SMARTEST - knowledge and learning repository

Bolotov, A., Pierantoni, G., Chan You Fee, D., Wojtunik, D., Ivanauskaite, G., Tait, C., Makadicy, W., Wasowski, T., Kulczynska, A. and Yerashenia, N. 2020. SMARTEST - knowledge and learning repository . University of Westminster.

TitleSMARTEST - knowledge and learning repository
AuthorsBolotov, A., Pierantoni, G., Chan You Fee, D., Wojtunik, D., Ivanauskaite, G., Tait, C., Makadicy, W., Wasowski, T., Kulczynska, A. and Yerashenia, N.

SMARTEST is a knowledge repository that assists and facilitates learning. It represents knowledge and learning activities as graphs, which present information in a clear, visual format that is easy to follow and understand.

Nodes (coloured circles) contain content such as instructions or concepts relevant to the subject it is being used for; the lines connecting together two nodes (edges), show the relationship between them.

Students can follow instructions using these graphs and visually see the links between the concepts or entities represented by the nodes. The nodes can then be colour-coded by students depending on their understanding of what that node represents. If a student has had difficulty understanding a particular concept, they can simply choose the colour that best represents their situation and level of understanding. This allows teachers to get clear feedback from students on specific parts of a subject and enable them to then help that student better understand the topic at hand. Furthermore, if several students are having a problem with a certain topic, this is communicated to the teacher and as a group the teacher can tackle the problem.

There are two types of graphs: learning paths and ontologies. A learning path sets out steps for students to go through to acquire knowledge for their subject and build on the already acquired knowledge to complete the next steps. It allows students to see what steps they will need to take to achieve the final goal and creates a visual sense of accomplishment as students get closer and closer to the end of the learning path. An ontology is a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.

SMARTEST has been developed within a project undertaken at the University of Westminster and is sponsored by Quintin Hogg Trust.

Publication dates
PublishedNov 2020
KeywordsKnowledge Repository, On-line Learning, Linked Data, Personalised Learning, Subject Models, Ontologies
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Web address (URL) (SMARTEST trial version)
FunderQuintin Hogg Trust
UKRI (UK Research and Innovation)

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High-level Description of Cloud Applications using TOSCA
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Enabled: Educational Network Amplifying Learning Experience (EnAbled)
Bolotov, A., Pierantoni, G., Wisudha, A., Abduraimova, Z. and Chan You Fee, D. 2018. Enabled: Educational Network Amplifying Learning Experience (EnAbled).

Paracomplete logic Kl: natural deduction, its automation, complexity and applications
Bolotov, A., Kozhemiachenko, D. and Shangin, V. 2018. Paracomplete logic Kl: natural deduction, its automation, complexity and applications. Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications. 5 (1), pp. 221-261.

Towards Cloud Application Description Templates Supporting Quality of Service
Pierantoni, G., Kiss, T. and Terstyanszky, G. 2017. Towards Cloud Application Description Templates Supporting Quality of Service. 9th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2017. Poznan, Poland 19 - 21 Jun 2017 CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

On the Complexity of the Natural Deduction Proof Search Algorithm
Bolotov, A., Shangin, V. and Kozhemiachenko, D. 2017. On the Complexity of the Natural Deduction Proof Search Algorithm. ARW2017 - 24th Automated Reasoning Workshop. Bristol 03 - 04 Apr 2017 University of Bristol Technical Report.

A model for information and action flows connecting science gateways to distributed computing infrastructures
Pierantoni, G., Frost, G., Gesing, S., Olabarriaga, S., Jaghoori, M., Terstyanski, G. and Arshad, J. 2016. A model for information and action flows connecting science gateways to distributed computing infrastructures. Gesing, S. and Krüger, J. (ed.) 8th International Workshop on Science Gateways. Rome 08 - 10 Jun 2016 CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Towards Generalised Proof Search for Natural Deduction Systems for logics I⟨a;b⟩
Bolotov, A. and Shangin, V. 2016. Towards Generalised Proof Search for Natural Deduction Systems for logics I⟨a;b⟩. Hustadt, U. (ed.) Automated Reasoning Workshop 2016: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (ARW 2016). Liverpool 19 - 20 May 2016 Automated Reasoning Workshop.

