School | Media, Arts and Design |
Head | Prof Christian Fuchs |
Xin, X. Forthcoming. Xinhua News Agency. in: Routledge Handbook of News Agencies Routledge.
D'Arma, A., Michalis, M., Ferrell Lowe, G. and Zita, M-B. 2025. Public Service Journalism in Digital Markets. in: D'Arma, A., Michalis, M., Ferrell Lowe, G. and Zita, M-B. (ed.) Challenges and Developments in Public Service Journalism London University of Westminster. pp. 1-21
Gross, S., Musgrave, G. and Carney, D. 2025. Determinants of Anxiety, Depression and Subjective Wellbeing Among Musicians in Denmark: Findings From the ‘When Music Speaks’ Project . Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 66 (1) 1. Advanced online publication.
Verdegem, P. 2025. Understanding Data, Culture and Society. London SAGE Publications.
Lodhi, A. 2024. Reading the Crisis: Cultural Identity and Diaspora (Stuart Hall Foundation). Stuart Hall Foundation website, You Tube
Lodhi, A. 2024. Reading the Crisis: The Neoliberal Revolution (Stuart Hall Foundation). Stuart Hall Foundation website and You Tube
Kavada, A. 2024. Social Movements and the Self-mediation of Vulnerability on Digital Media . in: Hill, A. and Lunt, P. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences Routledge.
Barclay, S., Barnett, S., Moore, M. and Townend, J. 2024. Local news as political institution and the repercussions of ‘news deserts’: A qualitative study of seven UK local areas. Journalism. Advanced online publication.
Xin, X. 2024. How are News Agencies Coping with Digital Disruption in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? The Case of Xinhua . in: Orgeret, K.S. and Mutsvairo, B. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Digital Journalism Palgrave Macmillan.
Meikle, G. 2024. Social Media: The Convergence of Public and Personal Communication. 2nd edition. New York Routledge.
Musgrave, G. and Gross, S. 2024. When Music Speaks - Mental Health and Next Steps in the Danish Music Industry. Part 4 - Final Recommendations. Copenhagen, Denmark Danish Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music.
Musgrave, G., Gross, S. and Carney, D 2024. When Music Speaks - Mental Health and Next Steps in the Danish Music Industry. Part 3 - Danish Music Creators' Working Lives and Mental Health Wants. Copenhagen, Denmark Danish Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music.
Musgrave, G., Gross, S. and Carney, D. 2024. When Music Speaks: Mental Health and Next Steps in the Danish Music lndustry. Part 2 - A Review of Models of Musicians' Mental Health Interventions. Copenhagen, Denmark Danish Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music.
Medrado, A. and Verdegem, P. 2024. Participatory Action Research in Critical Data Studies: Interrogating AI from a South-North Approach. Big Data & Society. 11 (1), pp. 1-14.
Michalis, M. 2024. Whither Public Service Media Governance: Looking Back, Looking Ahead. in: Padovani, C., Wavre, V., Hintz, A, Goggin, G. and Iosifidis, P. (ed.) Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads Cham, Switzerland Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 129-144
Michalis, M. 2024. Competition Law and Regulation. in: Puppis, M., Mansell, R. and Van den Bulck, H. (ed.) Handbook of Media and Communication Governance Edgar Elgar. pp. 472-485
Michalis, M. and D'Arma, A. 2024. Public Service Media as Enablers of Epistemic Rights. in: Horowitz, M.A., Nieminen, H., Lehtisaari, K. and D'Arma, A. (ed.) Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 97-109
Medrado, A. and Verdegem, P. 2024. AI for Social Good? Inspirations from Participatory Action Research (PAR) to Critical Data Studies. London University of Westminster.
Gimenez, J., Paterson, R. and Specht, D. 2024. Doctoral writing through a trajectorial lens: an exploratory study on challenges, strategies and relationships. Higher Education. 87, pp. 491-508.
Thussu, D.K. 2024. The Changing Geopolitics of Global Communication. London Routledge.
Jones, C.W. 2023. Semiotics and Media Studies.
Medrado, A. and Cabral, A. 2023. Comunicação no Facebook dos Governos Federal Brasileiro e Estadual Paulista: Mensagens e Realidades Contraditórias. Revista Compolitica. 13 (1), pp. 120-146.
Musgrave, G., Gross, S. and Carney, D. 2023. When Music Speaks: Mental Health and Next Steps in the Danish Music Industry. Part 1 – Danish Music Creators’ Subjective Wellbeing and Mental Health. Copenhagen, Denmark Danish Partnership for Sustainable Development in Music.
Verdegem, P. 2023. Critical AI Studies Meets Critical Political Economy. in: Lindgren, S. (ed.) Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence Cheltenham Edgar Elgar Publishing.
Musgrave, G. 2023. Musicians, their Relationships, and their Wellbeing: Creative Labour, Relational Work. Poetics. 96 101762.
Sakr, N. 2023. Saudi Arabian Television: The Challenge of Connecting with Reality. in: Ogola, G. (ed.) The Future of Television in the Global South: Reflections from Selected Countries Palgrave Macmillan.
Kent, A.J. and Specht, D. 2023. Geospatial Technologies in Archaeology. in: Kent, A.J. and Specht, D. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Geospatial Technologies and Society Routledge.
Musgrave, G. 2023. Music and Wellbeing vs Musicians’ Wellbeing: Examining the Paradox of Music-Making Positively Impacting Wellbeing, but Musicians Suffering from Poor Mental Health. Cultural Trends. 32 (3), pp. 280-295.
Loveday, C., Musgrave, G. and Gross, S. 2023. Predicting anxiety, depression and wellbeing in professional and non-professional musicians. Psychology of Music. 51 (2), pp. 508-522.
Sabry, T. 2023. “Arab” Cultural Studies: Phenomenology Being Digital, and Other Notes. in: The Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East London Wiley. pp. 45-52
Medrado, A. and Rega, I. 2023. Media Activism, Artivism, and the Fight Against Marginalisation in the Global South: South-to-South Communication . London Routledge.
Rega, A. and Medrado, A. 2023. The Stepping into Visibility Model: reflecting on consequences of social media visibility – a Global South perspective. Information, Communication & Society. 26 (2), pp. 405-424.
Specht, D. 2023. Geospatial Technology and the Sustainable Development Goals. in: Kent, A.J. and Specht, D. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Geospatial Technology and Society Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.
Kent, A.J. and Specht, D. (ed.) 2023. Routledge Handbook of Geospatial Technologies and Society. Routledge.
Sakr, N. 2023. Purposes and practices of MENA television: Components of an ever-evolving medium . in: Gholam, K. and Guaaybess, T. (ed.) The Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East Hoboken, NJ Wiley.
Lodhi, A. 2022. Reclaiming a Lost Past: Black British Women, Visibility and the BBC.
Linfoot, M. 2022. Hearing Our Stories: LGBTQ+ Lives and the BBC.
Medrado, A., Rega, I. and Paulla, M. 2022. South-to-South dialogues between Brazilian and Kenyan artivists: decolonial and intersectional feminist perspectives. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society.
Xin, X. 2022. Xinhua News Agency. in: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Journalism Thousand Oaks, CA Sage. pp. 1781-1784
Xin, X. 2022. (Re-)Popularizing Party Journalism in China: A Qualitative Study of Xinhua News Agency's Online Media Content. in: Zhang, S.I. (ed.) Digital Journalism in China London Routledge. pp. 36-47