The Creation by Joseph Haydn

DirectorChris Hunt
One line synopsisA performance (in English) of The Creation by German Classical composer, Joseph Haydn (1732-1809).

Caption: "Part One."
The Representation of Chaos (Die Vorstellung des Chaos).
Film of astronomical and geological phenomena – volcanic fire, etc.
Caption: "Chaos." Volcanic eruptions, lava, etc. Orchestra and chorus.
Astronomical and terrestrial natural phenomena, African wildlife, etc.
Caption: "Day I."
"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth" ("Im Anfange schuf Gott Himmel und Erde"). Weather fronts.
"Now vanish before the holy beams" ("Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle"). Sunrises, dawn skies. Paintings by William Blake and others depicting the defeat of Satan, souls in Hell, etc. Performance; details of chapel architecture.
Caption: "Day II."
"And God made the firmament" ("Und Gott machte das Firmament"). Paintings by Blake, natural phenomena.
"The marv’lous work beholds amaz’d" ("Mit Staunen sieht das Wunderwerk"). Stained glass windows, singers, musicians, stained glass.
Caption: "Day III."
"And God said: Let the waters under the heaven" ("Und Gott sprach: Es sammle sich das Wasser"). Heavy seas.
"Rolling in foaming billows" ("Rollend in schaumenden Wellen"). Water-related scenes.
"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass" ("Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde Gras hervor")
"With verdure clad the fields appear" ("Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün"). Flora, etc.
"And the heav’nly host proclaimed" ("Und die himmlischen Heerscharen erkündigten").
"Awake the harp, the lyre awake" ("Stimmt an die Saiten"). Chorus, chapel ornaments and decoration.

Caption: "Day IV."
"And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven" ("Und Gott sprach: Es sei’n Lichter an der Feste des Himmels")
"In splendour bright is rising now the sun and darts his rays" ("In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt die Sonne"). Sunrise, paintings, church ceiling decorations.
"The heavens are telling the glory of God" ("Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes"). Chorus, church decorations, etc.
Caption: "Part two."
Caption: "Day V."
"And God said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly" ("Und Gott sprach: Es bringe das Wasser in der Fülle hervor"). Birds, musicians.
"On mighty pens, uplifted soars" ("Auf starkem Fittige schwinget sich der Adler stolz"). Birds, musicians.
"And God created great whales" ("Und Gott schuf grosse Walfische"). Fish and sea birds.
"And the angels struck their immortal harps" ("Und die Engel rührten ihr’ unsterblichen Harfen"). Waterfalls, tropical forests, rivers.
"Most beautiful appear, with verdure young adorn’d" ("In holder Anmut stehn"). Birds, fish, landscape and other paintings.
"The Lord is great, and great his might" ("Der Herr ist gross in seiner Macht"). Stained glass windows, chorus, church interior.
Caption: "Day VI."
"And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind" ("Und Gott sprach: Es bringe die Erde hervor lebende Geschopfe" ).
"Straight opening her fertile womb" ("Gleich öffnet sich der Erde Schoss"). African wildlife, insects, etc.
"Now heav’n in fullest glory shone" ("Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel"). Various landscapes, creation paintings by Michelangelo and Blake.
"And God created man in his own image" ("Und Gott schuf den Menschen").
"In native worth and honour clad" ("Mit Würd’ und Hoheit angetan"). Creation paintings by Michelangelo, Blake and others.
"And God saw ev’ry thing that he had made" ("Und Gott sah jedes Ding")
"Achieved is the glorious work" ("Vollendet ist das grosse Werk"). Orchestra and chorus. African and other wildlife. Chorus, church interior, windows, etc.
Caption: "Part three."
Caption: "Day VII."
"In rosy mantle appears, by tunes sweet awak’d" ("Aus Rosenwolken bricht"). African wildlife, an African village.
"By thee with bliss, o bounteous Lord" ("Von deiner Gut, o Herr und Gott"). Natural phenomena, church decorations, pastoral and other paintings by Blake, Turner, etc. Musicians.
"Our duty we performed now" ("Nun ist die erste Pflicht erfüllt")
"Graceful consort! At thy side" ("Holde Gattin, dir zur Seite"). Church décor, countryside, pastoral paintings, etc.
"O happy pair, and always happy yet" ("O glücklich Paar, und glücklich immerfort")
"Sing the Lord, ye voices all!" ("Singt dem Herren alle Stimmen!"). Chorus, orchestra, the soloists, etc. Credits.

Production companyIambic Productions
Running time101 minutes
Full credits

The Creation by Joseph Haydn.
Performed by The Academy of Ancient Music,
(leader Christopher Hirons),
The Chorus of the Academy of Ancient Music (director Simon Halsey),
The Choir of New College, Oxford (director Edward Higginbottom);
Conductor Christopher Hogwood;
Soloists Emma Kirkby,
Anthony Rolfe Johnson,
Michael George;
[English Translation Robert Shaw].
With thanks to: The Dean & Chapter of Gloucester,
Peter Bolton,
David Todd,
Roy Hankinson.
Natural History film by courtesy of: BBC Television,
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds;
Photographs and paintings by courtesy of: Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery,
Bridgeman Art Library,
British Museum,
City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery,
Mary Evans Picture Library,
Simon Farrell,
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge,
Peter Gibson,
Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
Mellon Bank Corporation
National Gallery of Ireland,
National Gallery of Scotland,
National Trust Photographic Library,
Tate Gallery, London,
Turner Collection, Tate Gallery,
Victoria and Albert Museum,
Viewfinder Colour Photo Library,
Whitworth Art Gallery,
York City Art Gallery,
The Dean & Chapter of York.
Graphic Design Alison Murphy;
Rostrum Camera Ken Morse;
Make-up Sharon Dowsett;
Sound by The Decca Record Company Limited;
Sound Producer Peter Wadland;
Sound Engineer John Dunkerley;
Decca Executive Producer Herbert Chappell;
O.B. Lighting Director Alan Woolford;
O.B. Unit Manager Joe French;
O.B. Cameramen Barrie Dodd,
Simon Cooper,
Duncan McLaren,
Phil Piotrowski;
Floor Manager Mike Morgan;
Solo Cameraman Peter Bartlett;
Stills Research Angela Gray;
Film Research Jerry Short;
Videotape Editor Mike Butler;
Picture Editor Arthur Bennett;
O.B. Director Rodney Greenberg;
Associate Producer Judy Chesterman;
Producer and Directed by Chris Hunt.
Iambic Productions in association with Channel Four, The Arts Council, and The Decca Record Company Limited.
An Iambic Production.
© Iambic Productions MCMXC.

Film segmentThe Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.2
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.3
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.4
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.5
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.6
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.7
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.8
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.9
The Creation by Joseph Haydn - ACE227.10
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