic, F.

CAN (Filip Visnjic) has joined forces with UAL Creative Computing Institute to present the first in a series of events that examine new forms of cross-disciplinary art and design practice. Entitled Document 1., it’s comprised of a workshop, seminar, and symposium, and takes place March 11th–13th at UAL’s newly refurbished Camberwell College of Art in London.

Whether we are creating digital media, visualizing scientific data, programming industrial robots, or lobbying for surveillance regulation – technology shapes how we perceive and interact with the world. Excitingly, recent years have brought about a blurring of boundaries between adjacent fields, creating previously unimaginable opportunities within the creative sector. Document 1. and future events in our new series will foreground the vanguard of cross-disciplinary practice, artists and designers whose works offers savvy critical technological and cultural narratives – providing both imaginative paths forward and cautionary warnings.

Drawing together leading practitioners for both hands-on learning and a series of lecturers, Document 1. will be comprised of a two-day workshop, a supporting seminar, and a daylong public symposium.

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