Introduction Huertas Barros, E. and Vine, J. 2019. Introduction. in: Huertas Barros, E. and Vine, J. (ed.) New Perspectives on Assessment in Translator Education Routledge. pp. 1-4
Constructing Standards in Communities: Tutors’ and Students’ Perceptions of Assessment Practices on an MA Translation Course Huertas Barros, E. and Vine, J. 2019. Constructing Standards in Communities: Tutors’ and Students’ Perceptions of Assessment Practices on an MA Translation Course. in: Huertas Barros, E., Vandepitte, S. and Iglesias-Fernández, E. (ed.) Quality Assurance and Assessment Practices in Translation and Interpreting. Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies Series Hershey, PA IGI Global. pp. 245-269
Translator trainers' perceptions of assessment: an empirical study Huertas Barros, E. and Vine, J. 2016. Translator trainers' perceptions of assessment: an empirical study. in: Thelen, M., van Egdom, G.W., Verbeeck, D., Bogucki, L. and Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (ed.) Translation and Meaning, New Series. Vol. 41 Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien Peter Lang. pp. 29-39
Translator trainers' perceptions of assessment: an empirical study Huertas Barros, E. and Vine, J. 2015. Translator trainers' perceptions of assessment: an empirical study. Translation and Meaning 2015: the 6th International Maastricht-Łódź Duo Colloquium. Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting, Maastricht, Netherlands 21 May 2015 Peter Lang.
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