Prof Marco Roscini

Prof Marco Roscini


Il diritto internazionale umanitario si preoccupa di prevenire o ridurre la povertà?
Roscini, M. 2025. Il diritto internazionale umanitario si preoccupa di prevenire o ridurre la povertà? in: La povertà nel diritto internazionale e dell'Unione Europea


Demilitarised Zones
Longobardo, M. and Roscini, M. 2022. Demilitarised Zones. in: Myjer, Eric and Marauhn, Thilo (ed.) Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law Edward Elgar. pp. 467-480


Demilitarised zones
Roscini, M. and Longobardo, M. 2022. Demilitarised zones. in: Myjer, E. and Marauhn, T. (ed.) Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law Edward Elgar. pp. 467-480


Proportionality in Cyber Targeting
Roscini, M. 2019. Proportionality in Cyber Targeting. in: Gow, James, Dijxhoorn, Ernst, Kerr, Rachel and Verdirame, Guglielmo (ed.) Routledge Handbook of War, Law and Technology Routledge. pp. 88-100


Cyber sicurezza nello spazio: aspetti giuridici
Roscini, M. 2019. Cyber sicurezza nello spazio: aspetti giuridici. in: Marchisio, Sergio and Montuoro, Umberto (ed.) Lo spazio «cyber» e cosmico. Risorse «dual use» per il sistema Italia in Europa Turin Giappichelli. pp. 247-256


To what degree do the difficulties in tracing the author of the attack and assessing the extent of the effects remain a challenge for addressing the legal issues raised by “cyber weapons”?
Roscini, M. 2017. To what degree do the difficulties in tracing the author of the attack and assessing the extent of the effects remain a challenge for addressing the legal issues raised by “cyber weapons”? in: de Vidts, B. and Beruto, G.L. (ed.) Weapons and the International Rule of Law Milan, Italy Angeli Franco Editore. pp. 229-234


Military objectives in cyber warfare
Roscini, M. 2017. Military objectives in cyber warfare. in: Taddeo, M. and Glorioso, L. (ed.) Ethics and Policies for Cyber Operations Springer. pp. 99-113


On Certain Legal Issues Arising from Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Roscini, M. 2015. On Certain Legal Issues Arising from Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. in: Caracciolo, I., Pedrazzi, M. and Vassalli di Dachenhausen, T. (ed.) Nuclear Weapons: Strengthening International Legal Regime The Hague, The Netherlands Eleven International Publishing. pp. 15-22


Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations
Roscini, M. 2015. Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations. in: Finkelstein, C., Ohlin, J.D. and Govern, K. (ed.) Cyber war - Law and ethics for virtual conflicts Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 215-248


Cyber operations as a use of force
Roscini, M. 2015. Cyber operations as a use of force. in: Tsagourias, N. and Buchan, R. (ed.) Research handbook on international law and cyberspace Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 233-254


International law, nuclear weapon-free zones and the proposed zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East
Roscini, M. 2014. International law, nuclear weapon-free zones and the proposed zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. in: Nystuen, G., Casey-Maslen, S. and Golden Bersagel, A. (ed.) Nuclear weapons under international law Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 321-346


Cyber-opérations et principe de proportionnalité en droit international humanitaire
Roscini, M. 2014. Cyber-opérations et principe de proportionnalité en droit international humanitaire. in: Société française pour le droit international, Colloque de Rouen: Internet et le droit international (Colloque de Rouen) Paris Pedone. pp. 261-271


Withdrawal from and termination of non-proliferation treaties
Roscini, M. and Joyner, D.H. 2012. Withdrawal from and termination of non-proliferation treaties. in: Joyner, D.H. and Roscini, M. (ed.) Non-proliferation law as a special regime Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 151-171


Roscini, M. and Joyner, D.H. 2012. Introduction. in: Joyner, D.H. and Roscini, M. (ed.) Non-proliferation law as a special regime Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-14


Roscini, M. and Joyner, D.H. 2012. Conclusions. in: Joyner, D.H. and Roscini, M. (ed.) Non-proliferation law as a special regime Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 270-277


Negative security assurances in the protocols additional to the treaties establishing nuclear weapon-free zones
Roscini, M. 2011. Negative security assurances in the protocols additional to the treaties establishing nuclear weapon-free zones. in: Gartner, H. (ed.) Obama and the Bomb - The Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang. pp. 129-147


World wide warfare: Jus ad bellum and the use of cyber force
Roscini, M. 2010. World wide warfare: Jus ad bellum and the use of cyber force. in: von Bogdandy, A., Wolfrum, R. and Philipp, C.E. (ed.) Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Leiden Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 85-130


