Creative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms

Visnjic, F. 2013. Creative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms.

TitleCreative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms
AuthorsVisnjic, F.

CreativeApplications.Net (CAN) is a web-based project that includes a blog, digital applications, live events and a print magazine. It was launched by Visnjic in October 2008, with the primary aim of creating a current, open source, online sharing and collective ‘scenius’ aimed at developing the intersection of art, technology and design. The project is driven by a number of research questions: What are the implications for open source, online sharing and collective ‘scenius’ on the future of art, technology and the culture of design? How are contemporary digital technologies and computation tools part of design production and development? How may digital media be used to develop projects, people, events and organisations? How may print media and events be used to compliment on-line collaboration and exchange? CAN’s online presence, amounting to over 20,000 users, allows it to drive the conversation in the art/design/digital technology arena. It is ranked 1169 of most influential sites by Technorati and used very often as a source by other respected technology blogs such as Wired US, Wired UK, The Creators Project, Gizmodo, Engadget and many others. The Resonate Festival organised by Visnjic each year since 2012 to complement CAN’s online presence attracted 1,000 participants in 2012 and 1,600 in 2013, and its print journal HOLO will go into circulation in October 2013. Since 2010, Visnjic has been regularly interviewed or invited to speak about the project at academic institutions and technology festivals and events.

Web address (URL)
Publication dates
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)

Related outputs

Future Festival, MUTEK (CA) / Co-Production with HOLO

Visnjic, F. 2024. Future Festival, MUTEK (CA) / Co-Production with HOLO

Alexander Scholz, Filip Visnjic, Greg J. Smith Nora N. Khan (ed.) 2022. HOLO 3. HOLO.

FRAMED x Optoma Collaboration
Visnjic, F. 2020. FRAMED x Optoma Collaboration.

Document 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice
Visnjic, F. 2019. Document 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice.

FRAMED at Dong Gallery Taipei
Visnjic, F. 2019. FRAMED at Dong Gallery Taipei.

Visnjic, F. 2017. CreativeApplications.Net.

New Models of Intellectual Exchange: CAN, EVENTS, HOLO
Visnjic, F. 2016. New Models of Intellectual Exchange: CAN, EVENTS, HOLO.

Monsoon Assemblages
Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Cook, J., Geros, C., Seetharama Bhat, H., Powis, A., Visnjic, F. and Saleh, Z. 2016. Monsoon Assemblages. Monsoon Assemblages.

HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016
Visnjic, F. and Scholz, A 2016. HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016. OFFF Festival 2016. Barcelona, Spain May - Jun 2016

Visnjic, F., Smith, G,J, Scholz, A and Kennedy, S 2016. HOLO 2. Berlin

ACT Festival 2015
Visnjic, F. 2015. ACT Festival 2015. ACC, Gwangju, South Korea 25 - 28 Nov 2015

Urban Equity Website
Visnjic, F. 2013. Urban Equity Website.

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