Mr Francois Roubert

Mr Francois Roubert


From Data Quality to Predictive Big Data Quality
Rhemat, I., Chountas, P. and Roubert, F. 2024. From Data Quality to Predictive Big Data Quality. 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems - IS'24. Varna, Bulgaria 31 Jul - 29 Aug 2024 IEEE .


Business Process Data Oriented Quality: the case of Mellitah Oil & Gas
Rhemat, I., Chountas, P. and Roubert, F. 2024. Business Process Data Oriented Quality: the case of Mellitah Oil & Gas. 5th International Conference on Data Analytics & Management (ICDAM-2024). London Metropolitan University, London, UK 14 - 15 Jun 2024 Springer.


Coordinative Objects: supporting coordination in globally distributed projects
Dr Francois Roubert 2022. Coordinative Objects: supporting coordination in globally distributed projects. International Conference on Innovations in Info-business & Technology (ICIIT2022). Colombo, Sri Lanka 18 - 18 Feb 2022


Information Systems Undergraduate Degree Project: Gaining a Better Understanding of the Final Year Project Module
Roberts, P., Modi, S., Roubert, F., Simeonova, B. and Stefanidis, A. 2015. Information Systems Undergraduate Degree Project: Gaining a Better Understanding of the Final Year Project Module. Wrycza, S. (ed.) The 8th SIGSAND/PLAIS EuroSymposium on Systems Analysis and Design. Gdansk, Poland 25 - 25 Sep 2015 Springer.


Putting the Lab in the Lab Book: Supporting Coordination in Large, Multi-site Research
Roubert, F. and Perry, M. 2013. Putting the Lab in the Lab Book: Supporting Coordination in Large, Multi-site Research. The 27th International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference: The Internet of things. Brunel University London, UK 09 - 13 Sep 2013 BCS Learning and Development Ltd.


“Nanostandardization” in action: implementing standardization processes in a multidisciplinary nanoparticle-based research and development project
Roubert, F., Beuzelin-Ollivier, Marie-G., Hofmann-Amtenbrink, M., Hofmann, H. and Hool, A. 2016. “Nanostandardization” in action: implementing standardization processes in a multidisciplinary nanoparticle-based research and development project. NanoEthics. 10 (1), pp. 41-62.


Nanotechnology in medicine: European research and its implications
Hofmann-Amtenbrink, M, Hofmann, H., Hool, A. and Roubert, F. 2014. Nanotechnology in medicine: European research and its implications. Swiss Medical Weekly. 144 (w14044) w14044.


Managing Operating Procedures in Distributed Collaborative Projects
Hool, A., Ollivier, M-G. B. and Roubert, F. 2013. Managing Operating Procedures in Distributed Collaborative Projects. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 429 (1) 012071.

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1267 total views of outputs
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