Matthewman, L.J. 2018. The Loss of Work. in: Matthewman, L.J., Hetherington, A. and Rose, A. (ed.) Work Psychology: An Introduction to Human Behaviour in the Workplace Hakijisa, Korea Hakjisa Publisher INC. pp. 326-348
Matthewman, L.J. 2018. Relationships At Work. in: Matthewman, L.J., Hetherington, A. and Rose, A. (ed.) Work Psychology: An Introduction to Human Behaviour in the Workplace Hakijisa, Korea Hakjisa Publisher INC. pp. 116-140
Matthewman, L.J., Rose, A. and Hetherington, A. (ed.) 2018. Work Psychology: An Introduction to Human Behaviour in the Workplace. Hakijisa, Korea Hakjisa Publisher INC.
Di Pietro, G. 2018. Do media play a role in promoting vocational education and training? The case of MasterChef. Policy Studies. 39 (1), pp. 37-53.
Di Pietro, G. 2018. Revisiting the impact of macroeconomic conditions on health behaviours. Economics and Human Biology. 28, pp. 173-181.
Di Pietro, G. 2018. The academic impact of natural disasters: evidence from L’Aquila earthquake. Education Economics. 26 (1), pp. 62-77.
Dorsett, R., Hendra, R. and Robins, P.K. 2018. Using Administrative Data to Explore the Effect of Survey Nonresponse in the UK Employment Retention and Advancement Demonstration. Evaluation Review. 42 (5-6), pp. 491-514.
Buscha, F. and Sturgis, P. 2018. Declining Social Mobility? Evidence from five linked Censuses in England and Wales 1971-2011. British Journal of Sociology. 69 (1), pp. 154-182.
Urwin, P. and Cerqua, A. 2017. Identifying Variation in Learner Outcomes by Further Education Provider. Department for Education.
Gifford, J., Urwin, P. and Cerqua, A. 2017. Strengths-based performance conversations: an organisational field trial. London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Urwin, P. and Gould, M. 2017. Barriers and Drivers of Diversity: Analysis of 10 years of the BSN Diversity Survey Sample of Firms. in: Diversity League Table: a 10-year demographic survey of the legal profession Black Solicitors Network. pp. 15-25
Wilson, K.Y., Urwin, P. and Williamson, M. 2017. An investigation of the barriers to Fellowship and Lectureship applications experienced by BAME and female early career researchers at Imperial College. Imperial College.
Matthewman, L.J. 2017. Symposium on psychological well-being of students: A brief summary. Psychology Teaching Review. 23 (2), pp. 91-92.
Dorsett, R. and Anders, J. 2017. What young English people do once they reach school-leaving age: A cross-cohort comparison for the last 30 years. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. 8 (1), pp. 75-103.
Dorsett, R. 2017. HMP Peterborough Social Impact Bond - learning exercise.
Anders, J. and Dorsett, R. 2017. A review of the matching process for the impact analysis of the HMP Peterborough Social Impact Bond.
Anders, J. and Dorsett, R. 2017. Peterborough social impact bond: final report on cohort 2 analysis. Ministry of Justice.
Wilson, K.Y. and Jones, R.G. 2017. Performance Appraisal. in: Cornish, T. and Calvard, T. (ed.) The Psychology of Ethnicity in Organisations London Palgrave Macmillan.
Buscha, F., Müller, D. and Page, L. 2017. Can a Common Currency Foster a Shared Social Identity across Different Nations? The Case of the Euro. European Economic Review. 100, pp. 318-336.
Parry, E. and Urwin, P.J. 2017. The evidence-base for generational differences: where do we go from here? Work, Aging and Retirement. 3 (2), pp. 140-148.
Di Pietro, G. 2017. Degree classification and recent graduates’ ability: Is there any signalling effect? Journal of Education and Work. 30 (5), pp. 501-514.
Cerqua, A. and Di Pietro, G. 2017. Natural disasters and university enrolment: Evidence from L’Aquila earthquake. Applied Economics. 49 (14), pp. 1440-1457.
Dalton, K. and Bingham, C. 2017. A Social Institutionalist Perspective on HR Diffusion: Historical and Cultural Receptivity to HRM in a Post-Communist Context. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 28 (6), pp. 825-851.
Cerqua, A. and Urwin, P. 2016. Returns to Maths and English Learning (at level 2 and below) in Further Education. London Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Urwin, P. and Gould, M. 2016. Estimating the Economic Impact of Acas Services. Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).
Urwin, P., Gould, M. and Faggio, G. 2016. Estimating the Value of Discounted Rental Accommodation for London’s ‘Squeezed’ Key Workers. Dolphin Square Foundation.
Dorsett, R., Lui, S. and Weale, M. 2016. The effect of lifelong learning on men's wages. Empirical Economics. 15 (2), pp. 737-762.
Dorsett, R. and Lucchino, P. 2016. The Work Programme: factors associated with differences in the relative effectiveness of prime providers. Department for Work and Pensions.
Bingham, C. 2016. Employment Relations: Fairness and Trust in the Workplace. London Sage.
Buscha, F. 2016. Does Daily Sunshine make you Happy? Subjective Measures of Well-being and the Weather. The Manchester School. 84 (5), pp. 642-663.
Pryce, V., Ross, A. and Urwin, P. 2015. It’s the Economy Stupid: Economics for Voters. London Biteback Publishing.
Bibby, D., Cerqua, A., Thomson, D. and Urwin, P. 2015. The Impact Of Skills And Training Interventions On The Unemployed: Phase II Report. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Matthewman, L.J. and Nowlan, J. 2015. Facilitating independent learning through reciprocal peer coaching. The Higher Education Academy, England Higher Education Academy.
Di Pietro, G. and Mora, T 2015. The Effect of the L'Aquila Earthquake on Labour Market Outcomes. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 33 (2), pp. 239-255.
Di Pietro, G. 2015. Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates? Education Finance and Policy. 10 (2), pp. 223-243.
Buscha, F. and Sturgis, P. 2015. Increasing inter-generational social mobility: is educational expansion the answer? British Journal of Sociology. 66 (3), pp. 512-533.
Wright, A., Michielsens, E., Snijders, S., Kumarappan, L., Williamson, M., Clarke, L. and Urwin, P. 2014. Diversity in STEMM: Establishing a Business Case. Royal Society.
Bibby, D., Buscha, F., Cerqua, A., Thomson, D. and Urwin, P.J. 2014. Estimating earnings returns to vocational qualifications using administrative data. London Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Dorsett, R., Lui, S. and Weale, M. 2014. Education and its Effects on Income and Mortality of Men aged Sixty-five and over in Great Britain. Labour Economics. 27, pp. 71-82.
Dorsett, R. and Lucchino, P. 2014. Explaining patterns in the school-to-work transition: An analysis using optimal matching. Advances in Life Course Research. 22, pp. 1-14.