Reflections on compassionate coaching with a UK social enterprise Waddington, K. and Donaldson, K. 2024. Reflections on compassionate coaching with a UK social enterprise. European Work and Organizational Psychology in Practice. 18 (2), pp. 163-185.
Voices from the Field Waddington, K. 2024. Voices from the Field. International Journal for Students as Partners. 8 (2), pp. 241-259.
Compassion in higher education: Fashion or future for relational pedagogies? Waddington, K. and Bonaparte, B. 2024. Compassion in higher education: Fashion or future for relational pedagogies? Higher Education Research and Development. Advanced online publication.
Gossip as a Way of Knowing: Reply to Review by Adkins Waddington, K. and Topping, A.E. 2024. Gossip as a Way of Knowing: Reply to Review by Adkins . Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective. 13 (8), pp. 38-50.
Seeing Compassion Through Students' Eyes Waddington, K. and Bonaparte, B. 2024. Seeing Compassion Through Students' Eyes. in: Waddington, K. and Bonaparte, B. (ed.) Developing Pedagogies of Compassion in Higher Education: A Practice First Approach Switzerland Springer Nature. pp. 21-35
Concluding Reflections: Key Questions and Challenges for the Future Waddington, K. and Bonaparte, B. 2024. Concluding Reflections: Key Questions and Challenges for the Future. in: Waddington, K. and Bonaparte, B. (ed.) Developing Pedagogies of Compassion in Higher Education: A Practice First Approach Switzerland Springer Nature. pp. 263-282
Theorising Organisational Compassion – Could Gossip Help? Waddington, K. 2024. Theorising Organisational Compassion – Could Gossip Help? in: Waddington, K. and Bonaparte, B. (ed.) Developing Pedagogies of Compassion in Higher Education: A Practice First Approach Switzerland Springer Nature. pp. 135-154
Befriending Ourselves: Self Compassion Nowlan, J. 2021. Befriending Ourselves: Self Compassion. in: Waddington, K. (ed.) Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact Abington, New York Routledge. pp. 87-101
Compassion and tolerance: their relationship in a spirit for turbulent times Kaplan, Y. 2021. Compassion and tolerance: their relationship in a spirit for turbulent times. in: Waddington, K. (ed.) Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 149-166
Concluding Remarks Waddington, K. 2021. Concluding Remarks. in: Waddington, K. (ed.) Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 213-222
Why compassion, why now? Waddington, K. 2021. Why compassion, why now? in: Waddington, K. (ed.) Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact Abingdon and New York Routledge. pp. 5-22
Understanding and Creating Compassionate Institutional Cultures and Practices Waddington, K. 2019. Understanding and Creating Compassionate Institutional Cultures and Practices. in: Gibbs, P., Jameson, J. and Elwick, A. (ed.) Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty Cham, Switzerland Springer. pp. 241-260
Creating conditions for compassion Waddington, K. 2017. Creating conditions for compassion. in: Gibbs, P. (ed.) The Pedagogy of Compassion at the Heart of Higher Education Cham Springer. pp. 49-70
Comrades in diversity: Weathering the storm of NHS reform through action learning Waddington, K. 2014. Comrades in diversity: Weathering the storm of NHS reform through action learning. in: Hardy, S. (ed.) Towards Creative Action: Transformations and Collaborations in Practice Manchester Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Manchester Metropolitan University. pp. 23-30
Using qualitative diary research to understand emotion at work Waddington, K. 2013. Using qualitative diary research to understand emotion at work. in: Bakker, A.B. and Daniels, K. (ed.) A Day in the Life of a Happy Worker Hove Psychology Press. pp. 132-149
Influencing others Waddington, K. 2012. Influencing others. in: Cox, C., Hill, M. and Lack, V. (ed.) Advanced Practice in Healthcare Chichester Wiley. pp. 209-225
Breaking the Silence: The role of gossip in organizational culture Waddington, K., van Iterson, A. and Michelson, G. 2011. Breaking the Silence: The role of gossip in organizational culture. in: Ashkanasy, N., Peterson, M. and Wilderom, C. (ed.) The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate. 2nd Edition Thousand Oaks, CA Sage. pp. 375-392
HRM strategies and academic engagement Lister, J. and Waddington, K. 2010. HRM strategies and academic engagement. London Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
Rethinking gossip and scandal in healthcare organizations Waddington, K. 2016. Rethinking gossip and scandal in healthcare organizations. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 30 (6), pp. 810-817.
The compassion gap in UK universities Waddington, K. 2016. The compassion gap in UK universities. International Practice Development Journal. 6 (1), p. Article 10 10.
Gossip in organisations: Contexts, consequences and controversies Michelson, G., van Iverson, A. and Waddington, K. 2010. Gossip in organisations: Contexts, consequences and controversies. Group & Organization Management. 35 (4), pp. 371-390.
Gossip and emotion in nursing and healthcare organizations Waddington, K. and Fletcher, C. 2005. Gossip and emotion in nursing and healthcare organizations. Journal of Health, Organisation and Management. 19 (4/5), pp. 378-394.
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