A work placement year for psychology undergraduates: Challenges and how students change

Ryder, K., Colwell, J. and Borrill, J. 2012. A work placement year for psychology undergraduates: Challenges and how students change. Europlat 2012. Vilnius, Lithuania 28 - 30 Jun 2012

TitleA work placement year for psychology undergraduates: Challenges and how students change
AuthorsRyder, K., Colwell, J. and Borrill, J.
TypeConference paper

There is growing evidence on the benefits of work experience for students in general and psychology students in particular. Research at the University of Westminster has shown that there is an improvement in academic performance, both in terms of degree class, and average marks in final year, for students who have taken a placement year for both Business and Psychology students. This is consistent with research elsewhere, (eg Reddy and Moores, 2006). In this paper, wider aspects of the experiences of those involved with student placements are discussed. Implementing and managing a successful work experience placement scheme can present challenges to staff, supervisors and students and ways of managing potential problems are discussed. Qualitative analyses are presented of students’ accounts of their placement, based on in-depth interviews, exploring their personal development while on placement and their subjective experiences, both positive and negative. There is evidence of a transformative experience and models of the process of change are proposed.

KeywordsWork placement, transformation, psychology students
ConferenceEuroplat 2012

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