Protection of natural environment in time of armed conflict
Roscini, M. 2008. Protection of natural environment in time of armed conflict. in: Bhuiyan, J.H., Doswald-Beck, L. and Chowdhury, A.R. (ed.) International humanitarian law: an anthology Nagpur LexisNexis Butterworths. pp. 155-179


La giurisdizione della Corte penale internazionale tra risoluzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza e accordi bilaterali di esenzione (The international criminal court’s jurisdiction between security council resolutions and bilateral exemption agreements)
Roscini, M. 2007. La giurisdizione della Corte penale internazionale tra risoluzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza e accordi bilaterali di esenzione (The international criminal court’s jurisdiction between security council resolutions and bilateral exemption agreements). in: Comunicazioni e Studi Giuffrè. pp. 311-346


La giurisdizione della Corte penale internazionale tra risoluzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza e accordi bilaterali di esenzione
Roscini, M. 2007. La giurisdizione della Corte penale internazionale tra risoluzioni del Consiglio di sicurezza e accordi bilaterali di esenzione. in: Lanciotti, A. and Tanzi, A. (ed.) Le immunità nel diritto internazionale : temi scelti : atti del Convegno di Perugia, 23-25 maggo 2006 Turin Giappichelli. pp. 83-115


I compiti delle Forze di pace dell'Unione Europea' (The tasks of the EU peace-keeping forces)
Roscini, M. 2005. I compiti delle Forze di pace dell'Unione Europea' (The tasks of the EU peace-keeping forces). in: Ronzitti, N. (ed.) Le forze di pace dell'Unione Europea (The peace-keeping forces of the European Union) Catanzaro, Italy Rubbettino. pp. 49-79


International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention - History, Theory, and Interactions with Other Principles
Roscini, M. 2024. International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention - History, Theory, and Interactions with Other Principles. Oxford Oxford University Press.


Roscini, M. 2024. 网络行动与国际法中的使用武力. Beijing Law Press China.


Cyber operations and the use of force in international law
Roscini, M. 2014. Cyber operations and the use of force in international law. Oxford Oxford University Press.


Non-Proliferation law as a special regime
Joyner, D.H. and Roscini, M. (ed.) 2012. Non-Proliferation law as a special regime. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.


Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear weapon-free zones)
Roscini, M. 2003. Le zone denuclearizzate (Nuclear weapon-free zones). Turin, Italy G. Giappichelli.


The Intersections Between the Arms Trade Treaty and the International Law of Foreign Intervention in Situations of Internal Unrest
Roscini, M. and Labianco, R. 2022. The Intersections Between the Arms Trade Treaty and the International Law of Foreign Intervention in Situations of Internal Unrest. Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. 52, pp. 365-393.


Intervention in XIXth century international law and the distinction between rebellions, insurrections and civil wars
Roscini, M. 2020. Intervention in XIXth century international law and the distinction between rebellions, insurrections and civil wars. Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. 50, pp. 269-303.


Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court and Conduct that Constitutes, Instigates or Facilitates International Crimes
Roscini, M. 2019. Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court and Conduct that Constitutes, Instigates or Facilitates International Crimes. Criminal Law Forum. 30 (3), p. 247–272.


Animals and the law of armed conflict
Roscini, M. 2017. Animals and the law of armed conflict. Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. 47, pp. 35-67.


Digital evidence as a means of proof before the International Court of Justice
Roscini, M. 2016. Digital evidence as a means of proof before the International Court of Justice. Journal of Conflict and Security Law. 21 (3), pp. 541-554.


On the 'inherent' character of the right of states to self-defence
Roscini, M. 2016. On the 'inherent' character of the right of states to self-defence. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law. 4 (3), pp. 634-660.


Is there any room for the doctrine of fundamental rights of states in today's international law?
Joyner Daniel, H. and Roscini, M. 2015. Is there any room for the doctrine of fundamental rights of states in today's international law? Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law. 4 (3), pp. 467-481.


Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations
Roscini, M. 2015. Evidentiary issues in international disputes related to state responsibility for cyber operations. Texas International Law Journal. 50 (2), pp. 233-273.


The Cases Against the Nuclear Weapons States
Roscini, M. 2015. The Cases Against the Nuclear Weapons States. ASIL Insights. 19 (10).


Cyber operations as nuclear counterproliferation measures
Roscini, M. 2014. Cyber operations as nuclear counterproliferation measures. Journal of Conflict and Security Law. 19 (1), pp. 133-157.


