HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016

Visnjic, F. and Scholz, A 2016. HOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016. OFFF Festival 2016. Barcelona, Spain May - Jun 2016

TitleHOLO Presentation at OFFF Festival 2016
AuthorsVisnjic, F. and Scholz, A
TypeConference keynote

For the last 10 years our central objective has been to facilitate a productive scenius that nurtures creative intersections, exchanges and networks between practitioners in art, media, design and technology. From online and offline publications to live events, our initiatives have become incubators for a multitude of computational tools, people and organisations, events and people and continue to provide an open platform for dialogue, feedback and response in diverse media.

Filip Visnjic and Alexander Scholz share an insight into their latest projects, events and initiative.

More than a decade ago, OFFF was born as a festival. Today, OFFF is a way of understanding creativity. A way of life. Evolving and transforming.

Keywordsart, technology, media
ConferenceOFFF Festival 2016
Accepted author manuscript
Web address (URL) of conference proceedingshttp://2016.offf.barcelona/artists/AeMx/creativeapplications-net-holo-framed-w-filip-visnjic-and-alexander-scholz
Web address (URL)http://2016.offf.barcelona/

Related outputs

Future Festival, MUTEK (CA) / Co-Production with HOLO

Visnjic, F. 2024. Future Festival, MUTEK (CA) / Co-Production with HOLO

Alexander Scholz, Filip Visnjic, Greg J. Smith Nora N. Khan (ed.) 2022. HOLO 3. HOLO.

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Visnjic, F. 2020. FRAMED x Optoma Collaboration.

Document 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice
Visnjic, F. 2019. Document 1 – Event series examines cross-disciplinary practice.

FRAMED at Dong Gallery Taipei
Visnjic, F. 2019. FRAMED at Dong Gallery Taipei.

Visnjic, F. 2017. CreativeApplications.Net.

New Models of Intellectual Exchange: CAN, EVENTS, HOLO
Visnjic, F. 2016. New Models of Intellectual Exchange: CAN, EVENTS, HOLO.

Monsoon Assemblages
Bremner, L., Cullen, B., Cook, J., Geros, C., Seetharama Bhat, H., Powis, A., Visnjic, F. and Saleh, Z. 2016. Monsoon Assemblages. Monsoon Assemblages. https://doi.org/10.34737/v9x0x

Visnjic, F., Smith, G,J, Scholz, A and Kennedy, S 2016. HOLO 2. Berlin

ACT Festival 2015
Visnjic, F. 2015. ACT Festival 2015. ACC, Gwangju, South Korea 25 - 28 Nov 2015

Urban Equity Website
Visnjic, F. 2013. Urban Equity Website.

Creative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms
Visnjic, F. 2013. Creative Applications Network (CreativeApplications.Net, CAN) Website and related platforms.

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/q2963/holo-presentation-at-offf-festival-2016

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