College | Westminster Business School |
Head | Dr Emma Elkington |
Ye, Z, Lin, W and Singh, C. 2020. An Overview of Insider Dealing Law and Policy: A Chinese Perspective (Part Two). Company Lawyer.
Ye, Z, Lin, W and Singh, C. 2020. An Overview of Insider Dealing Law and Policy: A Chinese Perspective (Part One). Company Lawyer.
Alenezi, M., Alqatan, A. and Phiri, O. 2020. The sensitivity of GCC firms’ stock returns to exchange rate, interest rate, and oil price volatility. Corporate Ownership & Control. 17 (4), pp. 35-50.
Ye, Z, Lin, W., Safari, N. and Singh, C. 2020. Controlling Insider Dealing Through Criminal Enforcement in China. Journal of Financial Crime. 27 (4), pp. 1061-1073.
Maghyereh, A. I. and Awartani, B. 2020. The response of corporate investments in the US to oil price changes: the role of asymmetries. Applied Finance Letters. 9, pp. 11-24.
Awartani, B., Maghyereh, A. and Salaber, Julie 2020. Oil price changes and industrial output in the MENA region: Nonlinearities and asymmetries. Energy. 196, p. 117043 117043.
Awartani, B., Abdoh, H. and Maghyereh, A.I. 2020. The effects of investor emotions sentiments on crude oil returns: A time and frequency dynamics analysis. International Economics. 162, pp. 110-124.
Bose, S., Ladley, D. and Li, X. 2020. The role of hormones in financial markets. International Review of Financial Analysis. 67 101434.
Nunkoo, R., Teeroovengadum, V., Ringle, C.M. and Sunnassee, V. 2020. Service quality and customer satisfaction: The moderating effects of hotel star rating. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 91 102414.
Balachandran, B., Faff, R., Nguyen, L.H.G. and Puwanenthiren, P. 2020. The impact of audit quality in rights offerings. Accounting & Finance. 60 (3), pp. 2007-2037.
Moussa, T., Allam, A., Elbanna, S. and Bani-Mustafa, A. 2020. Can board environmental orientation improve U.S. firms' carbon performance? The mediating role of carbon strategy. Business Strategy and The Environment. 29 (1), pp. 72-86.
Wang, H., Yang, J. and Yao, Y. 2019. Dynamics and performance of decentralized portfolios with size-induced fund flows. Quantitative Finance. 19 (6), pp. 885-898.
Karathanasopoulos, A., Mitra, S., Lo, C.C., Zaremba, A. and Osman, M. 2019. Ensemble Models in Forecasting Financial Markets. Journal of Computational Finance. 23 (3), pp. 101-119.
Chinthalapati, V.L.R., Mitra, S. and Serguieva, A. 2019. Big Data And PAC Learning In The Presence Of Noise: Implications For Financial Risk Management. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 17 (1), pp. 34-56.
Jokung, O. and Mitra, S. 2019. Risk lovers, mixed risk loving and the preference to combine good with good. International Journal of Management and Applied Science. 11 (4), pp. 295-313.
Clark, E., Mitra, S. and Jokung, O. 2019. Post Global Financial Crisis Modelling: Credit Risk For Firms That Are Too Big To Fail. International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives. 7 (1), pp. 15-39.
Mitra, S. 2019. Political Risk Modelling and Measurement From Stochastic Volatility Models. International Journal of Sustainable Economy. 11 (2), pp. 184-218.
Mitra, S., Lim, S. and Karathanasopoulos, A. 2019. Regression Based Scenario Generation: Applications For Performance Management. Operations Research Perspectives. 6 100095.
Mitra, S. and Karathanasopoulos, A. 2019. Firm Value And The Impact of Operational Management. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. 26, pp. 61-85.
Mitra, S. 2019. Stock-ADR Arbitrage: Microstructure Risk. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. 63 101132.
Wen, J., Ahamed, M. and Gupta, N. 2019. Does board composition affect the gender pay gap? Economics Letters. 184 108624.