Discovering of System’s Invariants by Temporal Reasoning
Bolotov, A. 2016. Discovering of System’s Invariants by Temporal Reasoning. The International Conference on Innovations in Info-business and Technology (ICIIT). Colombo, Sri Lanka 04 - 04 Mar 2016 Informatics Institute of Technology.

Sensor Intelligence for Tackling Energy-Drain Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks
Udoh, E., Getov, Vladimir and Bolotov, A. 2016. Sensor Intelligence for Tackling Energy-Drain Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks. The 23rd Workshop on Automated Reasoning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. University of Liverpool 19 - 20 May 2016 Automated Reasoning Workshop.

The Digital Repository of Ireland
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Metaworkflows and Workflow Interoperability for Heliophysics
Pierantoni, G. and Carley, E. 2014. Metaworkflows and Workflow Interoperability for Heliophysics. 6th International Workshop on Science Gateways. Dublin 03 - 05 Jun 2014 IEEE .

HELIOGate: a Portal for the Heliophysics Community
Pierantoni, G. and Carley, E. 2014. HELIOGate: a Portal for the Heliophysics Community. in: Kacsuk, P. (ed.) Science Gateways for Distributed Computing Infrastructures Cham Springer. pp. 195-207

A Workflow-Oriented Approach to Propagation Models
Pierantoni, G. and Perez Suarez, D. 2014. A Workflow-Oriented Approach to Propagation Models. Krakow Grid Workshop. Krakow 27 - 29 Oct 2014

Socratic Proofs for Propositional Linear-Time Logic
Urbanski, M., Bolotov, A., Shangin, V. and Grigoriev, O. 2014. Socratic Proofs for Propositional Linear-Time Logic. Bolotov, A. (ed.) Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen. Vienna 23 - 24 Jul 2014 IJCAR.

Tackling Incomplete System Specifcations Using Natural Deduction in the Paracomplete Setting
Bolotov, A. and Shangin, V. 2014. Tackling Incomplete System Specifcations Using Natural Deduction in the Paracomplete Setting. COMPSAC 2014. Vasteras, Sweden Jul 2014 IEEE .

Natural Deduction in a Paracomplete Setting
Bolotov, A. and Shangin, V. 2014. Natural Deduction in a Paracomplete Setting. Logical Investigations. 20, pp. 224-247.

Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont
Bolotov, A. and Shangin, V. 2012. Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 21 (1), pp. 1-24.

Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont
Bolotov, A. and Shangin, V. 2011. Natural deduction system in paraconsistent setting: proof search for PCont. In the Proceedings of the 5th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-2011). Tumkur, Karnataka State, India 14th - 16th December 2011 pp. 630-638

Natural deduction in the setting of paraconsistent logic
Bolotov, A. 2011. Natural deduction in the setting of paraconsistent logic. 18th Automated Reasoning Workshop 2011 (ARW2011). University of Glasgow 11th - 12th April 2011

Handling periodic properties: deductive verification for quantified temporal logic specifications
Bolotov, A. 2011. Handling periodic properties: deductive verification for quantified temporal logic specifications. in: 2011 5th international conference on secure software integration and reliability improvement companion IEEE . pp. 179-186

Safety and liveness of component-oriented protocols: a feasibility study
Paurobally, S., Bolotov, A. and Getov, Vladimir 2010. Safety and liveness of component-oriented protocols: a feasibility study. in: Bolotov, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the automated reasoning workshop 2010: bridging the gap between theory and practice. ARW 2010 University of Westminster.

Towards symbolic reasoning from subsymbolic sensory information
Bolotov, A., Gupta, G. and Psarrou, A. 2010. Towards symbolic reasoning from subsymbolic sensory information. in: Bolotov, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the automated reasoning workshop 2010: bridging the gap between theory and practice. ARW 2010 University of Westminster.

