Editorial: Scene-dependent image quality and visual assessment Jarvis, J., Triantaphillidou, Sophie, Farias, Mylene and Jenkin, Robin 2023. Editorial: Scene-dependent image quality and visual assessment. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17 1205341. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2023.1205341
Special Section Guest Editorial: Image/Video Quality and System Performance Larabi, M.C., Watson, A.B. and Triantaphillidou, S. 2014. Special Section Guest Editorial: Image/Video Quality and System Performance. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 23 (6), pp. 061101-1 - 061101-2 1. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.23.6.061101
A tool for deriving camera spatial frequency response from natural scenes (NS-SFR) Van Zwanenberg, O., Triantaphillidou, S. and Jenkin, R. 2023. A tool for deriving camera spatial frequency response from natural scenes (NS-SFR). Electronic Imaging 2023: Image Quality & System Performance XX. San Fransisco 15 - 19 Jan 2023 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/EI.2023.35.8.IQSP-311
Natural Scene Derived Camera Edge Spatial Frequency Response for Autonomous Vision Systems Van Zwanenberg, O., Triantaphillidou, S., Jenkin, R. and Psarrou, A. 2021. Natural Scene Derived Camera Edge Spatial Frequency Response for Autonomous Vision Systems. IS&T/IoP London Imaging Meeting 2021. London 20 - 22 Sep 2021 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/issn.2694-118X.2021.LIM-88
Noise Power Spectrum Scene-Dependency in Simulated Image Capture Systems Fry, E., Triantaphillidou, S., Jenkin, R., Jacobson, R.E. and Jarvis, J. 2020. Noise Power Spectrum Scene-Dependency in Simulated Image Capture Systems. Bonnier, Nicolas and Farias, Mylène (ed.) IS&T Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XVII. Burlingame, California, USA 26 - 30 Jan 2020 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.9.IQSP-345
Camera System Performance Derived from Natural Scenes Van Zwanenberg, O., Triantaphillidou, S., Jenkin, R. and Psarrou, A. 2020. Camera System Performance Derived from Natural Scenes. Bonnier, Nicolas and Farias, Mylène (ed.) IS&T Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XVII. Burlingame, California, USA 26 - 30 Jan 2020 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.9.IQSP-241
Studies on the effect of MegaPixel sensor resolution on displayed image quality and relevant metrics Triantaphillidou, S., Smejkal, J., Fry, E. and Chuang Hsin Hung 2020. Studies on the effect of MegaPixel sensor resolution on displayed image quality and relevant metrics. Bonnier, Nicolas and Farias, Mylène (ed.) IS&T Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XVII. Burlingame, California, USA 26 - 30 Jan 2020 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.9.IQSP-170
Edge Detection Techniques for Quantifying Spatial Imaging System Performance and Image Quality Van Zwanenberg, O., Triantaphillidou, S., Jenkin, R. and Psarrou, A. 2019. Edge Detection Techniques for Quantifying Spatial Imaging System Performance and Image Quality. The Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019). Long Beach California 15 - 21 Jun 2019 ACM/IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/CVPRW.2019.00238
Bridging the Gap Between Imaging Performance and Image Quality Measures Fry, E., Triantaphillidou, S., Jacobson, R., Jarvis, J. and Fagard-Jenkin, R. 2018. Bridging the Gap Between Imaging Performance and Image Quality Measures. IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium 2018 - Image Quality System Performance XV. San Francisco, CA, USA 28 Jan - 01 Feb 2018 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2018.12.IQSP-231
Image quality loss and compensation for visually impaired observers Triantaphillidou, S., Fry, E., Sanchis, V. and Pons, A. 2018. Image quality loss and compensation for visually impaired observers. IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium: Image Quality System Performance Conference. San Francisco, California, USA 28 Jan - 02 Feb 2018 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/issn.2470-1173.2018.12.iqsp-365
Texture MTF from images of natural scenes Branca, R., Triantaphillidou, S. and Burns, P.D. 2017. Texture MTF from images of natural scenes. Jenkin, R. and Jin, E. (ed.) Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XIV. San Francisco, California, USA 29 Jan - 02 Feb 2017 The Society of Imaging Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.12.IQSP-255