Establishing state responsibility for historical injustices: the Armenian case
Roscini, M. 2014. Establishing state responsibility for historical injustices: the Armenian case. International Criminal Law Review. 14 (2), pp. 291-316.


The United Nations Security Council and the enforcement of international humanitarian law
Roscini, M. 2010. The United Nations Security Council and the enforcement of international humanitarian law. Israel Law Review. 43 (2), pp. 330-359.


Neighbourhood watch? The African Great Lakes Pact and ius ad bellum
Roscini, M. 2009. Neighbourhood watch? The African Great Lakes Pact and ius ad bellum. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht. 69 (4), pp. 931-959.


Something old, something new: the 2006 Semipalatinsk Treaty on a nuclear weapon-free zone in Central Asia
Roscini, M. 2008. Something old, something new: the 2006 Semipalatinsk Treaty on a nuclear weapon-free zone in Central Asia. Chinese Journal of International Law. 7 (3), pp. 593-624.


Threats of armed force and contemporary international law
Roscini, M. 2007. Threats of armed force and contemporary international law. Netherlands International Law Review. 54 (2), pp. 229-277.


Great expectations: the implementation of the Rome Statute in Italy
Roscini, M. 2007. Great expectations: the implementation of the Rome Statute in Italy. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 5 (2), pp. 493-512.


The efforts to limit the International Criminal Court's jurisdiction over nationals of non-party states: a comparative study
Roscini, M. 2006. The efforts to limit the International Criminal Court's jurisdiction over nationals of non-party states: a comparative study. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 5 (3), pp. 495-527.


Targeting and contemporary aerial bombardment
Roscini, M. 2005. Targeting and contemporary aerial bombardment. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 54 (2), pp. 411-444.


The navigational rights of nuclear ships
Roscini, M. 2002. The navigational rights of nuclear ships. Leiden Journal of International Law. 15 (1), pp. 251-265.


La zone denuclearisee du sud-est asiatique: prpblemes de droit de la mer
Roscini, M. 2001. La zone denuclearisee du sud-est asiatique: prpblemes de droit de la mer. Revue Generale de Droit. 105, pp. 617-645.


La sesta Conferenza di riesame del Trattato sulla non proliferazione delle armi nucleari
Roscini, M. 2000. La sesta Conferenza di riesame del Trattato sulla non proliferazione delle armi nucleari. La Communita internazionale. 55, pp. 661-685.


La libertà di esprimere dichiarazioni razziste e blasfeme nella giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo
Roscini, M. 1998. La libertà di esprimere dichiarazioni razziste e blasfeme nella giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo. Rivista internazionale dei diritti dell’uomo. 11, pp. 95-118.


Marco Longobardo and Marco Roscini, Review of Giulio Bartolini (ed.), A History of International Law in Italy
Longobardo, M. and Roscini, M. 2021. Marco Longobardo and Marco Roscini, Review of Giulio Bartolini (ed.), A History of International Law in Italy. European Journal of International Law. 32 (2), pp. 715-719.


Book review: Daniel H. Joyner, International law and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)
Roscini, M. 2010. Book review: Daniel H. Joyner, International law and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 59 (3), pp. 883-884.


Book review: Diritto internazionale-Problemi fondamentali by Tullio Treves [Giuffrè, Milano, 2005, 782 pp, ISBN 8814112967, €55 (p/bk)]
Roscini, M. 2008. Book review: Diritto internazionale-Problemi fondamentali by Tullio Treves [Giuffrè, Milano, 2005, 782 pp, ISBN 8814112967, €55 (p/bk)]. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 57 (2), pp. 487-489.


Book review: Comunità internazionale e obblighi «erga omnes» by Paolo Picone [Jovene, Napoli, 2006, 684 pp, ISBN 8824316018, €35 (p/bk)]
Roscini, M. 2008. Book review: Comunità internazionale e obblighi «erga omnes» by Paolo Picone [Jovene, Napoli, 2006, 684 pp, ISBN 8824316018, €35 (p/bk)]. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 57 (2), pp. 489-451.


Roscini, M. 2008. Editorial. International Community Law Review. 10 (2), pp. 107-108.


Italy: Law reform needed to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Roscini, M. 2005. Italy: Law reform needed to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Amnesty International.


Democratic Republic of the Congo. Comments and recommendations of the July 2003 draft law implementing the Rome statute of the international criminal court
Roscini, M. 2004. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Comments and recommendations of the July 2003 draft law implementing the Rome statute of the international criminal court. London Amnesty International.

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