Prof Leigh Wilson

C.K. Ogden, I.A. Richards and ‘Word Magic’: Rethinking the Relation of Language to Myth2021
Whose sister? ‘Convenient pigeonholes’, Peter Owen and the publishing of Anna Kavan2020
Acts of Judgment and the Small Press: Learning from F.R. Leavis2019
Post-millennial Literature2015
Reality Effects: The Historical Novel and the Crisis of Fictionality in the First Decade of the Twenty-first Century2014
The Awakening of Caledonias? Scottish Literature in the 1980s2013
"Miraculous constellations in real material”: spiritualist phenomena, dada photomontage and magic2012
The cross-correspondences, the nature of evidence and the matter of writing2007
Teaching contemporary British fiction: some preliminary considerations2006
Theodora Bosenquet2006
Psychoanalysis and literary and cultural studies in Britain2006
Possessing Toby Litt's ghost story2006
Evelyn Underhill2006
Elizabeth Bowen2003
"She in her 'armour' and he in his coat of nerves": May Sinclair and the re-writing of chivalry2022
Talking about Ann Quin: An Interview with Claire-Louise Bennett2020
Should We Believe? The Fictional, The Virtual and the Real in the Contemporary Novel2017
Anna Kavan's Ice and Alan Burns' Europe After the Rain: Repetition With A Difference2020
The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible2015
The 2000s: a decade of contemporary British fiction2015
The 1990s: a decade of contemporary British fiction2015
Modernism and Magic: Experiments with Spiritualism, Philosophy and the Occult, paperback2014
The 1980s: a decade of contemporary British fiction2013
Modernism and magic: experiments with spiritualism, theosophy and the occult2008
Writers talk: interviews with contemporary British novelists2008
Writers talk: conversations with contemporary British novelists2007
Teaching contemporary British fictionThe Contemporary Small Press
Colby, G. and Wilson, L.G. Forthcoming. The Contemporary Small Press.
The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: volume 12015
The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, volume 22015
Small Press Book Fair2013
There the facts are: Andrew Lang, facts and fantasy2007
Dead letters: gender, literary history and the cross-correspondences2000
'It was as if she had said....': May Sinclair and reading narratives of cure