Ways to Innovate the System to Deliver Innovative Outcomes of Science and Technology to Society

Science and Technology Policy Institute and Cha, J. 2022. Ways to Innovate the System to Deliver Innovative Outcomes of Science and Technology to Society. Science and Technology Policy Institute.

TitleWays to Innovate the System to Deliver Innovative Outcomes of Science and Technology to Society
AuthorsScience and Technology Policy Institute and Cha, J.

1. Background and Purpose
The achievements made in the process of technology innovation have various purposes but their ultimate goal is the same. They aim to be applied somewhere across the society where we live. Of course, the process of technology innovation encompasses various elements and steps and all of them are not intended for practical use or commercialization. However, the ultimate goal is the application to society.
On the premise of this ultimate goal, one question is raised: “Why aren’t all technology innovations applied to society?” That is not all outcomes of technology innovation are applied to society. The question was the starting point of this study and other relevant questions are raised so this study was conducted to find the answer to questions.
The ultimate purpose of this study is to consider ways to promote benefits of users who enjoy the benefits of technology innovation by making sure that
outcomes of technology innovation are delivered to society effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to set the research direction to examine whether the existing
method of supporting commercialization of technology innovation made as part of national R&D projects has been appropriate and explore the limitations of
existing method of supporting technology commercialization and the reasons for the limitations.
Therefore, the purposes of this study are to examine the process of technology commercialization that has focused on improving the outcome of R&D activities and explore policy direction required to translate the technology outcomes into social innovation.

2. Scope and Method
The scope of this study was set based on a number of principles and details are described below. In the process of conducting theoretical considerations
related to ‘the process of delivering technology innovation outcomes to society’, which is the subject of this study, some of the theory of technology innovation and dissemination in technology policy studies, delivery system in public administration studies and organizational behavior in business administration are referenced to develop the framework of case analysis. After that, a model was designed for the purpose of using it as a checklist to explore applicable cases related to the process of delivering technology innovation outcome to society without bias and some factors of the cases were checked to identify their implications. Finally, the scope of study was set focusing on matters that are worth exploring from policy perspective as basic research and conclusion of the study is presented at the level of presenting policy direction.

PublisherScience and Technology Policy Institute

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