International Law at Westminster

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Sottrazione di dati informatici, spionaggio e diritto internazionale umanitario

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2015. Sottrazione di dati informatici, spionaggio e diritto internazionale umanitario. La protezione dei dati personali ed informatici nell’era della sorveglianza globale . Messina 17 Nov 2015

Targeting in the Cyber Domain Legal Challenges Arising from the Application of the Principle of Distinction to Cyber Attacks

Journal article

Mavropoulou, E. 2015. Targeting in the Cyber Domain Legal Challenges Arising from the Application of the Principle of Distinction to Cyber Attacks. Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare. 4 (2), pp. 23-93.

The Cases Against the Nuclear Weapons States

Journal article

Roscini, M. 2015. The Cases Against the Nuclear Weapons States. ASIL Insights. 19 (10).

The Conversation: Why leaving the euro is back on the agenda in the Greek election


Glinavos, I. 2015. The Conversation: Why leaving the euro is back on the agenda in the Greek election. The Conversation.

Is there any room for the doctrine of fundamental rights of states in today's international law?

Journal article

Joyner Daniel, H. and Roscini, M. 2015. Is there any room for the doctrine of fundamental rights of states in today's international law? Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law. 4 (3), pp. 467-481.

On Certain Legal Issues Arising from Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2015. On Certain Legal Issues Arising from Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. in: Caracciolo, I., Pedrazzi, M. and Vassalli di Dachenhausen, T. (ed.) Nuclear Weapons: Strengthening International Legal Regime The Hague, The Netherlands Eleven International Publishing. pp. 15-22

Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education

Conference paper

Kathrani, P. 2015. Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education . Caceres ABDEM conference. Caceres, Spain Dec 2013

Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education (‘AQRba’)

Conference item

Kathrani, P. 2015. Quality in a Rights-Based Approach to Education (‘AQRba’). Abdem Conference . Setif, Algeria Mar 2015

Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2015. Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations. in: Finkelstein, C., Ohlin, J.D. and Govern, K. (ed.) Cyber war - Law and ethics for virtual conflicts Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 215-248

Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations

Journal article

Roscini, M. 2015. Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations. Texas International Law Journal. 50 (2), pp. 233-273.

Cyber operations as a use of force

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2015. Cyber operations as a use of force. in: Tsagourias, N. and Buchan, R. (ed.) Research handbook on international law and cyberspace Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 233-254

Comparative Perspectives on Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality and Refugee Status

Journal article

Lambert, H. 2015. Comparative Perspectives on Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality and Refugee Status. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 64 (1), pp. 1-37.

La statualità della Palestina prima e dopo l’ammissione alle Nazioni Unite quale Stato non-membro e il principio di autodeterminazione dei popoli

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2014. La statualità della Palestina prima e dopo l’ammissione alle Nazioni Unite quale Stato non-membro e il principio di autodeterminazione dei popoli. Il principio di autodeterminazione dei popoli alla prova del nuovo millennio. Messina 30 May 2014

Recenti spinte secessioniste e diritto internazionale

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2014. Recenti spinte secessioniste e diritto internazionale. L’Italia, una e indivisibile?. Messina 27 Oct 2014

UWE (UK) Reflection and Analysis of Phase 1 of ABDEM Project

Conference item

Kathrani, P. 2014. UWE (UK) Reflection and Analysis of Phase 1 of ABDEM Project. Logrono ABDEM Conference . Logrono, Spain Sep 2014

Citizens and Further Democratisation after the Lisbon Treaty


Gromek-Broc, Katarzyna and Van der Borght, K. 2014. Citizens and Further Democratisation after the Lisbon Treaty. Studia Europejskie. 2 (70), pp. 123-138.

Playing a Long Game in Their Free Trade Regime between China and the EU: A Reflection on the Evolution of the MFN Clause

Book chapter

Van der Borght, K. 2014. Playing a Long Game in Their Free Trade Regime between China and the EU: A Reflection on the Evolution of the MFN Clause. in: Hu Jiaxiang and Vanhullebusch Matthias (ed.) Regional Cooperation and Free Trade Agreements in Asia Leiden/Boston Brill. pp. 349-374

Transnational law and refugee identity: the worldwide effect of European norms

Conference keynote

Lambert, H. 2014. Transnational law and refugee identity: the worldwide effect of European norms. Refugee Law Initiative Post-Graduate Workshop on International Refugee Law. University of London (Senate House) 25 Apr 2014

Refugee Status, Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality, and Statelessness within the Context of Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees


Lambert, H. 2014. Refugee Status, Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality, and Statelessness within the Context of Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. Geneva UNHCR, Legal and Protection Policy Series, Division of International Protection.