Invariant-free deduction for CTL*: the tableau method
Bolotov, A., Gaintzarain, J. and Lucio, P. 2010. Invariant-free deduction for CTL*: the tableau method. in: Bolotov, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the automated reasoning workshop 2010: bridging the gap between theory and practice. ARW 2010 University of Westminster.

Multi-agent systems as instrumentation tools for e-business and e-society
Bolotov, A. and Maltseva, S. 2009. Multi-agent systems as instrumentation tools for e-business and e-society. Russian Internet Week. Moscow, Russia December 2009

Natural deduction calculus for quantified propositional linear-time temporal logic (QPTL)
Bolotov, A. and Grigoriev, O. 2009. Natural deduction calculus for quantified propositional linear-time temporal logic (QPTL). in: Hustadt, U. (ed.) Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning Workshop 2009: bridging the gap between theory and practice (ARW 2009), 21st - 22nd April 2009, , Liverpool, United Kingdom University of Liverpool Department of Computer Science.

Natural deduction calculus for quantified propositional linear-time temporal logic
Bolotov, A. and Grigoriev, O. 2009. Natural deduction calculus for quantified propositional linear-time temporal logic. University of Westminster.

Combining computation tree logic and deontic logic in natural deduction style calculus
Bolotov, A. and Grigoriev, O. 2009. Combining computation tree logic and deontic logic in natural deduction style calculus. University of Westminster.

Deontic extension of deductive verification of component model: combining computation tree logic and deontic logic in natural deduction style calculus
Bolotov, A., Basso, A. and Grigoriev, O. 2009. Deontic extension of deductive verification of component model: combining computation tree logic and deontic logic in natural deduction style calculus. in: Proceedings of the 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09), December 16-18, 2009, SIT, Tumkur, India IICAI. pp. 166-185

On the "until induction" in natural deduction for PLTL
Bolotov, A. 2009. On the "until induction" in natural deduction for PLTL. in: International conference "6th Smirnov's Readings in Logic" June 17-19, 2009, Moscow, Russia Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Temporal specification and deductive verification of a distributed component model and its environment
Basso, A., Bolotov, A. and Getov, Vladimir 2009. Temporal specification and deductive verification of a distributed component model and its environment. in: Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement, 2009 (SSIRI 2009) IEEE . pp. 379-386

State-based behavior specification for GCM systems
Basso, A., Bolotov, A. and Getov, Vladimir 2009. State-based behavior specification for GCM systems. in: Hustadt, U. (ed.) Proceedings of the utomated Reasoning Workshop 2009: bridging the gap between theory and practice (ARW 2009), 21st - 22nd April 2009, , Liverpool, United Kingdon University of Liverpool Department of Computer Science.

Dynamic reconfiguration of GCM components
Basso, A., Bolotov, A., Getov, Vladimir and Henrio, L. 2008. Dynamic reconfiguration of GCM components. CoreGRID.

Automating natural deduction for temporal logic
Bolotov, A., Grigoriev, O. and Shangin, V. 2008. Automating natural deduction for temporal logic. in: Glymour, C., Wang, W. and Westerstahl, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science King's College Publications.

Natural deduction system for linear time temporal logic
Bolotov, A., Basukoski, A., Gregoryev, O. and Shangin, V. 2008. Natural deduction system for linear time temporal logic. in: Logical Investigations Moscow Nauka.

Tackling ”until induction” in natural deduction for PLTL
Bolotov, A. 2008. Tackling ”until induction” in natural deduction for PLTL. in: Dennis, L.A. and Sorge, V. (ed.) Proceedings of the automated reasoning workshop 2008 University of Birmingham. pp. 12-13

Tackling "until induction" in natural deduction for PLTL
Bolotov, A. 2008. Tackling "until induction" in natural deduction for PLTL. in: Proceedings of the 15th workshop on automated reasoning: bridging the gap between theory and practice: CICM 2008, Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, University of Birmingham, UK Birmingham School of Computer Science.

