Exploring the Effect of Mindset on Project Manager Wellbeing

Uribe Fiallega, A.S., Amin, N., Issa, D. and Dzandu, M.D. 2023. Exploring the Effect of Mindset on Project Manager Wellbeing. International Conference on Project MANagement -ProjMAN2023. Porto, Portugal 08 - 10 Nov 2023 Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2024.06.364

TitleExploring the Effect of Mindset on Project Manager Wellbeing
AuthorsUribe Fiallega, A.S., Amin, N., Issa, D. and Dzandu, M.D.
TypeConference paper

The wellbeing of Project Professionals (PPs) has been sparsely addressed despite some indications of being below the norm compared to non-project workers. This research highlights the need to provide PPs with tools that support their wellbeing and focus on their challenges. It explores the links between Growth Mindset (GM) and wellbeing (WB) for PPs and the factors they consider as having an impact on their wellbeing. Data was collected through an online survey from PPs in the UK but included non-PPs. The wellbeing scores of PPs were slightly significantly higher than the non-PPs, while their scores on GM were significantly lower. Challenges addressed by GM such as dealing with uncertainty, persistence in the face of setbacks and keeping a disposition to learn were not recognised by PPs as factors that affect their wellbeing. An intervention based on GM theory is not deemed to improve PPs’ WB. GM is not significantly related to the wellbeing of the PPs; however, work balance and work relationships are reported as the main factors influencing their wellbeing.

KeywordsGrowth mindset
project professionals
project management
ConferenceInternational Conference on Project MANagement -ProjMAN2023
Publisher's version
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Publication dates
Published online25 Jul 2024
JournalProcedia Computer Science
Journal citation239, pp. 1831-1838
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2024.06.364

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