Abstract Cinema - ACE232.5

1993. Abstract Cinema - ACE232.5.

TitleAbstract Cinema - ACE232.5

Stan Brakhage on the many different ways of producing abstract images on film. Talks about Len Lye transferring his batik art to film. Extract from Colour Box (1935). Brakhage VO on patterns being intrinsic to inner thought processes. Film of Lye at work. Brakhage on Lye’s Particles in Space, in which he tried to examine his own disintegrating body cells. Extract from Particles in Space (1979). Film strip showing the painting of Brakhage’s Night Music. He explains the background to its making. Night Music (1986). Brakhage describing the process, using paint and chemicals on IMAX stock, of making the film; images from the strip. Extract from Rage Net (1988).

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5vz9/abstract-cinema-ace232-5

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