Aviation and Road Transport: Exercises in damage control Lazowski, A. 2024. Aviation and Road Transport: Exercises in damage control. in: Fabbrini, F. (ed.) The Law & Politics of Brexit: Volume V: The Trade and Cooperation Agreement Oxford University Press. pp. 182-198
Let's Take the Canvass Out: Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union Lazowski, A. and Butler, G. 2022. Let's Take the Canvass Out: Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. in: Butler, G. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) Shaping EU Law the British Way. UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union Oxford Hart Publishing. pp. 7-18
Aranyosi and Caldararu through the Eyes of National Judges Lazowski, A. 2019. Aranyosi and Caldararu through the Eyes of National Judges. in: Mitsilegas, V., Di Martino, A. and Mancano, L. (ed.) The Court of Justice and European Criminal Law: Leading Cases in a Contextual Analysis London Hart Publishing. pp. 437-454
Stepping into uncharted waters no more: the Court of Justice and EU Criminal Law Lazowski, A. 2018. Stepping into uncharted waters no more: the Court of Justice and EU Criminal Law. in: Brière, C. and Weyembergh, A. (ed.) The needed balances in EU Criminal Law: past present and future Oxford and Portland, Oregon Hart Publishing.
Be careful what you wish for: procedural parameters of EU withdrawal Lazowski, A. 2017. Be careful what you wish for: procedural parameters of EU withdrawal. in: Closa, C. (ed.) Dealing with Secession from a Member State and Withdrawal from the European Union: Troubled Membership Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 234-255
Inside but out? The UK and the EU Lazowski, A. 2017. Inside but out? The UK and the EU. in: Jakab, A. and Kochenov, D. (ed.) The Enforcement of EU Law and Values: Ensuring Member States' Compliance Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 493-510
EU Criminal Law and Enlargement Lazowski, A. 2016. EU Criminal Law and Enlargement. in: Mitsilegas, V., Bergström, M. and Konstadinides, T. (ed.) Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law Edward Elgar. pp. 507-531
Between dream and reality: challenges to the legal rapprochement of the Western Balkans Lazowski, A. and Blockmans, S. 2014. Between dream and reality: challenges to the legal rapprochement of the Western Balkans. in: Petrov, R. and Van Elsuwege, P. (ed.) Legislative Approximation and Application of EU Law in the Eastern Neighbourhood of the European Union: Towards a Common Regulatory Space? Routledge. pp. 108-133
Flexibility and homogeneity: Two uneasy bedfellows Lazowski, A. 2014. Flexibility and homogeneity: Two uneasy bedfellows. in: Blockmans, S. (ed.) Differentiated Integration in the EU – From the inside looking out Brussels Centre for European Policy Studies. pp. 37-45
Between dream and reality: challenges to the legal rapprochement of the Western Balkans Lazowski, A. and Blockmans, S. 2014. Between dream and reality: challenges to the legal rapprochement of the Western Balkans. in: Petrov, R. and Van Elsuwege, P. (ed.) Legislative Approximation and Application of EU Law in the Eastern Neighbourhood of the European Union: Towards a Common Regulatory Space? Routledge. pp. 108-133
Learning the hard way: Bulgaria and EU law Lazowski, A. and Yosifova, S. 2010. Learning the hard way: Bulgaria and EU law. in: Lazowski, A. (ed.) The application of EU law in the new member states: brave new world Oxford Oxford University Press.
Poland: constitutional drama and business as usual Lazowski, A. and Wentkowska, A. 2010. Poland: constitutional drama and business as usual. in: Lazowski, A. (ed.) The application of EU law in the new member states: brave new world Oxford Oxford University Press.
It works! The European Union in the wake of fifth and sixth enlargements Lazowski, A. 2010. It works! The European Union in the wake of fifth and sixth enlargements. in: Lazowski, A. (ed.) The application of EU law in the new member states: brave new world Oxford Oxford University Press.