Stateless persons ought not to be ignored as refugees

Conference paper

Lambert, H. 2014. Stateless persons ought not to be ignored as refugees. First Global Forum on Statelessness: New Directions in Statelessness Research and Policy (UNHCR and Tilburg University). Peace Palace, The Hague 15 Sep 2014

L’architecture institutionnelle en matière d’asile au Royaume-Uni

Conference paper

Lambert, H. 2014. L’architecture institutionnelle en matière d’asile au Royaume-Uni. Colloque international sur Le parcours du demandeur de protection en France. Université de Lille, France 27 Nov 2014

Statelessness is an evil that has been hidden for too long


Lambert, H. 2014. Statelessness is an evil that has been hidden for too long. The Guardian, Comment Online.

International law, nuclear weapon-free zones and the proposed zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2014. International law, nuclear weapon-free zones and the proposed zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. in: Nystuen, G., Casey-Maslen, S. and Golden Bersagel, A. (ed.) Nuclear weapons under international law Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 321-346

Establishing state responsibility for historical injustices: the Armenian case

Journal article

Roscini, M. 2014. Establishing state responsibility for historical injustices: the Armenian case. International Criminal Law Review. 14 (2), pp. 291-316.

Cyber-opérations et principe de proportionnalité en droit international humanitaire

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2014. Cyber-opérations et principe de proportionnalité en droit international humanitaire. in: Société française pour le droit international, Colloque de Rouen: Internet et le droit international (Colloque de Rouen) Paris Pedone. pp. 261-271

Cyber operations and the use of force in international law


Roscini, M. 2014. Cyber operations and the use of force in international law. Oxford Oxford University Press.

Transnational law and refugee identity: the worldwide effectof European norms

Book chapter

Lambert, H. 2014. Transnational law and refugee identity: the worldwide effectof European norms. in: Kneebone, S., Stevens, D. and Baldassar, L. (ed.) Conflicting identities: refugee protection and the role of law Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 203-214

Family unity in migration law: the evolution of a more unified approach in Europe

Book chapter

Lambert, H. 2014. Family unity in migration law: the evolution of a more unified approach in Europe. in: Chetail, V. and Bauloz, C. (ed.) Research handbook on international law and migration Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 194-215

Causation in international protection from armed conflict

Book chapter

Lambert, H. 2014. Causation in international protection from armed conflict. in: Cantor, D. and Durieux, J.F. (ed.) Refuge from inhumanity? War refugees and international humanitarian law Leiden, Netherlands Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 57-77

A Crisis Beyond Law, or a Crisis of Law?


Glinavos, I. 2014. A Crisis Beyond Law, or a Crisis of Law? European Journal of Law Reform. 2014 (4), pp. 679-691.

Haircut Undone? The Greek Drama and Prospects for Investment Arbitration

Journal article

Glinavos, I. 2014. Haircut Undone? The Greek Drama and Prospects for Investment Arbitration. Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 5 (3), pp. 475-497.

Cyber operations as nuclear counterproliferation measures

Journal article

Roscini, M. 2014. Cyber operations as nuclear counterproliferation measures. Journal of Conflict and Security Law. 19 (1), pp. 133-157.

L’occupazione israeliana della Cisgiordania e in particolare della zona C

Conference paper

Longobardo, M. 2013. L’occupazione israeliana della Cisgiordania e in particolare della zona C. L’Apartheid in Palestina . Genoa 21 Oct 2013

Is the UK a safe country for asylum seekers under the Dublin system? An international law perspective


Lambert, H. 2012. Is the UK a safe country for asylum seekers under the Dublin system? An international law perspective. London Immigration Law Practitioners Association (ILPA).

Withdrawal from and termination of non-proliferation treaties

Book chapter

Roscini, M. and Joyner, D.H. 2012. Withdrawal from and termination of non-proliferation treaties. in: Joyner, D.H. and Roscini, M. (ed.) Non-proliferation law as a special regime Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 151-171


Book chapter

Roscini, M. and Joyner, D.H. 2012. Introduction. in: Joyner, D.H. and Roscini, M. (ed.) Non-proliferation law as a special regime Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-14

Non-Proliferation law as a special regime


Joyner, D.H. and Roscini, M. (ed.) 2012. Non-Proliferation law as a special regime. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

Negative security assurances in the protocols additional to the treaties establishing nuclear weapon-free zones

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2011. Negative security assurances in the protocols additional to the treaties establishing nuclear weapon-free zones. in: Gartner, H. (ed.) Obama and the Bomb - The Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang. pp. 129-147

World wide warfare: Jus ad bellum and the use of cyber force

Book chapter

Roscini, M. 2010. World wide warfare: Jus ad bellum and the use of cyber force. in: von Bogdandy, A., Wolfrum, R. and Philipp, C.E. (ed.) Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Leiden Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 85-130

The United Nations Security Council and the enforcement of international humanitarian law

Journal article

Roscini, M. 2010. The United Nations Security Council and the enforcement of international humanitarian law. Israel Law Review. 43 (2), pp. 330-359.

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