Integrating plasmasphere, ionosphere and thermosphere observations and models into a standardised open access research environment: The PITHIA-NRF international project
Belehaki, A., Häggström, I., Kiss, T., Galkin, I., Tjulin, A., Miháliková, M, Enell, C, Pierantoni, G., Chen, Y, Sipos, G., Bruinsma, S., Pierrard, V., Altadill, D., Segarra, A., Navas-Portella, V., Pica, E., Spogli, L., Alfonsi, L., Cesaroni, C., Romano, V., Mainella, S., Vermicelli, P., Verhulst, T., Poedts, S., Hernández-Pajares, M., Buresova, D., Rusz, J, Chum, J, Darrouzet, F., Botek, E., Rothkaehl, H, Matyjasiak, B., Pożoga, M., Grzesiak, M, Chan You Fee, D., Kagialis, D., Tsagouri, I., Thanasou2, A., Herekakis, T., Chevalier, J., Bergeot, N., Winant, A., Mevius, M., Witvliet, B., Graffigna, V., Marchaudon, A., Wenzel, D., Kriegel, M., Matzka, J., Kervalishvili, K., Raita, T., Hynönen, R. and Watermann, J. 2025. Integrating plasmasphere, ionosphere and thermosphere observations and models into a standardised open access research environment: The PITHIA-NRF international project. Advances in Space Research. 75 (3), pp. 3082-3114.