Group leader | Mr Dimitris Parapadakis |
Web address (URL) | |
Alonso India, J., El Hajjar, A. and Kiss, T. 2024. An experimental study on the performance of post-Quantum lightweight cryptosystems in the context of IoT/NFC. The 25th International Web Information Systems Engineering Conference (WISE 2024). Doha, Qatar 02 - 05 Dec 2024 Springer.
El Hajjar, A. 2023. Key-Pre Distribution for the Internet of Things Challenges, Threats and Recommendations. in: Wireless Networks: Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures Switzerland Springer. pp. 1-42
Md. Mamun Ahmed and Ayman El Hajjar 2023. A proactive approach to protect cloud computing environment against DDoS attack. in: Hamid Jahankhani, Arshad Jamal and Guy Brown (ed.) AI, Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity in Higher Education Switzerland Springer. pp. 243-278
El Hajjar, A. and Jahankhani, H. (ed.) 2023. Wireless Networks: Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures. Switzerland Springer.
Parapadakis, D. 2020. Can AI help predict a learner’s needs? Lessons from predicting student satisfaction. London Review of Education. 18 (2), pp. 178-195.
Bakas, A. and Michalas, A. 2019. Modern Family: A Revocable Hybrid Encryption Scheme Based on Attribute-Based Encryption, Symmetric Searchable Encryption and SGX. 15th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm’19). Orlando, United States 25 Jul - 23 Oct 2019 Springer.
Michalas, A. 2019. The Lord of the Shares: Combining Attribute-Based Encryption and Searchable Encryption for Flexible Data Sharing. 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'19). Limassol, Cyprus 08 - 12 Apr 2019 ACM.
Michalas, A. and Murray, R. 2017. MemTri: A Memory Forensics Triage Tool using Bayesian Network and Volatility. The 9th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats (MIST’17) in Conjunction with ACM CCS 2017. Dallas, TX, USA 30 Oct - 03 Nov 2017 ACM.
Dowsley, R., Michalas, A., Nagel, M. and Paladi, N. 2017. A Survey on Design and Implementation of Protected Searchable Data in the Cloud. Computer Science Review. 26, pp. 17-30.
Costa, J. and Michalas, A. 2017. Middle Man: An Efficient Two-Factor Authentication Framework. 3rd IEEE International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation. Pune, India 17 - 18 Aug 2017 IEEE .
Michalas, A. and Weingarten, N. 2017. HealthShare: Using Attribute-Based Encryption for Secure Data Sharing Between Multiple Clouds. Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’17). Thessaloniki, Greece 22 - 24 Jun 2017 IEEE .
Verginadis, Y., Michalas, A., Gouvas, P., Schiefer, G., Hübsch, G. and Paraskakis, I. 2017. PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services. Journal of Grid Computing. 15 (2), pp. 219-234.
Yigzaw, KY., Michalas, A. and Bellika, J.G. 2017. Secure and scalable deduplication of horizontally partitioned health data for privacy-preserving distributed statistical computation. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 17 1 (2017).
Paladi, N., Gehrmann, C. and Michalas, A. 2017. Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 5 (3), pp. 405-419.
Michalas, A. and Murray, R 2016. Mem Tri: Memory Forensics Triage Tool. Cyber Security Group, University of Westminster.
Michalas, A. and Yigzaw, K.Y. 2016. LocLess: Do You Really Care Where Your Cloud Files Are? Cloud Security and Data Privacy by Design (CloudSPD’16), Workshop co-located with the 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. Luxembourg 12 - 15 Dec 2016 IEEE .
Michalas, A. 2016. Sharing in the Rain: Secure and Efficient Data Sharing for the Cloud. 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2016). Barcelona 05 - 07 Dec 2016 IEEE .
Yigzaw, K.Y., Michalas, A. and Bellika, J. 2016. Secure and Scalable Statistical Computation of Questionnaire Data in R. IEEE Access. 4, pp. 4635-4645.
Michalas, A. and Giannetsos, T. 2016. The Data of Things: Strategies, Patterns and Practice of Cloud-based Participatory Sensing. International Conference on Innovations in InfoBusiness and Technology (ICIIT). Colombo, Sri Lanka 04 Mar 2016
Verginadis, Y., Michalas, A., Gouvas, P., Schiefer, G., Hübsch, G. and Paraskakis, I. 2015. PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER'15). Lisbon, Portugal 20 May 2015 SCITEPRESS.
Paladi, N. and Michalas, A. 2014. "One of our hosts in another country": Challenges of data geolocation in cloud storage. The 6th IEEE Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE). Aalborg, Denmark 11 May 2014 IEEE .
Michalas, A. and Komninos, N. 2014. The lord of the sense: A privacy preserving reputation system for participatory sensing applications. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ISCC'2014). Madeira, Portugal 23 Jun 2014 IEEE .
Paladi, N., Michalas, A. and Gehrmann, C. 2014. Domain Based Storage Protection with Secure Access Control for the Cloud. The 2014 International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing, held in conjunction with the 9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS). Kyoto, Japan 04 Jun 2014 ACM.
Michalas, A., Paladi, N. and Gehrmann, C. 2014. Security aspects of e-health systems migration to the cloud. 16th IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom). Natal, Brazil 15 Oct 2014 IEEE .
Dimitriou, T. and Michalas, A. 2013. Multi-party trust computation in decentralized environments in the presence of malicious adversaries. Ad Hoc Networks . 15 (2014), pp. 53-66.
Dimitriou, T. and Michalas, A. 2012. Multi-Party Trust Computation in Decentralized Environments. International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). Istanbul 07 - 10 May 2012 IEEE .
Michalas, A., Bakopoulos, M., Komninos, N. and Prasad Neeli, R. 2012. Secure & Trusted Communication in Emergency Situations. Sarnoff Symposium (SARNOFF). Newark, NJ 21 - 22 May 2012 IEEE .
Michalas, A. and Bakopoulos, M. 2012. SecGOD - Google Docs: Now I Feel Safer! The 7th IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2012). London, UK 10 Dec 2012 IEEE .
Michalas, A., Dimitriou, T., Giannetsos, T., Komninos, N. and Prasad Neeli, R. 2012. Vulnerabilities of decentralized additive reputation systems regarding the privacy of individual votes. Wireless Personal Communications. 66 (3), pp. 559-575.
Michalas, A., Komninos, N. and Prasad Neeli, R. 2011. Mitigate DoS and DDoS Attack in Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF). 3 (1), pp. 14-36.