Behavioural model of component-based Grid environments
Basso, A., Bolotov, A. and Getov, Vladimir 2008. Behavioural model of component-based Grid environments. in: Priol, T. and Vanneschi, M. (ed.) From grids to service and pervasive computing Springer. pp. 19-30

Automata-based formal specification of stateful systems
Basso, A., Bolotov, A. and Getov, Vladimir 2008. Automata-based formal specification of stateful systems. in: Dennis, L.A. and Sorge, V. (ed.) Proceedings of the automated reasoning workshop 2008 University of Birmingham. pp. 6-7

Automata based formal specification of stateful systems
Basso, A., Bolotov, A. and Getov, Vladimir 2008. Automata based formal specification of stateful systems. in: Proceedings of the 15th workshop on automated reasoning: bridging the gap between theory and practice: CICM 2008, Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, University of Birmingham, UK Birmingham School of Computer Science.

Towards GCM re-configuration – extending specification by norm
Basso, A. and Bolotov, A. 2008. Towards GCM re-configuration – extending specification by norm. in: Danelutto, M., Fragopoulou, P. and Getov, Vladimir (ed.) Making grids work: Proceedings of the CoreGRID Workshop on Programming Models Grid and P2P System Architecture Grid Systems, Tools and Environments 12-13 June 2007, Heraklion, Crete, Greece New York, NY, USA Springer. pp. 17-29

A Simpler formulation of natural deduction calculus for linear-time temporal logic
Bolotov, A., Grigoriev, O. and Shangin, V. 2007. A Simpler formulation of natural deduction calculus for linear-time temporal logic. in: Bhanu, P. (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune, India, December 17-19, 2007. IICAI 2007 India IICAI. pp. 1253-1266

Buy one get two free: a simpler formulation of natural deduction for computation tree logic CTL
Bolotov, A., Grigoriev, O. and Shangin, V. 2007. Buy one get two free: a simpler formulation of natural deduction for computation tree logic CTL. in: Proceedings of the "Smirnov's Readings", VI International Conference (in Russian) Moscow, Russia Moscow State University.

Automating natural deduction for linear-time temporal logic
Bolotov, A., Grigoriev, O. and Shangin, V. 2007. Automating natural deduction for linear-time temporal logic. in: 14th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'07)), 28-30 June 2007, Alicante, Spain Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 47-58

Automating natural deduction for temporal logic
Bolotov, A., Grigoriev, O. and Shangin, V. 2007. Automating natural deduction for temporal logic. in: Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Automated Reasoning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, ARW 2007. London Imperial College.

A clausal resolution method for extended computation tree logic ECTL
Bolotov, A. and Basukoski, A. 2006. A clausal resolution method for extended computation tree logic ECTL. Journal of Applied Logic. 4 (2), pp. 141-167.

Specification and verification of reconfiguration protocols in grid component systems
Basso, A., Bolotov, A., Basukoski, A., Getov, Vladimir, Henrio, L. and Urbanski, M. 2006. Specification and verification of reconfiguration protocols in grid component systems. CoreGRID.

A clausal resolution method for branching-time logic ECTL+
Bolotov, A. and Basukoski, A. 2006. A clausal resolution method for branching-time logic ECTL+. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 46 (3), pp. 235-263.

Specification and Verification of Reconfiguration Protocols in Grid Component Systems
Bolotov, A., Getov, Vladimir, Basso, A. and Basukoski, A. 2006. Specification and Verification of Reconfiguration Protocols in Grid Component Systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Reasoning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. London 30 - 31 Mar 2010 University of Bristol Technical Report.

Search and Check: problem solving by problem reduction
Bolotov, A., Lupkowski, P. and Urbanski, M. 2006. Search and Check: problem solving by problem reduction. in: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2006: 8th International Conference, Zakopane, Poland, June 25-29, 2006, Proceedings Polish Neural Networks Society.

Natural deduction calculus for computation tree logic
Bolotov, A., Grigoriev, O. and Shangin, V. 2006. Natural deduction calculus for computation tree logic. in: IEEE John Vincent Atanasoff 2006 International Symposium on Modern Computing (JVA'06) Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 175-183

Natural deduction calculus for linear-time temporal logic
Bolotov, A., Basukoski, A., Grigoriev, O. and Shangin, V. 2006. Natural deduction calculus for linear-time temporal logic. in: Fisher, M., van der Hoek, W., Konev, B. and Lisitsa, A. (ed.) Logics in artificial intelligence: 10th European conference, JELIA 2006: Liverpool, UK September 13-15 2006: proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer.