The effects of scene content parameters, compression, and frame rate on the performance of analytics systems Tsifouti, A., Triantaphillidou, S., Larabi, M.C., Doré, G, Bilissi, E. and Psarrou, A. 2015. The effects of scene content parameters, compression, and frame rate on the performance of analytics systems. SPIE Elecgtronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XII. San Fransisco, USA Jan 2015 SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2083426
Contrast sensitivity and discrimination in pictorial images Triantaphillidou, S., Jarvis, J. and Gupta, G. 2014. Contrast sensitivity and discrimination in pictorial images. SPIE Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XI. San Francisco, USA Jan 2014 SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2040007
Perceptibility and acceptability of JPEG 2000 compressed images of various scene types Allen, E., Triantaphillidou, S. and Jacobson, R.E. 2014. Perceptibility and acceptability of JPEG 2000 compressed images of various scene types. SPIE Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XI. San Francisco, USA Jan 2014 SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2042582
An evaluation of MTF determination methods for 35mm scanners Triantaphillidou, S., Jacobson, R.E. and Fagard-Jenkin, R. 1999. An evaluation of MTF determination methods for 35mm scanners. IS&T PICS. Savannah, Georgia, USA April 1999 pp. 231-235
Contrast discrimination in images of natural scenes Triantaphillidou, S., Jarvis, J. and Gupta, G. 2022. Contrast discrimination in images of natural scenes. Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 39 (6), pp. B50-B64. https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.447390
Estimation of ISO12233 Edge Spatial Frequency Response from Natural Scene Derived Step-Edge Data van Zwanenberg, Oliver, Triantaphillidou, Sophie, Jenkin, Robin B. and Psarrou, Alexandra 2021. Estimation of ISO12233 Edge Spatial Frequency Response from Natural Scene Derived Step-Edge Data. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 65 (6), pp. 60402-1-60402-16. https://doi.org/10.2352/j.imagingsci.technol.2021.65.6.060402
Scene-and-Process-Dependent Spatial Image Quality Metrics Fry, E., Triantaphillidou, S., Jenkin, R., Jacobson, R.E. and Jarvis, J. 2019. Scene-and-Process-Dependent Spatial Image Quality Metrics. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 63 (6), pp. 060407-1–060407-13 13. https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2019.63.6.060407
Validation of Modulation Transfer Functions and Noise Power Spectra from Natural Scenes Fry, E., Triantaphillidou, S., Jenkin, R., Jarvis, J. and Jacobson, R.E. 2019. Validation of Modulation Transfer Functions and Noise Power Spectra from Natural Scenes. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 63 (6), pp. 060406-1–060406-11. https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2019.63.6.060406
Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes Triantaphillidou, S., Jarvis, J., Psarrou, A. and Gupta, G. 2019. Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes. Signal Processing: Image Communication . 75, pp. 64-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2019.03.002
A case study in identifying acceptable bitrates for human face recognition tasks Tsifouti, A., Triantaphillidou, S., Larabi, M.C., Bilissi, E. and Psarrou, A. 2015. A case study in identifying acceptable bitrates for human face recognition tasks. Signal Processing: Image Communication . 36, p. 14–28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2015.05.002
Subjective and objective measures of colour hard copy images Attridge, G.G., Vagal, G., Allen, E., Triantaphillidou, S. and Pointer, M.R. 2008. Subjective and objective measures of colour hard copy images. Imaging Science Journal. 56 (3), pp. 163-174. https://doi.org/10.1179/174313108X281326
Image quality comparison between JPEG and JPEG2000. I. Psychophysical investigation Allen, E., Triantaphillidou, S. and Jacobson, R.E. 2007. Image quality comparison between JPEG and JPEG2000. I. Psychophysical investigation. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 51 (3), pp. 248-258. https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2007)51:3(248)
A case study in digitizing a photographic collection Triantaphillidou, S., Jacobson, R.E. and Attridge, G.G. 2002. A case study in digitizing a photographic collection. Imaging Science Journal. 50 (2), pp. 97-115. https://doi.org/10.1080/13682199.2002.11784395
Acceptable bit-rates for human face identification from CCTV imagery Tsifouti, A., Triantaphillidou, S., Bilissi, E. and Larabi, M.C. 2013. Acceptable bit-rates for human face identification from CCTV imagery. in: Burns, P.D. and Triantaphillidou, S. (ed.) Image Quality and System Performance X SPIE.
