The Impact of Multilingualism on the Vocabulary and Stylistics of Medieval English

Sylvester, L.M., Pons-Sanz, S.M. and Dance, R. 2024. The Impact of Multilingualism on the Vocabulary and Stylistics of Medieval English.

TitleThe Impact of Multilingualism on the Vocabulary and Stylistics of Medieval English
AuthorsSylvester, L.M., Pons-Sanz, S.M. and Dance, R.

Special issue of the journal Lexis - Journal in English Lexicology

Publication dates
Published17 Oct 2024
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FunderUKRI (UK Research and Innovation)
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Anglo-Scandinavian trade or paganism? OE hæðen in the first Cleopatra glossary
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Sharpening, Confiding and OE getryccað
Pons-Sanz, S.M. 2006. Sharpening, Confiding and OE getryccað. Notes and Queries. 53 (2), pp. 146-150.

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The Norse-derived vocabulary in the Battle of Maldon
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Book review: A history of the English language. Eds. Richard Hogg and David Denison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006
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Chaucer's use and abuse of fourteenth-century English in the miller's tale
Pons-Sanz, S.M. 2000. Chaucer's use and abuse of fourteenth-century English in the miller's tale. Studies in English Language and Linguistics. 2, pp. 191-201.

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Pons-Sanz, S.M. 2000. Analysis of the Scandinavian loanwords in the Aldredian Glosses to the Lindisfarne Gospels. Valencia Department of English and German Philology, University of Valencia.

Aldred's glosses to numismatic terms in the Lindisfarne Gospels
Pons-Sanz, S.M. 2000. Aldred's glosses to numismatic terms in the Lindisfarne Gospels. 13th International Conference of SELIM (Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature). Jaén 09 - 11 Oct 2000

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