Specification and verification of reconfiguration protocols in grid component systems
Basso, A., Bolotov, A., Basukoski, A., Getov, Vladimir, Henrio, L. and Urbanski, M. 2006. Specification and verification of reconfiguration protocols in grid component systems. in: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS-2006) Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 450-455

Alternating automata and temporal logic normal forms
Dixon, C., Bolotov, A. and Fisher, M. 2005. Alternating automata and temporal logic normal forms. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 135 (1-3), pp. 263-285.

Normative agents: formal analysis and applications
Bolotov, A. and Svigkos, I. 2005. Normative agents: formal analysis and applications. in: Proceedings of the International Conference Business at the Heart of Central Asia: Critical Issues of Competition and Competitiveness Westminster International University in Tashkent.

Proof-searching algorithm in first order classical natural deduction calculus
Bolotov, A., Bocharov, V., Gorchakov, A. and Shangin, V. 2005. Proof-searching algorithm in first order classical natural deduction calculus. in: Hajek, P., Valdes-Villanueva, L. and Westerstahl, D. (ed.) Logic, methodology and philosophy of science: proceedings of the twelfth international congress King's College Publications.

Automated first order natural deduction
Bolotov, A., Bocharov, V., Gorchakov, A. and Shangin, V. 2005. Automated first order natural deduction. in: Prasad, B. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune, India, December 20-22, 2005. IICAI 2005 ISCAI. pp. 1292-1311

Search strategies for resolution in CTL-type logics: extension and complexity
Basukoski, A. and Bolotov, A. 2005. Search strategies for resolution in CTL-type logics: extension and complexity. in: 12th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2005: TIME 2005 Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 195-197

Let the computer prove it
Bolotov, A., Bocharov, V., Gorchakov, A., Makarov, V. and Shangin, V. 2004. Let the computer prove it. Moscow, Russia Nauka.

A clausal resolution method for branching-time logic ECTL+
Bolotov, A. and Basukoski, A. 2004. A clausal resolution method for branching-time logic ECTL+. in: Combi, C. (ed.) 11th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning: (TIME 2004), Tatihou, Normandie, France, 1-3 July 2004 IEEE . pp. 140-147

The relationship between Temporal Logic, Normal Form and Alternating Automata
Dixon, C., Bolotov, A. and Fisher, M. 2003. The relationship between Temporal Logic, Normal Form and Alternating Automata. Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Reasoning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. London 30 - 31 Mar 2010

A clausal resolution for extended computation tree logic ECTL
Bolotov, A. 2003. A clausal resolution for extended computation tree logic ECTL. in: Reynolds, M. and Sattar, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Combined Tenth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning and the Fourth International Conference on Temporal Logic: TIME-ICTL 2003 Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 8-10 July 2003 USA IEEE . pp. 107-117

On the relationship between w-automata and temporal logic normal forms
Bolotov, A., Fisher, M. and Dixon, C. 2002. On the relationship between w-automata and temporal logic normal forms. Journal of Logic and Computation. 12 (4), pp. 561-581.

Clausal resolution in a logic of rational agency
Dixon, C., Fisher, M. and Bolotov, A. 2002. Clausal resolution in a logic of rational agency. Artificial Intelligence: an international journal. 139 (1), pp. 47-89.

Towards Automated Generation of Beliefs in BDI Logics.
Basukoski, A. and Bolotov, A. 2002. Towards Automated Generation of Beliefs in BDI Logics. Automated Reasoning Workshop ARW2002. Imperial College, London Imperial College.

Towards Automated Generation of Beliefs in BDI Logics
Basukoski, A. and Bolotov, A. 2002. Towards Automated Generation of Beliefs in BDI Logics. UK Automated Reasoning Workshop (ARW). Imperial College.

The scientist and his time
Bolotov, A. and Zaitzev, D. 1993. The scientist and his time. Moscow University Bulletin. 5, pp. 1-12.

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