Defining human contrast sensitivity and discrimination from complex imagery Triantaphillidou, S., Jarvis, J., Gupta, G. and Rana, H. 2013. Defining human contrast sensitivity and discrimination from complex imagery. in: SPIE proceedings: Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence IX; and Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology X, 89010C SPIE.
Contrast sensitivity and discrimination of complex scenes Triantaphillidou, S., Jarvis, J. and Gupta, G. 2013. Contrast sensitivity and discrimination of complex scenes. in: Burns, P.D. and Triantaphillidou, S. (ed.) Image Quality and System Performance X SPIE.
Evaluation of perceived image sharpness with changes in the displayed image size Park, J.Y., Triantaphillidou, S., Jacobson, R.E. and Gupta, G. 2012. Evaluation of perceived image sharpness with changes in the displayed image size. in: SPIE proceedings: Electronic Imaging: Image Quality & System Performance IX, 82930J SPIE.
Visual scene busyness measures through a region growing spatial segmentation Gupta, G., Psarrou, A., Triantaphillidou, S. and Park, J.Y. 2012. Visual scene busyness measures through a region growing spatial segmentation. in: Lewis, C. and Burgess, D. (ed.) Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, and Defence VIII SPIE.
Scene classification with respect to image quality measurements Oh, K.H., Triantaphillidou, S. and Jacobson, R.E. 2010. Scene classification with respect to image quality measurements. in: Farnand, S.P. and Gaykema, F. (ed.) Image quality and system performance VII : 18-19 January 2010, San Jose, California, United States Bellingham, Wash. SPIE.
Multidimensional image selection and classification system based on visual feature extraction and scaling Mancusi, F., Triantaphillidou, S. and Allen, E. 2010. Multidimensional image selection and classification system based on visual feature extraction and scaling. in: Farnand, S.P. and Gaykema, F. (ed.) Image quality and system performance VII : 18-19 January 2010, San Jose, California, United States Bellingham, Wash. SPIE.
Perceptual image attribute scales derived from overall image quality assessments Oh, K.H., Triantaphillidou, S. and Jacobson, R.E. 2009. Perceptual image attribute scales derived from overall image quality assessments. in: Farnand, S.P. and Gaykema, F. (ed.) Image quality and system performance VI : 19-21 January 2009, San Jose, California, USA IS&T - The Society for Imaging and Science and Technology and SPIE.
Identification of image attributes that are most affected with changes in displayed image size Park, J.Y., Triantaphillidou, S. and Jacobson, R.E. 2009. Identification of image attributes that are most affected with changes in displayed image size. in: Farnand, S.P. and Gaykema, F. (ed.) Image quality and system performance VI : 19-21 January 2009, San Jose, California, USA IS&T - The Society for Imaging and Science and Technology and SPIE.
Colour analysis and verification of CCTV images under different lighting conditions Smith, R.J., MacLennan-Brown, K., Triantaphillidou, S., MacDonald, L.W., Tighe, J.F. and Cohen, N. 2008. Colour analysis and verification of CCTV images under different lighting conditions. in: Farnand, S.P. and Gaykema, F. (ed.) Image quality and system performance V : 28-30 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA IS&T - The Society for Imaging and Science and Technology and SPIE.
Predicting image quality using a modular image difference model Orfanidou, M., Triantaphillidou, S. and Allen, E. 2008. Predicting image quality using a modular image difference model. in: Farnand, S.P. and Gaykema, F. (ed.) Image quality and system performance V : 28-30 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA IS&T - The Society for Imaging and Science and Technology and SPIE.
Effective pictorial information capacity as an image quality metric Jenkin, R.B., Triantaphillidou, S. and Richardson, M.A. 2007. Effective pictorial information capacity as an image quality metric. in: Cui, L.C. and Miyake, Y. (ed.) Image Quality and System Performance IV: Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6494 SPIE.
Metric approaches to image quality Jacobson, R.E. and Triantaphillidou, S. 2002. Metric approaches to image quality. in: MacDonald, L.W. and Luo, M.R. (ed.) Colour image science: exploiting digital media Chichester, UK Wiley. pp. 371-392
A simple approach to digitizing a photographic collection Triantaphillidou, S. and Jacobson, R.E. 2001. A simple approach to digitizing a photographic collection. in: PICS 2001: Image Processing, Image Quality, Image Capture Systems Conference Society for Imaging Science and Technology. pp. 160-165
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