Dr Petros Karatsareas

Tracing trajectories of vulnerability in the biographical narratives of Albanian onward migrants from Greece in the UK2024
Where two worlds meet: language policing in mainstream and complementary schools in England2022
Language attrition and lived experiences of attrition among Greek speakers in London2021
Linguistic (il)legitimacy in Migration Encounters2020
Exploring linguistic hybridity and lexical creativity in the UK’s Greek Cypriot diaspora: the Grenglish project2020
Differential Object Marking and Language Contact: An Introduction to this Special Issue2020
Why and how to integrate non-standard linguistic varieties into education: Cypriot Greek in Cyprus and the UK2020
From village talk to slang: the re-enregisterment of a non-standardised variety in an urban diaspora2020
The Development, Preservation and Loss of Differential Case Marking in Inner Asia Minor Greek2018
Attitudes towards Cypriot Greek and Standard Modern Greek in London’s Greek Cypriot community2016
Marking definiteness multiply: evidence from two varieties of Greek2016
The Asia Minor Greek adpositional cycle: a tale of multiple causation2014
On the diachrony of gender in Asia Minor Greek: The development of semantic agreement in Pontic2024
Reports from British Association for Applied Linguistics with Cambridge University Press Seminar 2024: Language and onward migration: Bridging applied linguistics with migration studies2021
The UK’s shifting diasporic landscape: negotiating ethnolinguistic heterogeneity in Greek complementary schools post-20102018
The fragile future of the Cypriot Greek language in the UK2016
From syntagmatic to paradigmatic spatial zeroes: the loss of the preposition se in inner Asia Minor Greek2016
Convergence in word structure: Revisiting agglutinative noun inflection in Cappadocian Greek2013
Understanding diachronic change in Cappadocian Greek2011
Neuter heteroclisis in Asia Minor Greek: origin and development2009
The loss of grammatical gender in Cappadocian Greek2015
Syntactic Structures of the World’s Languages – Greek (Cappadocian)2011
A study of Cappadocian Greek nominal morphology from a diachronic and dialectological perspective2025
Migrant Englishes Worldwide2025
Beyond participants–researchers–research outsiders: food talk and the (co)construction of knowledge in multi-sited participatory ethnography2025
Making and selling Greek food in London: migrant hospitality professionals talk about food authenticity over dinner2025
περίττου σαν τους Έλληνες ‘more like the Greeks’: linguistic cleavages and authenticity in London’s Greek Cypriot diaspora2024
Researching identities, authenticities, and institutions in minoritized settings: insights from diverse Greek-speaking communities2024
European immigrant languages2024
Adpositional phrase2024
Determiner spreading2024
Sociolinguistics for language education2023
Community language education in Greece and Cyprus: an afterword2022
Semi-Structured Interviews2020
Uncovering variation within urban multilingualism2019
Cypriot Greek as a heritage and community language in London: (Socio)Linguistic aspects of a non-standardised variety in a diasporic context2019
The morphology of Silliot Greek: paradigmatic defectiveness, paradigmatic levelling, and affix pleonasm2017
A diachronic take on the Source–Goal asymmetryMigration and diaspora
Karatsareas, P. Forthcoming. Migration and diaspora. in: Chapelle, C. A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics Wiley.
Greek in Minoritized Contexts: Identities, Authenticities, and Institutions2020
Non-Standard and Minority Varieties as Community Languages in the UK: Towards a New Strategy for Language Maintenance