School | Architecture and Cities |
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Bohne, S. and Ruesch, M. 2014. Best practice factory for freight transport in Europe: demonstrating how ‘good’ urban freight cases are improving business profit and public sectors benefits. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 125, p. 84–98.
Leonardi, J., Browne, M., Allen, J., Zunder, T. and Aditjandra, P. 2014. Increase urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan. Research in Transportation Business & Management. 12, pp. 73-79.
Allen, J., Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Leonardi, J. 2014. A review of urban consolidation centres in the supply chain based on a case study approach. Supply Chain Forum. 15 (4), pp. 100-112.
Leonardi, J., Browne, M. and Allen, J. 2012. Before-after assessment of a logistics trial with clean urban freight vehicles: a case study in London. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences - Seventh International Conference on City Logistics which was held on June 7- 9,2011, Mallorca, Spain. 39, pp. 146-157.
Allen, J., Browne, M., Woodburn, A.G. and Leonardi, J. 2012. The role of urban consolidation centres in sustainable freight transport. Transport Reviews. 32 (4), pp. 473-490.
Rizet, C., Browne, M., Cornelis, E. and Leonardi, J. 2012. Assessing carbon footprint and energy efficiency in competing supply chains: Review – Case studies and benchmarking. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 17 (4), pp. 293-300.
Pagliara, F. and Papa, E. 2011. Urban rail systems investments: an analysis of the impacts on property values and residents’ location. Journal of Transport Geography. 19 (2), pp. 200-211.
Browne, M., Allen, J. and Leonardi, J. 2011. Evaluating the use of an urban consolidation centre and electric vehicles in central London. IATSS Research. 35 (1), pp. 1-6.
Rizet, C., Cornelis, E., Browne, M. and Leonardi, J. 2010. GHG emissions of supply chains from different retail systems in Europe. The Sixth International Conference on City Logistics 2009, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Procedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2 (3), pp. 6154-6164.
Rizet, C., Cornelis, E., Browne, M. and Leonardi, J. 2010. Emissions de gaz à effet de serre des chaînes logistiques. Logistique & Management. 18 (2), pp. 73-83.
Madre, J.L., Rizet, C., Ottmann, P., Zumkeller, D. and Leonardi, J. 2010. Importance of the loading factor in transport CO2 emissions. WCTRS (ed.) 12th World Conference of Transport Research. Lisbon, Portugal 11 - 15 Jul 2010 World Conference of Transport Research Society.
Leonardi, J. and Browne, M. 2010. A method for assessing the carbon footprint of maritime freight transport: European case study and results. International Journal of Logistics: research and applications. 13 (5), pp. 349-358.
Zumkeller, D., Madre, J.L., Rizet, C., Cornelis, E., Browne, M., Patier-Marque, D., Routhier, J.L., Kveiborg, O., Leonardi, J., Berri, A., Chlond, B., Christensen, L., Dargay, J., Malasek, J., Ottmann, P., Vythoulkas, P., Armoogum, J. and Axhausen, K. 2008. Changing behaviour towards a more substainable transport system: COST Action 355 final report. Germany Inst. fuer Verkehrswesen, Universität Karlsruhe.
Baumgartner, M., Leonardi, J. and Krusch, O. 2008. Improving computerized routing and scheduling and vehicle telematics: a qualitative survey. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 13 (6), pp. 377-382.
Tuominen, A., Leonardi, J. and Rizet, C. 2008. Assessing the fitness-for-purpose of strategic transport research in support of European transport policy. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. 8 (3), pp. 183-200.
Leonardi, J. 2005. CO2-Minderung und -Effizienz im Straßengüterverkehr. Baseline, Massnahmen und Potenzial. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Umweltforschung. 15/16 (2), pp. 227-238.
Büttner, B., Seisenberger, S., McCormick, B., Silva, C., Papa, E., Cao, M. and Teixeira, J.F. 2004. Mapping of 15-minute City Practices Overview on strategies, policies and implementation in Europe and beyond. DUT Driving Urban Transition.
Martin G. Schultz, Johann Feichter and Jacques Leonardi 2004. Climatic impact of surface transport. in: Harrison, R.M. and Heston, R.E. (ed.) Transport and The Environment Royal Society of Chemistry. pp. 111-128
Leonardi, J., Baumgartner, M. and Krusch, O. 2004. CO2-Reduktion und Energieeffizienz im Straßengüterverkehr. Hamburg Max-Planck-Institut fur Meteorologie.
Baumgartner, M. and Leonardi, J. 2004. Optimierte Disposition und Telematik steigern Effizienz im deutschen Straßengüterverkehr. Internationales Verkehrswesen. 56 (5), pp. 197-201.
Leonardi, J. and Baumgartner, M. 2004. CO2 efficiency in road freight transportation: status quo, measures and potential. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 9 (6), pp. 451-464.