Alevi Kurds in the United Kingdom: Community Formation, Visibility, and Integration

Cetin, U. and Jenkins, C. 2024. Alevi Kurds in the United Kingdom: Community Formation, Visibility, and Integration. in: Arkilic, A. and Senay, B. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Turkey's Diasporas Routledge.

Chapter titleAlevi Kurds in the United Kingdom: Community Formation, Visibility, and Integration
AuthorsCetin, U. and Jenkins, C.
EditorsArkilic, A. and Senay, B.

This chapter presents a unique example of the diaspora settlement of Turkey-originated Alevi Kurds in the UK. Alevi Kurds constitute the majority of Turkey-originated migrants in the country, providing the largest concentration of Alevi Kurds in Europe. Most research on Alevis focuses on Turkish Alevis, contributing to the invisibility of Alevi Kurds as a ‘twice minority’ ethnically and religiously. This chapter traces the successful settlement of first- generation Alevi Kurds into a positive ethno-religious community. It describes the community’s response to the legacy of a ‘negative identity’ and its detrimental impact on the second generation. What is particularly interesting is how Alevi Kurds have used education and the introduction of Alevism lessons in schools to raise the profile and visibility of the community and to consolidate their integration into British society. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the future of the Alevi community and their ethno-religious identity in the UK context.

KeywordsAlevi Kurds
United Kingdom
Book titleRoutledge Handbook of Turkey's Diasporas
Publication dates
Published21 Aug 2024
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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