Ferrara, G., Li, X. and Marszalec, D. 2019. Central counterparty auction design. Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures. 8 (2), pp. 47-58 2019.119.
Raonic, I. and Sahin, A. 2019. Do analysts understand accruals’ persistence? Evidence revisited. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 21 (1), pp. 38-59.
Sivaprasad, S. and Dadhaniya, R. 2019. An Empirical Analysis of the Performance of Sponsored versus Non-Sponsored IPOs:Evidence from India. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 10 (1), pp. 100-116.
Puwanenthiren, P., Dang, M., Henry, D., Puwanenthiren, P. and Al Mamun, M. 2019. Does Managerial ability matter for the choice of Seasoned Equity offerings? North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 47, pp. 442-460.
Singh, C. 2019. Bumped Redundancy and the Range of Reasonable Responses: To what Extent, if any, should Employers Consider Bumping? Life after Mirab v Mentor Graphics Limited UKEAT/0172/17DA. Issues in Legal Scholarship . 17 (1) 20190007.
Singh, C. 2019. Eliciting Best Evidence from a Child Witness: A Comparative Study of the United Kingdom and India. Issues in Legal Scholarship . 17 (1), p. 20190003 20190003.
Shah, I., Schmidt-Fisher, F., Malki, I. and Hatfield, R. 2019. A Structural Break Approach to Analysing the Impact of the QE Portfolio Balance Channel on the US Stock Market. International Review of Financial Analysis. 64, pp. 204-220.
Chemat, S., Boudjelal, S., Malki, I. and Lapkin, A. 2019. Biosynthesis of spathulenol and camphor stand as a competitive route to artemisinin production as revealed by a new chemometric convergence approach based on nine locations’ field-grown Artemesia annua L. Industrial Crops and Products. 137, pp. 521-527.
Benamraoui, A., Jory, S.R., Mazouz, K., Shah, N.S. and Gough, O. 2019. The Effect of Block Ownership on Future Firm Value and Performance. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 50, p. 100982 100982.
Kotb, A., Abdel-Kader, M., Allam, A., Halabi, H. and Franklin, E. 2019. Information Technology in the British and Irish Undergraduate Accounting Degrees. Accounting Education. 28 (5), pp. 445-464 RAED 1588135.
van Dellen, S., Benamraoui, A., Ngo, H. and Salaber, Julie 2019. The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Acquiring Banks’ Contribution to Systemic Risk. 27th Edition of International Rome Conference on Money, Banking & Finance. Rome, Italy 10 - 11 Dec 2018
Maghyereh, A.I., Awartani, B. and Abdoh, H. 2019. The co-movement between oil and clean energy stocks: A wavelet-based analysis of horizon associations. Energy. 169, pp. 895-913.
Maghyereh, A.I., Abdoh, H. and Awartani, B. 2019. The connectedness and hedging between gold and Islamic securities in the short, medium and long term. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 54, pp. 13-28.
Ngo, H. 2019. The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Bank Risks. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Finance and Accounting, Westminster Business
Nguyen, C. 2019. The asymmetry in firms’ mechanisms of cash holdings adjustments: evidence from the G-5 economies. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. 53 (2), pp. 429-463.
Jory, S.R., Benamraoui, A., Madichie, N.O., Ruiz-Alba, J. and Christodoulou, I. 2019. Are retailers “bagging” the carrier bag levy in England? An exploratory enquiry. Journal of Environmental Management. 233, pp. 845-853.
Falconieri, S., Filatotchev, I. and Tastan, M. 2019. Size and diversity in VC syndicates and their impact on IPO performance. European Journal of Finance. 25 (11), pp. 1032-1053.
Shah, N.S. and Napier, C.J. 2019. Governors and directors: Competing models of corporate governance. Accounting History. 24 (3), pp. 338-355.
Lucas, P. and Malki, I. 2019. A Note on the Modelling and Interpretation of a Public Goods Game Experiment. Journal of Applied Statistics. 46 (4), pp. 737-753.