The European arrest warrant and detention Lazowski, A. and Nash, S. 2009. The European arrest warrant and detention. in: Keijzer, N. and van Sliedregt, E. (ed.) The European arrest warrant in practice Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 33-50
With but without you... the Europeanisation of legal orders of the neighbouring countries Lazowski, A. 2009. With but without you... the Europeanisation of legal orders of the neighbouring countries. in: Ott, A. and Vos, E. (ed.) Fifty years of European integration: foundations and perspectives The Hague T.M.C. Asser Press & Cambridge University Press. pp. 247-270
Towards the reform of the preliminary ruling procedure in JHA Area Lazowski, A. 2009. Towards the reform of the preliminary ruling procedure in JHA Area. in: Braum, S. and Weyembergh, A. (ed.) Le contrôle juridictionnel dans l’espace pénal européen/The judicial control in EU cooperation in criminal matters Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. pp. 211-226
Poland: implementation without transposition Lazowski, A. 2009. Poland: implementation without transposition. in: Weyembergh, A. and Santamaria, V. (ed.) The evaluation of European Criminal Law. The example of the Framework Decision on combatting trafficking in human beings Brussels Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. pp. 285-300
From EU with trust: the potential and limits of the mutual recognition in the third pillar from the Polish perspective Lazowski, A. 2009. From EU with trust: the potential and limits of the mutual recognition in the third pillar from the Polish perspective. in: Vernimmen-Van Tiggelen, G., Surano, L. and Weyembergh, A. (ed.) 'The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union / L’avenir de la reconnaissance mutuelle en matière pénale dans l’Union européenne Brussels Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. pp. 419-444
Poland: implementation without transposition Lazowski, A. 2008. Poland: implementation without transposition. in: Weyembergh, A. and Santamaria, V. (ed.) The evaluation of European Criminal Law: the example of the Framework Decision on combating trafficking in human beings Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. pp. 285-300
Box of chocolates integration: the European Economic area and Swiss model revisited Lazowski, A. 2008. Box of chocolates integration: the European Economic area and Swiss model revisited. in: Blockmans, S. and Prechal, S. (ed.) Reconciling the deepening and widening of the European Union The Hague, Netherlands TMC Asser Press. pp. 87-110
The Polish parliament and EU affairs; an effective actor or an accidental hero Lazowski, A. 2007. The Polish parliament and EU affairs; an effective actor or an accidental hero. in: O'Brennan, J. and Raunio, T. (ed.) National parliaments within the enlarged European Union: from 'victims' of integration to competitive actors? London, UK Routledge. pp. 203-219
The Polish constitution, the European constitutional treaty and the principle of supremacy Lazowski, A. 2007. The Polish constitution, the European constitutional treaty and the principle of supremacy. in: Albi, A. and Ziller, J. (ed.) The European Constitution and national constitutions: ratification and beyond Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands Kluwer Law International.
Bulgaria Lazowski, A. and Yosifova, S. 2006. Bulgaria. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 207-246
Switzerland Lazowski, A. 2006. Switzerland. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 147-184
EEA Countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) Lazowski, A. 2006. EEA Countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 95-146
The European Union and its neighbours: questioning identity and relationships Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. 2006. The European Union and its neighbours: questioning identity and relationships. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 3-18
Conclusions: squaring the ring of friends Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. 2006. Conclusions: squaring the ring of friends. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 613-640
Unia Europejska: prawo instytucjonalne i gospodarcze 2007 Lazowski, A., Kenig-Witkowska, M.M. and Ostrihansky, R. Kenig-Witkowska, M.M. (ed.) 2007. Unia Europejska: prawo instytucjonalne i gospodarcze 2007. Warsaw Wolters Kluwer Polska.
Inside but out: United Kingdom in the European Union Lazowski, A. 2014. Inside but out: United Kingdom in the European Union. Enforcing EU Law Against Recalcitrant Member States . Berlin, WZB Berlin Social Research Center 10 Jul 2014
EU Criminal Law: a Challenge or Nightmare for Lawyers? Lazowski, A. 2014. EU Criminal Law: a Challenge or Nightmare for Lawyers? Legal Profession Before and After Accession, 12th Jean Monnet Seminar, . Dubrovnik, University of Zagreb 15 Apr 2014
Restrictions to movement rights imposed by the Member States on their own citizens Lazowski, A. 2013. Restrictions to movement rights imposed by the Member States on their own citizens. Recent Trends in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union: What Directions for the Future?, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA). Luxembourg 05 Dec 2013