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Fuchs, Christian 2014. Critique of the political economy of informational capitalism and social media. in: Fuchs, Christian and Sandoval, M. (ed.) Critique, social media and the information society New York Routledge. pp. 51-65
Chatterjee, R. 2014. Film history through fragments: the Aurora Archive and the transnational travels of early Indian cinema. Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies. 5 (1), pp. 29-47.
Banet-Weiser, S., Baym, N.K., Coppa, F., Gauntlett, D., Gray, J., Jenkins, H. and Shaw, A. 2014. Participations: Dialogues on the participatory promise of contemporary culture and politics — part 1: Creativity. International Journal of Communication. 8, pp. 1069-1088.
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Trottier, D. 2013. The business of conversations: market social media surveillance and visibility. First Monday. 18 (2).
Awan, F. and Gauntlett, D. 2013. Remote living: exploring online (and offline) experiences of young people living in rural areas. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 16 (1), pp. 3-23.
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Wrigley, A. 2013. Practising classical reception studies “in the round”: mass media engagements with antiquity and the “democratic turn” towards the audience. in: Hardwick, L. and Harrison, S.J. (ed.) Classics in the modern world: a democratic turn? Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 351-364
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