Ms Karen Ryder


A work placement year for psychology undergraduates: Challenges and how students change
Ryder, K., Colwell, J. and Borrill, J. 2012. A work placement year for psychology undergraduates: Challenges and how students change. Europlat 2012. Vilnius, Lithuania 28 - 30 Jun 2012


Not 'just a student': a qualitative exploration of business, psychology and law students' accounts of their placement experience
Ryder, K., Borrill, J., Powell-Williams, K. and Colwell, J. 2011. Not 'just a student': a qualitative exploration of business, psychology and law students' accounts of their placement experience. The Journal of Vocational Education and Training Ninth International Conference. Worcester College, Oxford 08 - 10 Jul


The awkward silence in the classroom: students views on class participation
Ryder, K. 2017. The awkward silence in the classroom: students views on class participation. International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Vancouver, BC, Canada 27 Jul - 29 Nov 2017


Learning Futures: Designing a module to increase student participation
Ryder, K. 2015. Learning Futures: Designing a module to increase student participation. International Conference on Teaching of Psychology. Vancouver BC Canada 23 - 25 Jul 2015


Editorial: Special Issue: 5th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology
Charlton, S., Ryder, K. and Taylor, J. 2016. Editorial: Special Issue: 5th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Psychology Learning & Teaching. 15 (3), pp. 211-213.


A qualitative exploration of British first year psychology undergraduates' experience of the transition into higher education
Pearson, C., Reed, C. and Ryder, K. 2009. A qualitative exploration of British first year psychology undergraduates' experience of the transition into higher education. in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences. Volume 3 ICES'08. pp. 1565-1570

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